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Sarbarb College l.tbraTg
"Subscription of I9IG"'
'sX'jt. ) o '-\ :■ .' . f'- I (o
^ef 12 1916
N.B. — Members at a distance are reqaeeted to acknowledge their copies to
the Honorary Secretary, Mr. Paal Bridson, AthoU Street, Douglas, to whom
also their Subscriptions may be remitted.
Print fd by R. & R. ClJiRK, Edinburgh.
His Excellency the LiEUTENANT-CroVERMOR.
The Hon. and Right Rev. Horace, Lord bishop of Sodor and Man.
The Honourable Charles Hope.
James Oell^ H.M/s Attorney-General of the Isle of Man.
RiDOWAT Harrison, Water-Bailiff and Seneschal.
The Venerable Jos. C. Moore, Archdeacon.
Richard Jbbb, Vicar-General.
J. S. GoLDiE Taurman, Speaker of the House of Keys.
Henry Cauman, Howstrake.
T. C. Callow, Douglas.
John F. Cxellin, H.K., Orrysdale.
O. W. Dumbell, H.K., Belmont.
Wm. Farrant, Douglas.
Ed. Curphey Farrant, Ballakillinghan.
P. L. Garrett, Douglas.
William Gell, Douglas.
Samuel Harris, High Bailiff of Douglas.
Wm. Harrison, Rock Mount
John M. Jeffcott, H.K, High Bailiff of CastletowiL
Rev. Joshua Jones, D.C.L., Principal of King William's College.
Rev. W. Kermode, Vicar of Maughold.
William Kneale, Douglas.
Robert J. Moore, H.E., High Bailiff of Peel.
Wm. Fine Moore, H.K., Cronkboume.
H. B. Noble, Villa Marina, Douglas.
Richard Sherwood, H.K., Douglas.
Rev. Theo»- Talbot, Ramsay.
T. IIeywood Thomson, M.D., Michael.
Paul Bridson, Douglas.
J^Olt ZtttttBXitS^
Paul Bridson, Douglas.
John Goldsmith, Douglas.
" Here's metal more attractive — And this our life,
Finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks,
Sermons in stones, and good in everything. "
'' Mekyll and littil olde and zynge,
Herkyns alle to my talkyne. "
Old MS.
Printed by R. & R. Clark, Edinburgh,
The Council of the Manx Society having expressed a
wish that the editor should make a further selection
from his store of the folk lore of the Island of Man, to
form a second series to that which appeared in the 1 6th
volume of their publications in 1869, he has been in-
duced to prepare the present volume, in the hope that
it may be received as favourably as its predecessor.
He was led to expect that he would have received some
aid from members of the Society who had documents
of a similar nature in their possession, but he has been
disappointed, with the single exception of one, to whom
he now wishes to express his warmest thanks for the
great interest he has taken in the present volume, and
the valuable assistance he has rendered in making it as
perfect in its details as possible, although not wishing
to be mentioned by name.
To the Rev. John Thomas Clarke, who was ever
ready to assist in procuring Manx songs which other-
wise would have been lost, 9S well as to Mr. John
Quirk, of Cairn ny Greie, for his willingness to give
them an English dress, the Editor also begs his acknow-
ledgments and thanks.
There are, doubtless, many Manx songs that might
still be rescued from oblivion that would throw light
upon many a long-forgotten fact, if some one could be
found capable and diligent enough to collect them.
It may be said that many of these are only of a very
homely nature and rude verse, yet what are the gene-
rality of ballads ? — written for the day, nevertheless
may contain truths that otherwise would have escaped
the notice of the historian of after years. As such,
those given in these volumes, it is hoped, will be found
useful, if not for their elegance of diction, yet for the
truths that may be found in them.
A specimen of a Manx carved is given in the pre-
sent collection, with an English version of the same,
on the " Bad women mentioned in Scripture," which
the Editor believes has not hitherto been translated.
It would have been easy to have given many of these
carvalSy which may be termed a literature entirely pecu-
liar to the Manx people, consisting chiefly of baUads
on sacred subjects which have been handed down in
writing to the present time, and are yet to be found in
many an out-of-the-way mountain farm-house, pre-
served in smoke-dried volumes redolent of peat. A
collection of these would some years hence form quite
a literary curiosity, many of them possessing consider-
able merit, but are yearly becoming more difficult to
procure, either from being altogether lost, or the un-
willingness of the peasantry to part with their trea-
sured manuscripts. Most of these carvals are from
50 to 150 years old, and amongst the favourites may
be mentioned "Joseph's History/^ ** Susannah's His-
tory," " The Nativity," " The Holy War," " David and
Goliah,'' '' Samson's History," " Birth of Christ," with
the specimens that have been given in the present col-
The editor has every reason to believe that the two
volumes of "Mona Miscellany" contain the largest
collection of the " Folk Lore " of the Isle of Man that
is to be met with, and which the author of the term
(Mr. Thoms, for many years the editor of Notes and
Queries) defines to include "Popular superstitions,
ballads, legends, and generally, as the name implies,
the lore of the people."
In the present volume the editor has the pleasure
of giving a copy of the scarce print of the shipwreck
of the herring fleet in Douglas Bay in 1787, mentioned
in the first series of Mona Miscellany, as also a plate
of the curious silver cross formerly in the possession
of Mylecharaine, which he hopes will be found an
acceptable addition.
Rock Mount, July 1873.
Miscellaneous Proverbs
Qold on Cushags ....
Meeyl-Chreen — Flesh-worm .
Imitation of the Somid of Kirk Arbory Bells .
BallaSalla .....
Herrings .....
Characteristics of the several Towns of the Isle of Man
Quaint Saying on a Member of the old House of Keys
A Saying on Colquitt . . . .
On Tricky Fellows . . . . .
Weather Sayings . . . . .
Manx Motto ....
Traditionary Ballad — " Mannanan Beg, Mac y Leirr." Manx
and English
Cutlar MacCuUoch
Thapsagyn Jiaigey, with the Manx air
Thapsagyn Jiargey, Translated
Dr. William Walker, LL.D. .
A Sorrowful Ditty on the Death of Dr. Wm. Walker and
Robert Tear. By Widow Tear of Ballaugh. Manx
Widow Tear's Ballad on her two sons, Dr. Walker and Robert
Tear. Translated by Mr. John Quirk
Aiiane yn Phynnoderee. Manx
The Phynnoderee Song. Translated
Captain Thurot. A Memoir
Thurot's Dream .....
Battle of Ramsey. Thnrot and Elliot
Thurot as Elliot, the Naval Battle of. Manx .
Thurot and Elliot. Translated by Mr. John Quirk
Epitaph on M. Thurot ....
The last Dying Speech and Confession of a Youth falsely done
to Death by his Mistress. Manx
The last Dying Speech and Confession. Translated by Mr
J. Ivon Mosley ....
Arrane er Inneenyn Irrinee. Manx .
A Song on Farmers' Daughters. Translated by Mr. John Quirk
Mylecharaine. Translated from the Manx, in Part First, Mona
Miscellany, by Mr. J. Beale
The Mylecliaraine Silver Cross. With a print
Colbagh Yreck er Sthrap. Manx
Arrane y Skeddan. Manx. By the Rev. John Cannell
The Herring Song. Translated by Mr. John Quirk .
Loss of the Manx Herring Fleet, 1787. With a Print
Marrinys yn Tiger — Liorish Yuan Yoore. Manx
The Voyage of the Tiger. Translated by Mr. John Quirk
Yn chenn Dolphin — Liorish Yuan Lewin. Manx
The Old Dolphin. Translated by Mr. John Quirk
The Rose on the Beam. By Captain Hook. With an account
of the Loss* of HM. Brig "Racehorse," 14th December
1822 .......
Mannin Veg Veen. Manx .....
Mannin Veg Veen. Translated by Mr. John Quirk
The " Manx Fairy " steamer. Manx and English
Dr. Watts' « Little Busy Bee." Translated into Manx by the
Rev. J. T. Clarke .....
Carval ny Drogh Vraane. By John Moore. Manx
Carol on Bad Women mentioned in Scripture. Translated by
Mr. John Quirk
A New Christmas Carol
Christmas Carol
The Morning and Evening Hymn. Manx
Thomas Corlett
Psalm CXXXIX. Manx. By the Rev. Thomas Corlett
A Lament for the Isle of Man. By Edward Forbes, F.R.S.
Die Vie. Arrane. Manx ....
Gk)od Night — Hymn. Translated by John Kelly, Baldwin
Ny Eirree fo-Niaghtey. Manx
By the Rev
Twelfth day
Periwinkle Fair
The Manx " Derby "
The Turf Harvest .
Marriages .
The Qob ny Scuit Boagane
Mooayer ny Booiagh. Begrudging a Willing Consent .
Fairies and Water Crochs ....
A Charm against the Fairies
Caillagh ny Gueshag. A Manx Prophet
Remarkable Days .....
Months of the Year .....
Days of the Week .....
Numeration and Mode of Reckoning .
Currency ......
Money Terms .....
. 208
Table of Manx and English Money
Weights and Measures ....
Divisions of the Isle of Man .
Quantities .....
The Miller and his Sons
Peculiar Customs with reference to Food, Drink, etc
The Ruined Chapel in St MichaeVs Isle
The Glashtyn ....
The Enchanted Island at Port Soderick
The Universal Prayer. By Alex. Pope
The Universal Prayer. Translated into Manx by Mr. Kewley
Festivities in Castle Rushen in 1643 and 1644
The SlieauwhaUin Boagane .
A Quiet Retreat for Debtors .
Mutiny of the " Bounty " .
Address to Douglas ....
A Poetical Address — ^** My Lord Bishop to My Lord Duke
Lines composed by Miss Marcia Clarke of Jurby, 1828
Lines on Peel. By Mrs. Griffith
Invitation to the Douglas Bazaar, 1843. By Paul Bridson
Lines under the Portrait of James, seventh Earl of Derby,
The Ishind Penitent A Legend of the Calf. By Miss £
Nelson .....
Farewell to Mona. By the Rev. J. L. Petit
The Mylecharaine Silver Cross
Loss of the Manx Herring Fleet, 1787
** FiU up another to the brim, and laugh."
Miscellaneous Proverbs.
These Miscellaneous Proverbs, which are here brought
before the Members of the Manx Society, are given more for
the purpose of showing the Manx mode of expressing the
sentiment than as belonging exclusively to the Isle of Man.
No doubt many of them will be found to be of a world-wide
/ use, for the thoughts and modes of expression of most people
will naturally partake of some similarity, varying only in the
peculiar idiom of that nation which makes use of them.
Some of these, however, may be more applicable to Manx-
men, and may probably be ascribed to their paternity. Their
language is so rich, full of meaning and expression, that it
frequently conveys much more than can be expressed in a
bald translation ; and if, as it has been lemarked, " that it is
a doomed language," it is well to embalm some of their say-
ings in their native tongue before it entirely passes into
**C%a jagh moylley ghooinney heme rieau foddey wish e
" Self-praise travels no distance, or is no recommendation."
" My ta keim sy laaiTy bee Jcdm sy Ihiy"
" An amble in the mare is also in the colt"
/ <.
"Kiangle myr naid,
As yiow myr earreyP
" As an enemy bind,
And a friend you'll find"
** Clui bogJU as lugh JcUlagh"
" As poor as a church mouse."
'' Tra tafer laccal hen, cha vel eh laccai agh hen,
Agh tra ia hen echey, tih Ictccal ymmodee glen"
" When a man wants a wife, he wants but a wife ;
But when he has got a wife, he wants a great deal"
" Cr^ doaie tdrt /"
" How fare you ?*•
" Woish y lave gys y veeal"
" From hand to mouth."
"Zhig y my hraa, or Lhiggey Shaghey"
" One who lets by ; one who puts ofiP."
Spoken contemptuously of an idle fellow.
** Tra hig yn hia, hig yn choyrle lesh."
" When the day comes, its counsel will come with it."
" Every day has its night, every weal its woe." — Banish
** Laik Ihiat ve m^rish y ehioltane ; agh tdn eamagh ayd
eamxigh ny goairr
"Thou wouldest fain be numbered with the flock; but
thy bleat is the bleat of the goat"
" Ooll sheese ny Ihargagh,'*
" Going down the declivity."
Spoken of one who is declining or failing in health.
** Shooyll ny ihieynP
'' Gtoing on the houses^ — ^tbat is, begging *
" T^ou cha daa/ney as dagh vaTie!*
*' Thou art as impndent as a white stone."
" T'ou cha daaney as assag"
*' Thon art as bold as a weaseL"
"Boayl nagh vd aggie cha vd grayse!*
"Where there is no fear there is no grace."
"Ushyn ruigh gow risk hriw erlee tSh deyrtfy eh hene."
" He who will acknowledge no judge condemns himself.''
" Tad heaghey hooaUley er kayt as hooailley er moddey!*
" They live like cat and dog."
'' Shegin goaiU ny eairkyn marish y cheh''
" We must take the horns with the hide."
"Kiane mooar er y veggan cJieilley, as kione beg gyn veg
edyr. Toiase eheilley risk"
" A great head with little wit, and a little head without
The Spaniards say, " Long hair and little braina"
" Bvx)aiU cTumd as ta*n yiam cheh**
" Strike while the iron is hot."
People must be plied when they are in a good humour or
" Ore yiowjeKn chayt agh y chrackanr
" What can you get of the cat but the skin."
* For a notice of the Manx mode of treatment of beggars, see Mfma
Miscellany, first series, p. 84 ; but as their hospitality has been so frequently
abused by strangers, it la now falling into disuse.
'* ^(^9y^ ^ ^y Iheiney agh ny sniessey ta my chrackan."
" Near is my shirt, but nearer is my skin."
The Spaniard says, " The shirt is nearer than the coat"
^'Myr miessey da'n chratie $*miljey yn eUL"
" The nearer the bone the sweeter the flesh/'
" Commee ohbyr commee beeJ*
" Sharing work, sharing meat."
" Coontey ny hein roish ta ny hoohyn guirt!*
* Counting the chickens in the eggs."
" Count not your chickens before they be hatched.*
" Cha dooar rieau drogh veaynee corran mie"
"A bad reaper never got a good sickle."
This is similar to the proverb, " A bad workman quarrels
with his tools,"
^'.Eshyn yiow skeilley, yiow eh craid"
" He who gets imposed upon is mocked."
" Ta cree doaie ny share na kUme crautagh"
** Better is a kind heart than a crafty head."
" Tu dooinney creeney mennick jannoo carreyjeh e noidr
" A wise man often conciliates his enemy."
" Jfyr smoo siyr svruH) cumrailJ*
"The more haste the more hinderance."
" Sig daill gys eeck,"
" Credit will come to payment."
" Boshee daill y dorrysr
" Credit shall reach the door."
" Cha dennee rieau yn soogh y shangV
« The full belly never feels for the hungered."
'' Cha stamp rieau yn dow doo er e chass."
" The black ox neYer stamps on his own foot."
" Motfll y droghad myr heu harrishy
" Praise the bridge as you find it."
Another mode of expression is, "Praise not the ford till
you are safe over."
" Uh earn gys lee, asjees gys Myr!*
" One call to meat, and two to work."
" Eddyr daa stoyl ta toyn er laare!*
" Between two stools is a falL"
The Scotch say, " Betwixt twa stools the doup fa's down."
Ta "bee eeit jarroodit"
" Eaten bread is forgotten."
It is also said, "A good turn is soon forgotten."
" Cha nee yn wooa smoo eieys smoo vlieaunys!'
" It is not the cow which shouts most milks the best."
" Dy chooUley ghooinriey er e hon hene, as Jee son ain ooilley"
" Every man for himself, and God for us alL"
The Spaniard says, " Every one in his own house, and God
in all of them."
"Zaa er-meshtey as laa er ushteyy
" A day tipsy, a day watery."
It is also said, '' A drunken night makes a cloudy morning."
" Cha vdfer erbee cha bouyr, as eshyn ruighjean da^htynj*
" None so deaf as he who will not hear."
"Siyn/olmey smoo sheean nee!*
"Empty vessels make the most noise"
Its opposite : " The deepest streams flow with the least noise.**
** TafooUlagh naareydagh ny smelley rui ee scammyltaghj
" Shameful leaving is worse than shameful eating."
Geeek cahbyl marrooy
Paying for a dead horsa"
"Eskyn nctgh bee mie risk e gharrar^ shegin da yn phollan
y ehur lesh er e vuin,"
" He who will not be kind to his pony must bring the
saddle on his own back."
" Cha daink lesh y gheay, nagh ragh leak yn ushtey!*
" What comes with the wind goes with the water."
" Tra ta'n gheay sy villey yvm shiu maugh yn Ohlass ghwUleyP
^ When the wind is in the tree you will find the Lockman."
**D€Ui Ghrogh eeck tayn geeck rolaue, as dyn geeck edyr."
" Two bad pays, pay beforehand, and no pay at aU."
" Oien nonney gcrteyy
" Feast or famine."
" Freayl y craue glassT
'* Keeping the bone green."
"Siirree eh ynJloiU, my yioto eh yn Olout*'
" He will suffer the scoff if hell get the prog."
" Oow cayrl Ueb eon keayrt/'
" Take the advice of a fool for once."
" Gowee bleb rish e voylley, as cha.
Gow dooinney ereeney rish e pMaiynt"
" A fool will receive praise, and a wise man will not re-
ceive rebuke."
" Yn ogha gyllagh toyn losht ddn aiee!*
"As the devil correcting sin."
** Chu VOW laue ny hcume veg!*
*' The idle hand gets nothing."
" Eahyn ghuirrys sheilley hayr y$ dceUley!*
" He who broods evil shall be overtaken by it"
Or, " He who opens a ditch for another shall fall into it
^Haghyr ek ny share na hiollee eh."
" It happened better than he deserved."
" Ooll thie yn ghoayr dy hirrey ollan."
** Gk)ing to the goafs house to seek for wooL"
" Lhig dy chooiUey ushag guirr e hoohyn hene"
"Let every bird hatch its own eggs."
"Lhig dy chooilley vuck reuyreyjee hene^
* Let every pig dig for herself."
There are numerous proverbs inculcating this sentiment,
that every man should be independent of his neighbour, as
the common saying, "Let every Uib stand on its own bottom."
The French say, " Chacun ira au movlin avec son propre sac"
*' Every one must go to the mill with his own sack ;" that is,
bear his own burden. Some say, " Let every man soap his
own beard." " Let every pedlar carry his own burden."
" Ta chengey ny host ny share na oik y ghra"
"The silent tongue is better than evil speaking."
"Zhig doHn innagh Ihie er y chione ijerree^
"Let the woof rest upon the last end."
^Esh/yn Ihieys marish moddee, irrys eh marish jarganynP
" He who wiU lie down with dogs will rise up with fleas."
'*Jean traa^h choud as ta'n gJiria/n soUskeanP
" Make hay while the sun shines."
" Ta rowyr chebhyn mie leodaghey mitchoor!^
" Too many good offers disgust the rogue."
" Cha daink rieau yn haase gyn lesJUal"
" Death never came without an excuse."
*' Ta hooa vie ny gha as drogh Iheiy tc?
" Many a good cow hath but a bad calt"
" Ta dty Ihiasagh dty ghoam.**
" Thy recompense is in thine own hand."
"Share goll dy Ihiefegooisk shibber na girree ayns IhicLstynys'*
" Better to go to bed supperless than to get up in debt."
" Lhiat myr hoilloo"
" Success as thou deserves."
^'Zitcheragh goll dy Ihie, LUcheragh dy irree,
As LUcheragh dy ghoU dys y cheeUl jedoonee."
" Lazy go to bed, lazy to rise ;
And lazy attending church on the Sabbath."
** Tn loam high yn loam chairs
" The clean law, clean injustice."
" Ta ny moddee er chur nyn gione sy phot"
" The dogs have put their head in the pot."
" Bouyr inoddee, as ieggan craueynV
" More dogs than bones."
" My yial dy mollP
•' How promise, how deceive."
The meaning is, that the man who is too ready to pro-
mise is often the first to forget his promise, or to deceiva"
^Mollee yn molteyr oo my oddys eh"
" The impostor will cheat you if he can."
" Yiow moym Ikieggey"
^ Pride will have a falL
'' Cha vd eh cheet jesh da moym, dy yarmoo red erbee ta
laccal lesfUcd"
^ It does not become pride to do what needs an apology.'^
" Cadley ny moddee tra ta my mraane creearey."
"Dogs sleep when the women are sifting"
"Mie Mannin, mie Nherinr
" Good in Mann, good in Ireland."
" Share yn oik shione dooin, na yn oik nagh nhions dooin!'
" Better the evil we know than the evil we do not know."
" Cha iee hreagery credit, ga dy ninsh eh y rCirriney!*
"A liar will not be believed tho' he speaks the trutL"
" Obhyr dyn shirrey oVbyr dyn hooise"
" A gift unasked is a thankless gift."
Also it is said, " Proflfer^d service stinks."
" Tra toujannoo yn trie Jean yn oarlagh"
" When giving the foot> give the inch.'*
*' Obbyr laa yn ghuHley buigh or ohbyr laue!^
"The day work of the yellow lad — ^hand work."
" Cha nee tra tcCn cheyrrey gee yn ouw te cheet r'eeT
" It is not when the sheep eats the marsh-penny-wort it
teUs a tale.'
It means slow poison is certain death.
** Ladl parlane, daa honn golVsy nane?
" St. Bfiotholomew — ^two masses in one.
•* Ta daa Pharick jannoo un ghimmagh,"
'' Two small lobsters make a big one."
" Boayl ta gioee ta keck, as hoayl ta mraane ta pleat."
" Where there are geese there's dirt, and where there are
women there's talking."
It is also said, '^ Where there are women and geese there
wants no noise."
" TasJU prughag as ee lughag*'
" Store miser, and eat mouse."
" Ta*n red ta gait dy mie,
Ny share noin red tajeant dy mie!*
** Whafs taken well is better than what's well done."
** Cha nee eshyn ta red beg echey ta hogJU^
Ayh eshyn ta geearree mooarane"
^ It is not the man who has little that's poor.
But he who has all, yet pines after more."
" Slaa saMl er toyn rrmck roawyrT
"Daub grease upon the rump of a fat pig."
The Scotch say, "Every man flams the fat sow's
" Q;vm erhee s^heayn cha beayn y chenndiaght!*
"Whoever is durable, the aged will not be durabla"
** 8'beayn dagh oik.*'
" Every evil is durable."
'* S^hanglaneagh ynphj/agh"
" How branchy is the person."
Branchy, fall of branches ; said of a person who professes
to know a great deal — a boaster ; one who assumes to have a
knowledge of all branches of science, etc. ''How branchy
the fellow is !"
"S'booiagh yn voght er yn veggan."
^ How willing is the beggar ot the least alms."
*' TafwSH ny fichu ra usikteyy
" Blood is thicker than water."
'^ Tawi cheyrey screbbagh mkUley yn dane shioUane"
^ One scabby sheep infects the flock."
" Tra scuirrys y kme dy choyrt scuirrys yn veeal dy voylley."
''When the hand ceases to give the tongae ceases to praise."
"Myr idoo ynfeeagh yiow eh sheshey.^^
^ Black as is the raven, he'U get a partner."
"S'giare yjough na yn sJeeecU"
"A short stoiy, but a long diink."
Is said when a person is desired to cease in his stoiy and
pass the bottle.
" Shaghyn dcu/h dk*'
"Avoid all eviL"
Sheayn dty hie as dty aaght ta'n fer-ghriaght ee dty ghorrys*'
" Peace on thy house and lodging, the officer of justice is
at thy door."
" Ta shehey ehammah as aym."
" A companion is as good as a share."
" Dy ve cuuhagh syn oie, monney shMer nagh ee;
Mr nonney n'oo plaiynt ec laccal dty layrUr
" To be eagy in bed, you must lightly be fed,
Or else you'll complain of your health being slain."
" Skibher eddrym Ihidbbee ghlen!*
" A light supper makes an easy bed."
"Myr sniessey da*n oie dhee mitchaar."
" The nearer the night, the more rogues."
" S*loam ta laare y valley mrgee."
" How empty the floor of the town market"
" Ta Jeeeayll ommidjya ny sloo ny fee ee dooinney creeney dy
" Wisdom is folly unless a wise man guides it"
Owilley smuggagh dooirmey glen,
Inneen sm/aggagh dvM dy ven,"
A snotty boy makes a clean man :
A snotty girl a slattern of a woman."
" S'mie ve daaney agh Mk ve to ghxmney'*
Tis good to be forward, but bad to be too impudent*
" Eshyn stooo huyrys, smoo vees echey,"
" The more a man catches the more he'll have."
" Cha smooinee rieau er yn oik ruight renJ*
"A man never thinks of the evil he did not do."
" My iold ayn smessey ass"
" If bad in, worse out.**
" Tan hreagerey moUey yn sonderey"
" The liar will cheat even the miser."
" Sooree ghiare, yn tooree sTutre."
" A short courtship L3 the best courtship."
" Ta'n chied sponnxxg lovrU*'
"The first error is overlooked."
" Tra sreaie yn cMoie, share faagaii jeh**
" When the play is the merriest it is time to break up."
Myn smoo yn cheshaght, sreaie yn chloie.**
The greater the company, the merrier the play."
"Stiark keayrt ta dooinney siyragh ass seaghyn!*
" The hasty man is seldom out of trouble."
" Stroshey yn theay na yn Chiamr
" The voice of the public is stronger than the Lord of the
'* Tra ta thie dty ndboo er aile gow cairaUjeJi dty hie hene!*
"When thy neighbour's house is on fire, mind thine own.*
Ta ushag ayTis laue chammah ayees sy fhammagr
" A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."
" Tou €T y vamey veayl,"
" Thou art upon the brink of a precipice."
" Zesh y vioys sTiegin jannoo,"
" Struggle unto death, or with life we must work."
" Ceau craue ayns heecU drogh voddey"
" Throw a bone into a bad dog's mouth."
" Saase y derrey voddey grayse y voddey elley."
" The death of one dog is the life of another."
" Cha dennee rieau yn voym feayragJU"
" The proud never felt cold — some say, felt pain."
" Ta fys ec dy chooUley ghmrmey cWa4id fan vraag
gortagh ehV
" Every man knows where the shoe hurts him."
" ToUn my ershyn y chwnuighty
" The malt is better than the wheat."
" Ta'n yeean myr e glume my vel dooie er e chione!*
" The chicken is like its kind before down is on its head."
That is, the chicken fathers itseK before it is folly fledged.
" The tree is known by its firuit*
Gold on Cushags.
" Ta airh er cushcLgyn ayns sken!"
''There is gold on Cushags there/'
Cushag is the Manx name of the rank weed Bagwoit,
which grows most luxuriantly in the Isle of Man. It is an
ironical expression, often used when people talk disparagingly
of the island and boastingly of other places, either where they
have been, or where they purpose going ta Men frequently
speak of other countries as the land of Goshen, where gold is
so plentiful that it can be gathered off the very weeds of the
** Meeyl'ch/reen!'
" A flesh-worm."
A worm that burrows under a person's skin, causing great
itch. It is said of it —
^ By ieagh eeer e holg myr teeer e dreeym,
Shimmey mac dooinney yinnagh ee Jiarrish y cheym."
" If it were on its belly as it is on its back,
Many sons of men would it put over the style."
It is a prevailing idea that the itch and other irritating
cutaneous diseases are caused by insects, or worms, imder the
skin. This insect is said to lie with its back towards the
flesh, and its feet, or feelers, towards the skin, under which
it creeps. It is supposed that if the position of the creature
would be reversed, so that the insect would have its feet^ or
feelers, towards the flesh, it might then burrow into the flesh,
and thereby cause the death of the person affected, whereby
" many sons of men " (many people) "would be put over the
jtyle " — ^tlmt is, would die, and would find their resting-place
in the churchyard — ^ over the style " of the churchyard.
proverbs akd sayings. 15
Imitation of the Sound of Kirk Arbory Bells.
^ Shewn phoU shenn ghryle,
Sherm chiooid dy choodaghey yn aiie**
'^ An old pot, an old griddle»
An old clout to coyer the fire.''
' Four li'Sy four A's, an S, and a B,
Spells a nice village, as you may see.**
The village of Balla-Salla is situated two miles north of
Castletown, and near it are the ruins of Bushen Abbey. It
was here, about the year 1781, that Abraham de la Fiyme
erected the first and only mill in the Isle of Man for spinning
and weaving cotton. It was given up in 1791.
" No herring, no wedding*
At first sight it would appear there could be no connection
between herrings and marriage, but when it is considered the
great number of young men yearly engaged in the herring
fishery in the Isle of Man, with whom a successful season is
of the utmost importance, not only to them but to the expec-
tant ones who are anxiously awaiting the result of the
season, for on its productiveness, or otherwise, depends
whether they are to be married or not — Whence the sayings
^No herring, no wedding.^ From an examination of the
church registers may be learnt whether the fishing was
productive or not by the number or paucity of entries of
marriages. This is not confined to the Isle of Man alone.
In the fishing districts of Scotland the same result takes
place, for in the returns for the third quarter of the year
1871, the Eegistrar of Fraserburgh states that the herring-
fishery was very successful^ and the marriages were 80 per
cent above the average. On the other hand, the Eegistrar
of Tarbert reported a steady falling off in the fishing of that
creek, and consequently the quarter passed without an entry
in the marriage raster. The Eegistrar of Lochgilphead also
returns that the herring-fishery has been a failure in the loch,
and states that this accounts for the blank in the marriage
* What we lose in dog-fish we shall have in herring."
'* As straight as the backbone of a herring."
This is alluded to in the oath taken by the Deemsters and
High Bailiffs of the Isle of Man, as mentioned in the first
series of Mona Miscellany, p. 20. According to the Eeport of
the Committee of Legislature, 22d February 1827, they state
that " herrings in summer are caught to the south of the net,
and in winter to the north of it."
In addition to what has been given in the first series of Mima
Miscellany on the proverb, " In neither barrel, better herring,"
the following illustration is to be met with in an old author,
John Heywood's Proverbs and Epigrams : —
"A foule olde riche widowe, whether wed would ye,
Or a yonge fayre mayde, being poore as ye be?
' In neither barreU better hearynge,' quoth hee."
And also in Stephen Gosson's Schoole of Ahise^ 1579 —
''Therefore of both barrelles, I judge cookes and painters
the better hearing."
Chasactebistics of the Several Towks of the
Isle of Man.
Br A Lady. — ^In the early part of the present centiuy.
Peel ... for Antiquity.
Castletown . . „ Dignity.
Bamset . „ Scenery.
Douglas . . ^ Malignity.
A Manx poet, writing about this time, remarks —
^ Douglas, the seat of scandal.
Sours her own cup, and blasts the joys of life.*
Whatever might have led to this characteristic of Douglas
at that day, it is pleasant to know that at present it is dis-
tinguished for its ''urbanity."
Quaint Saying on a Membeb of the Old House of Keys.
'* Bee 00 goll as dtyvussal bane ort as cha hee veg ayd dy
ghra agh," — " I am agreeable."
Which may be thus rendered : — " Thou will be going
with thy white handkerchief on thee, and thou will have
nothing to say but — * I am agreeahle' "
This was in allusion to the easy way some of the mem-
bers were led without expressing an opinion of their own.
The first reformed House is no improvement in this respect.
A Saying on Colquitt.
** She hoirey ny cruinney r/eh cJumd as 7/ eh bid.*'
^ He was the plague of the world as long as he was alive."
This is said of Colquitt, called * Keoi " (mad Colquitt),
one of the persons mentioned in the ballad of ''lUiam
18 hona miscellany.
Ok Tbicky Fellowb.
^Bfug eh diyndaa *8y charr''
'* He changed his note."
This is said of a man deserting his client after having
first warmly espoused his cause.
" Grin chluic ta *st/ Junnru"
" What a kick in his gallop ; a quirk or tricky fellow."
" T'eh ereoighey riioil
^ He grows hard against me.'
" Lhiam — Ihiaty
''With me — ^with thea" An inconstant person. It is
also said —
'' Chengey lhiam, chengey Ihiai.*'
" Tongue with me — tongue with thee."
Weather SAYiKca
** The Isle of Man seen fair and clear.
Is a sign of westerly breezes here.
This is a weather proverb at Maiyport, in Cumberland.
" A fox day." Deceitful weather, not to be depended on.
Is a common expression in the Island, by which is meant a
single fair day is sure to be closely pursued by a rainy one.
" Chajean vm, gholUwrgheayee sourey^
Ny wn cheUagh cheylley gefwreyV
" One swallow does not make a summer,
Nor one woodcock a winter."
" Sheeu kishan dy yoan mayrrd maaUl Ueeaney vanning
** A peck of March dust is worth a year's rent in the Isle
of man."
A common saying i% A peck of March dust is worth a
king's ransom.
** Hvree hegeeshyn dy chegeeahyn slane,
Ta voish laa!l (homys sy ncllick gys laa'l Breeshey bane,"
" Three fortnights, or forty-two days,
From St Thomas' to Candlemas."
" ZaoT moirrey ny giarUe^ liehfoddyr as liek aile"
" On Candlemas day you most have half your straw and
half your hay."
*' Laa'l Breeshey bane,
Dy ehooUey yeeig lane^
Dy ghoo ny dy vane!'
'' By Candlemas day.
Fill up every drain.
Both the black and the white."
** Choud ashigy scell-ghremney stiagh Loudl Breeshey, hig y
sniaghtey my fig laa loayldyn,"
^ As long as the sunbeam enters in on St Bridget's day,
the snow will come before May day."
It is also said —
^ If Candlemas day be fair and bright,
Winter will have another flight ;
If on Candlemas day it be shower and rain.
Winter is gone, and will not come again."
** Zaa'l PatU gharrinagh gheayee,
Ghenney er y theHdl as laase-mooar deih;
Laa'l Paul acdin as glen,
Palchey er y theiJUl dy arroo as meinnJ'
'* St Paul's being tempestuous and windy,
Brings famine and great mortality ;
But St Paul's being calm and clear,
Brings plenty of com and meaL"
^ Lacil Parick arree yn dow gys e staik as y daoinney gys e
'* On St Patrick's day^ the ox to his 8take» and the man
fix)m his bed."
** Giare aheear, liauyr shiar,**
" Short west, long east" Alluding to the wind.
** Oie mooie, as oie elley sthie,
Oik son cdbbU, agh son kirree mie,**
'* One night out and another night in
Is bad for horses, but good for sheep."
** OUick vog EhvUie vecu"
" A wet Christinas, a rich churchyard."
" Foddee fastyr grUmagh ve ec mogkrey bodjalagL**
" A sunny evening may follow a cloudy morning."
** Tn chiuney smoo erhee geay jiass sniessey fee"
" Next to the greatest calm is the south wind."
" Ny three geay-ghyn s^feayrey dennee, Fion iPCooily
Geay henneUf as geay huiU,
As geay fo ny skiaiiilir
" The three coldest winds that came to Fion M'Cooil,
Wind from a thaw, wind &om a hole,
And wind from imder the sails."
" Tan vaymt chwn/ney as yn nah vee fanney"
" March tightens, and April skins."
" Ta Eaystjesam sy vaymt dy liooar ayns shiagJU hleeaney"
'^ A Saturday's moon in March is enough in seven years."
There was an old superstition in the Island that a Satur-
day's new moon was unlucky, but one occurring in March
still more so. Once» then, in seven years would be often
enough for such an event
"My ta'n Ghrianjiarg tra girret teh,
Foddee skiujerlcal risk fliagkei/."
" If the 3im Ib red when be rises you may expect rain."
" Jjaiw eroU cabbyl dy uskiey laa'l Toan/em mayl Varmint'
" A horse-shoe full of water on St John's day is worth the
rent of the Isle of Man."
Aged Manx people, when they wish for particular weather
at the approach of the different seasons of the year, say —
" Arragh chaymig'h." — "A misty spring."
"Sawrey ouyragh." — " Gloomy summer."
" Fowyr ghnaTiagh'' — " Sunny autumn."
" As ffmrey rioceagh." — " A frosty winter."
Manx Motto.
Several remarks on the arms and motto of the Isle of
Man appeared in the first series of Mona Miscellany. The
following is the Manx of the motto : —
" Qucetmque jeeeris staJnf' —
" Hood erhee cheau oo eh nee eh shassoo."
" I love a ballad in print."
This is from a copy printed in Trem's History of the Isle of
Man (voL 1 pp. 60-55^ Douglas, 1845), with these remarks : —
''The following curious ballad, which is now for the first
time translated into English, was composed in the Manks
language. The date of printing has been obliterated from
the copy in my possession, which I believe to be extremely
scarce ; but the writer, as appears &om the last three verses,
lived during the time of Thomas, second Earl of Derby,
whose landing in the island in 1507 he describes. This Earl
succeeded his grandfather in AJ). 1504 ^^^ ^^d in 1521,
between which dates the ballad has evidently been written."
" The translation of the lines as they stand in the Manks
song is without any regard to the poetiy in English."
Soilshaghey cr^n mayll v^r ny Mannanee da MannanaTi ;
kys ren Noo Parick eshyn j imman ersooyl as e Heshaght ;
kys hug Parick ayn Creestiaght ; as coontey jeh ny chied
Aspickyn va'syn Elian.
Myrgeddin coontey jeh'n chied Bee va Mannin, as e
Lhuight ; coontey jey ny Chiamyn ; as kys kaink yn Elian
gys Clein Stanley.
Dt neaishtagh shin agh rish my skeayll.
As dy ying Ihieu ayns my chant ;
Myr share dy voddyms lesh my veeal,
Yinnin diu geiU din ellan sheeant
Quoi yn chied er ec row rieau ee»
Ny kys eisht myr haghyr da ;
Ny kys hug Parick ayn Creestiaght,
Ny kys myr haink ee gys Stanlaa.
Manannan beg va mac y Leirr,
Shen yn chied er ec row rieau ee ;
Agh myr share oddym's cur^my-ner,
Cea row eh hene agh an-chreestee.
Cha nee lesh e Chliwe ren eh ee reayU
Cha nee lesh e Hideyn, ny lesh e vhow ;
Agh tra aikagh eh Ihuingys troailt
Oallagh eh ee my geayrt lesh kay.
Showing what rent the Manx inhabitants paid to Man-
nanan ; and how St Patrick banished him and his company
away ; and how St. Patrick established Christianity first in
the island.
Also an accoimt of the first king that was in the island,
and his posterity, and how the island came to the Stanley
If you would listen to my story,
I will pronounce my chant
As best I can ; I will, with my mouth.
Give you notice of the enchanted island.
Who he was that had it firsts
And then what happened to him ;
And how St Patrick brought in Christianily,
And how it came to Stanley.
Little Mannanan was son of Leirr,
He was the first that ever had it ;
But as I can best conceive,
He himself was a heathen.
It was not with his sword he kept it,
Neither with arrows or bow ;
But when he would see ships sailing,
He would cover it round with a fog.
Yinnagh eh doinney ny hassoo er brooghe,
Er-lhieu shen bene dy beagh ayn keead ;
As sben myr dreill Mannanan keole^
Tn ellan shoh*n-ayn lesh cosney bwoid.
Yn mayll deeck dagb unnane ass e cheer,
Va bart dy leaogher ghlass dagb bleiu ;
As eisbt sben orroo d'eeck myr keesb,
Trooid magb ny cbeery dagb oie-lboine.
Paart ragb lesb y leoagber seose,
Oys yn slieau mooar ta heose Barrool ;
Paart elley aagagb yn leoagber wass,
Eg Mannanan erskyn EeamooL
Myr sben eisbt ren adsyn beagbey,
er-lhiam pene dy by-veg nyn (Jeesb ;
Gyn kiarail as gyn inmea,
Ny doggyr dy Ibiggey er nyn skeeys.
Eisbt baink ayn Parick nyn meayn.
She dooinney-noo v^b lane dy aitue,
Dinunan eb Mannanan er y tonn,
As e grogb vooinjer dy lieb-cbiart.
As jensyn ooiUey dy row oik,
Oroo cba ren eb veg y gbrayse ;
Dy row jeb sluigbt ny bucb-cbrout^
Nagb ren eb strooie as coyrt dy baase.
He would set a man, standing on a hill,
Appear as if he were a hundred ;
And thus did wild ManiiaTian protect
That island with all its booty.
The rent each landholder paid to him was
A bundle of coarse meadow grass yearly ;
And that, as their yearly tax.
They paid to him each midsummer eva
Some would carry the grass up
To the great mountain up at Barrool ;
Others would leave the grass below.
With Mannanan's self above KeamooL
Thus then did they live ;
0, 1 think their tribute very smaU»
Without care and without anxiety.
Or hard labour to cause weariness.
Then came Patrick into the midst of them ;
He was a saint, and full of virtue ;
He banished Mannanan on the wave.
And his evil servants all dispersed.
And of all those that were evil.
He showed no favour nor kindness,
That were of the seed of the conjurors.
But what he destroyed or put to death.
Yannee eh'n cheer veih kione dy kLone,
As rieau cha daag eh boght ayn-jee ;
Dy row jeh Ihiurid Ihannoo beg,
Dy dob rieau dy ve ny Creestee.
Shen myr haink y chied Chredjue Mannin,
Ec Parick noo er ny chur ayn ;
As Creest dy niartagh aynin eh,
As neesht myrgeddin ayns nyn gloan.
Eisht vannee Parick Karmane noo,
As deag eh eh ny aspick ayn ;
Dy niartagh yn credjue ny smoo as ny smoo.
As caballyn ren eh anrick ayn.
Ayns dagh treen bailey ren eh tiimane,
D'an sleih shen ayn dy heet dy ghuee ;
Myrgeddin ren eh KeeUl Charmane,
Ta ayns y pheeley foast ny sole.
My dug Earmane er e obbyr kione,
Hug Jee fys er as hooar eh baase ;
Myr shoyn diu hene yn chaghter chion
Cha vel fer ain hed jeh-lesh saase.
Hooar eshyn baase as t^h ny Ihie,
Baad by vooar y treih ve cha leah er n'in im shley
Crosh dy cUagh te'c e gha chass,
Ayns e Cheeill hene foast ayns y Pheeley.
He blessed the country from end to end,
And neyer left a beggar in it ;
And also cleared off all those
That refiised or denied to become Christians.
Thus it was that Christianity first came to Man,
By Saint Patrick planted in.
And to establish Christ in ns.
And also in our children.
He then blessed Saint German,
And left him a bishop in it^
To strengthen the faith more and more,
And faithfully built chapels in it
For each four quarterlands he made a chapel
For people of them to meet to prayer ;
He also built German church in Peel Castle,
Which remaineth there until this day.
Before German had finished his work
Gk>d sent for him, and he died ;
As ye yourselves know that this messenger
Cannot be put off by using means.
He died, and his corpse was laid
Where a great bank had been, but soon was
levelled ;
A cross of stone is set at his feet
In his own church in Peel Castle.
Eisht haink Maughold ayn myr beer.
As ghow eh Thalloo ec y Chione ;
As hrog eh keeill as rollick mygeart,
Yn ynnyd by-vian lesh beaghey ayn.
Ny caballyn doaidee Kannane noo,
D'an sleih shen-ayn dy heet dy ghuee ;
Hug Maughold shiartanse jeu ayns tumane.
As myr shen ren eh skeeraghyn cooie.
Hooar Maughold baase as t^ ny Ihie,
Ayns e cheeill bene neesht ec y Chione ;
As y nah aspick hank ny-yei,
Myr share shioune dooys she eh va Lonnan.
Connaghan yn nah er eisht haink ayn,
A haink Marooney reesht yn trass ;
Tad shen nyn droor ayns keill Marooney,
As ayns shen vees ad dy bra vaght
Nish Ihig mayd shaghey ny deinney-noo,
As chynmey mayd nyn Anmeeyn gys Mac Yee,
Cha nheeu fir agglish voylley ny smoo,
Derrey big ad fenish See dagh ree.
Myr shen eisht ren adsyn beaghey,
Gyn dooinney ayn yinnagh orxoo corree ;
Agh goll dy gheddyn pardoon veih'n Baue,
Er'-derry haink eh hue Bee Gorree.
Then came Maughold, we are told,
And came on shore at the Head,
And built a church and yard around.
At the place he thought to have his dwelling.
The chapels which Saint Grerman ordered
For the people to come to prayers in them,
Maughold put a parcel of them into one.
And thus made regular parishes.
Maughold died, and he is laid
In his own church at Maughold Head ;
And the next bishop that came after.
To the best of my knowledge, was Lonnan.
Connaghan then came next,
And then Marown the third ;
There all three lieth in Marown,
And there for ever lieth immolested.
Now we will pass by these holy men.
And commit their souls to the Son of God.
It profiteth not to praise them more
Until they appear before the King of kings.
Thus then did they live or pass their time.
No man that would molest or auger them ;
But going to get a pardon from Some,
Until there came to them Kjng Gorree,
Lesli e Ihuingys hrean as pooar y ree.
As ghow eh thalloo ec y Laane ;
Shen y chied er ec row lieau ee,
Dy ve ny ree er yn ellan.
Gha geayll mee dy ren eh skielley ec pint,
Chamoo ren eh marroo ayn jee ;
Agh aym ta sis dy daink jeh sluight.
Three reeaghyn jeig jeh Eee Gorree.
XXV, .
Eisht hank ayn Quinney as haink ayn Quaill,
Haink towse dy Iheigh as reill ayn jee ;
Ny keeshyn mooarey as y mayll
Vees dy hirrey dy bragh er dooinney dy bee.
My ta red erbee jannoo skielley din,
Cur-jee nyn moUaght er Mannanee ;
She ad by-vessey d'an ellan sheeant^
Ec dagh drogh leigh 'yannoo ayn jee.
Eisht haink ayn OUister mooar mac ree Albey,
Lesh Ihuingys hrean dy braue ayn jee ;
As er-lhiam pene dy by-voo lesh foalsaght,
Cha nee lesh dunallys smoo chragh eh ee.
Cha daag eh bio jeh sluight y ree,
Mac ny inneen d'ynmiyrkey kiona ;
Agh ad unnane myr baare dod ee,
Hie dy hirrey cooney gys ree Goal.
With his strong ships and king's command.
And came on shore at the Lhana
He was the first that ever had it,
To be a king of the island.
I never heard that he did any injury at a harbour,
Neither did he kill any in the island ;
But I know that there came of his race
Thirteen kings of King Gorree.
Then there came Qtdnney, and then came Quayle»
There came a measure of law and rule,
With greater taxes and greater rents.
Which will for ever be demanded of the men that be.
If anything doeth you harm,
Give your curse upon the Manxmen ;
They were the worst for the enchanted island,
By making each bad law in her.
Then came great OUister, son of the king of Scotland,
With strong shipping he bravely came ;
But I think myself it was more by falsehood,
And not by courage he made most havoc.
He left not living, of the king's seed,
A son or daughter to carry his head.
Excepting one, who, as best she could,
Went to seek for help to the king of France.
Albanee my vow uss feeu,
As dy haghter oc dy heet ayn ;
Gammah nagh durree oo as ve dy ree,
Myr vow, lee I as mac Bee Laughlin.
Agh slbeg eh Ihiam, dy veg eh Ihiat,
Ny fee Ve iock» rock erskyn dy ching ;
Agh Ihig dooys loayrt jeh'n m neen gring,
Neeayr as nagh daag oo bio agh ee ;
Haink jeh sluight See Laughlin,
As Vee inneen da Eee Gorree.
Chia leah as chragh y noid y cheer,
Nagh jagh eh roish as daag eh ee ;
Myr yinnagh y sowin choo rish e quallan,
Eh aagail ny Ihie er beggan bree.
Cha leah as cragh y noid y cheer,
Nagh jagh eh roish noon gys Nolbin ;
As ghow ish Ihuingys neesht myr beer.
As Me ee rhimbee gys ree Hoocsyn.
Cha leah as raink ee gys y choort,
Sen eh j'ee soiagh dy seer choar ;
As daa ny deiney haink maree,
Hug y ree palchey dargid's d6ar.
Nagh ren eh fenaght j'ee quoi Vee,
Ny ere vo heilkin gys e choort ;
To mish dooyrt un inneen da ree,
Erreish ve spooilt as gyn kiannoort
Scotchman I if thou wert worthy.
And as a messenger when thou didst come,
Why didst thou not stop and be our king,
As thou, king! wert son of King Laughlin?
But I care but little, that thou thought* st it little,
The ravens to croak, croak above thy head ;
But let me speak of the mentioned girl,
Smce thou didst not leave alive but she,
Of all the seed of King Laughlin,
And she was daughter to King Gorree.
As soon as the enemy spoiled the country,
Did he not go away and leave it ?
As the she greyhound would do with her whelp.
And leave him lying with little strength.
As soon as the enemy spoiled the country.
Did he not go over to Scotland ?
And she took shipping, and to the best that I know,
Went over to the king of England.
As soon as she arrived at court.
He entertained her with great kindness ;
And to the men that came with her
He gave plenty of silver and gold.
He then asked ber who she was.
Or what her business to the court ;
She answered, I am a king's daughter,
I have been robbed, and without a protector.
She mysh dty vyghin as dty ghiaysey
Ta mish nish Ihoobey hoods, tee ;
Cha yel mee geearee mie ny maase,
Agh geearee ort dty chymmey ree.
She dty vea hooin, dooyrt ree Hocsyn,
As len eh poosey ish myr beeu ;
Yee sluight Laughlin, inneen Gorree,
Bish Sir William dy Voimtegue.
XXX vn.
Eisht Sir William va ree Vannin^
Cha hoie eh jee agh beggan feeu ;
Son chreck eh ee as ghow eh maase,
O ree red bastagh dy ren rieau.
XXX vm.
Bish yn Chiam Scroop chreck eshyn ee,
O ree, nagh moal hug saynt da maase ;
Ga ve ayns foayr mooar rish y ree,
Gterrit ny-yei hur eshyn baase.
Agh fys nyn gooishyn cha vel aym,
Lhig dauesyn sailliu fyfferee ;
Agh aym ta sys er shoh dy feer,
Dy row lane maase seihlt ec y rea
Haink yn ellan eisht gys y ree,
Conaant Scroop myr shoh dy jarroo,
Nagh beagh ny sodjey echey j'ee
Ny veagh e vio-hys er y thalloo.
It is to thy mercy and thy grace,
That I do humbly sue to thee, king ;
I do not ask for good or wealth.
But crave of thee for thy pity, king.
Welcome to us, sajrs the king of England,
And he manied her very soon ;
She was of the seed of Laughlin, the daughter
of King Gorree,
By Sir William of Montague.
Then Sir William was king of the Isle of Man,
But he thought but little of it ;
For he sold it, and bought cattle.
Which was a pity that ever he did.
To Lord Scroop he sold it ;
O king, how simple to covet cattle.
Although he was in great favour with the king.
It was but a short time until he suffered deatL
But their matters I do not know ;
Let those who please prophesy ;
But this I know right well,
That the king had a vast number of cattle.
Then the island came to the king ;
Scroop's covenant appointed so.
That he should have no more of it
Than during his life on eartk
Haiiik yn ellan leesht gys y ree,
• Ab mooar y bree cha row echey ayn ;
Hug eh da Earl Northumberland ee,
Agh cha dug eh ee da e chloan.
Adsyn veagh dunnal ayns caggey,
Yioghe ad giootyn mooar myr baiUiu ;
Agh ayns caggey mooar Salisbury,
Ya Earl Northumberland er ny varroo.
Quoi hagher eisht gys y vagher,
Agh Sir Juan Stanley cosney bwoid ;
Myr by-vannee haink er y laa^
Lesh e chliwe geyre ve sheer goU trooid.
My ree, by-veg er bene nyn mea,
Yiaragh eh dooinney sheese dyn glare ;
Yarragh eh lesh un yuilley shleiy,
Cabbyl as dooinney gys y laare.
Cre dy aase veagh daiggin e thing,
Gyn king cha ragh eh-aas ;
Ny cre by eillit veagh e ghreem,
Boashagh e chliwe geyre e chress.
Tra scuirr y magher, as gow eh fea»
Eisht boggey mooar ayn bene ghoVn ree ;
As deie eh huggey Sir Juan Stanley,
Dy ghoail eh leagh jeh maase as nhee.
The island then came to the king ; {
But he had no great authoiitj in it, j
Because he gave it to the Earl of Northumberland ; |
But he did not give it to his children.
Those that would be courageous in wars
Would get great presents if they woidd ;
But in the great war at Salisbury, |
The Earl of Northumberland was killed.
XLin. j
Who happened then to come to the field,
But Sir John Stanley, well fitted ;
Ab that day proved a blessing to him.
As he went by with his sharp sword.
My king, he little thought of life ;
He would cut a man down without speaking ;
He would, with one blow of spear.
Take to the ground both man and horse.
Whatever growth his head might be.
Without heads he would not go away ;
Or however harnessed his back might be.
His sharp sword would reach his girdle.
When the field was quiet, and had taken rest.
There the king rejoiced greatly himself ;
And he called to him Sir John Stanley,
To take his pledge of cattle and goods.
Kyndagh dy vel us er my rere,
Sheer cosney bwoid dooys, as dhty bene ;
6ow son dy leagh EUan Yaimin,
Son leagh dy hogher dy bragh beayn.
Shen myr haink yn ellan gys nyn laue,
Ab shen myr haink Clein Stanley ayn ;
As ree luig ree &eayal shin veih gaue,
Ab mooarane bleeantyn chiamane ayn.
Eisht tra hooar Sir Juan Stanley baase,
Haink reesht Sir Juan geyrt er e vac ;
Ya mooarane blein heear ayns Neirin^
Ny lieutenant feer ooasse oc.
Eisht haink Thomase Derby ruggerey ree,
Eh-hene va ceau yn cribble oar ;
Cha row im chiam ayns Socsyn 'sthie,
Lesh whilleen gymman-glioon cheet ny chear.
En Albanee choilleen eh clea,
As hie eh noon gys Keel Choobragh ;
Ab ren eh Iheid y chladdagh thi^n,
Dy vel paart ayn foast gyn mullagh«
Nagh bwaagh shen dasyn dooinney aeg,
Yn clea chooilleen my by-voar e ghraine ;
Soish haink rieau er o ghob faasaag,
As 6 gheiney 'chur lesh as dy slane.
Because tlion liast served me well.
And gained booty for me and thyseK,
Take for thy portion the Isle of Man,
To be for thee and thine for ever.
Thus the island came to their hands,
And thns the Stanleys' name came in ;
And king after king keeping us from danger,
And many years lords in it.
Then when Sir John Stanley died,
Then came again Sir John, his son.
Who had been many years in Ireland,
A very noble lieutenant there.
Then came Thomas Derby, bom king ;
'Twas he that wore the golden crupper.
There was not one lord in England itself
With so many knee-guineamen coming in his country.
On Scotchmen he revenged himself,
And he went over to Kirkcudbright,
And there made such havoc of houses.
That some of them are yet unroofed.
Was not that pretty in a young man
To revenge himself while he was but young,
Before his beard had grown roimd Ids mouth.
And to carry his men home with him whole ?
Ayns un thonsane qneig cheead as shiaght,
She ayns mee ny boaldiney ve ;
Ghow eh thalloo ayns Soonjrssvie,
Er boiiey'n theay hng eh slane fea.
Lheid y ihie as dreill eshyn hene,
Dy ree ny ruggerey dy hreg ny hiean ;
Cha vaik sleih Ihied lish milley blein,
Chamoo hee reesht 'syn eaiish ain.
Agh arragh dy voylley cha jean yms ny smoo,
Chond as sbooie dooiney seanish my hooill ;
Eivaggle dy dagher daue rhym y ghra^
Dy nee son leagh vein sheer biinooHa
Agh faag-ym da'n nah ghooinney hig my yei
Dy voylley hene myr sheagh chur da ;
Tra vees e chress ny Ihie 'syn oaie,
YieVn dooinney bwoid myr sheagh cur da.
In one thousand five hnndred and seven,
And it was in the month of May,
He came on shore at Derbyhaven,
And put a fall end to the commotion of the public.
Such a house as he kept himself,
For a king, or down to a low degree.
People never saw for coimtless years.
Neither will again in our days.
But any more praise I will not give
So long as I live among men,
For fear they may tell me
That it is for gain I make so much flattery.
But I leave the man that cometh after me
To praise him as he will find him wortL
When his crest will be laid in the grave.
He will get the glory he deserved to have.
A DIALOGUE "between a Manx hoiusewife and her hnsband, wherein is
shown why the Kirk Bride people eat their meat before they eap their
broth ; and wherein is likewise recorded one of the surprising feats of
the renowned Qalloway chieftain, Cutlar MacCoUoch.
Huan, — " Jean siyr ♦ ven y thie" f — ^pack up and away,
Cutlar MacCuIlocli will be here to-day.
Shefval. — The Galloway chief! — it never can be ;
He's chasing the herring-boats out at sea.
The breeze blows fresh,
Tis off the land—
The sea-king hath other work in hand.
Ewm. — Siyrree, J ven y thie, or, as I'm a sinner,
MacCulloch will surely be first to dinner ;
I saw his broad sail as I stood on the brow.
And hell only be here too soon I trow ;
So up and away
While yet we may.
His flotilla stands for Bamsey Bay.
ShevcU. — ^Augh, the breeze blows fresh, and the sea is rough.
To-morrow will surely be " time enough !"
Benyarrey§ hath bound the broad beach with a chain.
To-day is the wedding of Mylecharane !
There's broth and there's mutton.
The table to put on.
And the bam floor swept, the dancers to foot on.
* Jean siyr. — Make haste.
t Yen y thie. — ^Housewife, woman of the house.
t Siyrree. — Make royal speed.
§ BenYarrey. — Mermaid. Hath bound with a chain. — ^Themythhere alluded
to is, that the sunlight flashes on the ripple of the sea wavelet (as it breaks
on the pebbly beach at high water) are jewels airing, and being prepared to
adorn the hair of the mermaids on festive occasions. When these chains are
Euan. — list what I say 1 for 'tis no joke,
Cutlar MacCuIloch hath seen the smoke ; *
And if you wait longer on Traa dy4iooar,f
The Gralloway men will darken our door,
Seize on the victual,
lift all the cattle,
And knock down the boys who show any mettla
Sheval. — Well, haste then from church, an' I'll hurry the feast ;
We'll eat all we can, and we'll drink of the best ;
Then the rovers may step ashore when the tide flows.
And be welcome to bones with a sauce of hard blows.
There's the Dhooney Moar,
Yourself, and a score,
Will pin these catherans down to the floor.
JSuan. — Your counsel is good, and your spirit is bold ;
That Manxmen have faint hearts shall never be told.
in fiill sparkle, strict watch is kept on the adjacent cliff or crag that no
marander approach nnawares. Should any monster of the sea or land prove
too wary to he enticed away by the wiles of the syrens, or too strong to he
successfuUy resisted, the mermaids instantly dive down to their sparry cayes,
the jewels vanish, and a dark shadow is thrown over the whole line of wave.
These water-sprites and fairies will, on rare occasions, nnite for the protection
of some mntnal interest ; moved either by enmity against snch mde syren-
despisers as Cutlar MacCuIloch, or in a caprice of Mendahip for some fair
daughter of earth's mould, and then the spell-boimd shore cannot he ap-
proached ; but their favour is unstable as the elements. There is a similar
superstition among the Arabs of the Bed Sea.
* Seen the smoke. — ^The smoke from the Kirk Bride chimneys can be seen
on a fine summer's day on the Scotch coast opposite. The tradition is that
Cutlar and his crew watched for this proof that good cooking was going on
amongst their better-fed neighbours, and at the desired signals pushed off
from the shore, and generally accomplished the run across in time to seize the
good cheer, for which the hospitable Manx were celebrated, and then pro*
ceeded to cany off everything that lay convenient. On more than one occasion
these freebooters arrived at the identical moment described in the ballad.
t The husband's remonstrance on his wife's procrastination passed into a
proverb—" Traa dy-liooar " denoting irretrievable delay.
A fig for MacCulloch ! so biing out the wine,
And ask Dhooney Moar to come hither and dine.
He shall sit by Jean,
His heart's bragh queen,
And drink jough vie to his " vuddy-veg-veen."
Ill look to the com, the sheep, and the btdlock,
And keep them from witches and Cutlar MacCulloch.
How long shall the robber-chief come with his levy.
And cany off all not too hot and too heavy ?
Too late to be running
When Cutlar is coming —
Sheval. — 0, Ven Varrey's out, and she'll rule the tonney.*
Suan. — ^'Twould soften the heart of a man Ml of wrath.
To see your kind face and smell your good broth.
But here comes the wedding-train, blithesome and
All ready for dinner, so lend me a hand,
And here fix the table.
We'll eat all we're able ;
MacCulloch may go to the fish with his cable.
The noggins of broth had gone merrily round.
The spoon was just plunged in the haggis profoxmd.
Each trencher was stretched for a share of the cheer.
When, " Hark to the tramp, oh, MacCulloch is here !
Boys I spring to your feet ;
Girls ! hide all the meat.
We'll soon make the vagabonds sound a retreat."
MacCulloch stepped over the threshold the while.
And gazed on the plentiful board with a smile ;
* Rule the tonney. — Rule the wayes.
" Gudefolk, gudefolk, ye hnrry too late,
MftcCnlloch ia here, and his ship at the Yate.*
For hroth he don't care.
The hroth he can spare.
But haggis and mutton are MacCnlloch's share."
The rovers were many, the wedding-^ests few.
So the rovers sat down to the mutton and stew ;
But firom that day to this, as our north custom tells,
We trust neither to wind, nor to mermaid spells.
But first of all eat
Our coveted meat,
And, over the broth, tell of MacCulloch's feat
* The Tate ia « well-known kndiiig place in the north of the lale of Muu
This ballad ia printed in Hiaa Cookson'e Ltgtnd» of Mtaus Land, second
series ; Donglas, 1859. The ciutom is alladed to in the first port of llona
UUUiiomS' It is the composition of sn old reaideu^ uid one well acquainted
with the traditions of the connti?.
Masx Am.
^'1 f \ i f i \ ,i ^f^ S^
^=M J g=ffi ^ ::g=^
pfj rj I ^j ^^LmM:=f^
p . , —
This old song was fonnerlj a great fkvoxaitey evidently alluding to
some peculiar style of head-dress. The air to which it was sung was
also adapted to a Manx dance then in vogue. A translation is given.
Bee or Lord was a common name on the hills at Lezayie some sixty or
seventy years ago.
YiON thapsagyn jiargey, as rybbanyn green,
As Betsy veg villish, my vees oo Ihiam pena
Chorus, — ^Eobin y ree, Eobin ye ree ridlan,
Aboo, Aban,
Fal dy ridlan,
Aboo, Aban,
Eobin y ree.
Yion thapsagyn jiargey, as lybbanyn ghoo,
Neem Queen y Thouree jeed, foddee oo loo.
Bobin y ree, etc
Oh I Vetsy veg villish, nee oo brishey my chree,
Tad gra dy vel oo sooree er Eobin y ree.
Bobin y ree, etc.
Thou'll get red top-knots and green ribbons,
My 8weet little Betsy, if thou'll be my own.
Ckorus. — Eobin the king, Bobin the king riddle,
Aboo, Aban,
Fal dy riddle,
Aboo, Aban,
Eobiu the king.
Thou'll get red top-knots and black ribbons,
ril make thee Queen of May, I swear to thee.
Sobiu the king, etc.
Oh I my sweet little Betsy, thou'll break my heart,
They say thou art courting Kobin tiie king.
Bobin the king, etc.
Db. William Walkeb was the son of a poor widow who lived at the
south part of the island, and was educated at the Castletown academy,
became rector of St. Mary's, Ballaugh, and vicar-general of the diocese
of Sodor and Man. He was imprisoned in Castle Rushen, along with
Bishop Wilson, in 1722, by order of Gk)venior Home. It was during
that period they formed the plan of translating the New Testament into
the Manx language. Dr. Walker lies buried in Ballaugh church, and
the following epitaph, inscribed on a flat stone, was written by Bishop
Wilson : —
QuLiEUCUB Walksb, LLJ).
Hujubgb Egclbsia Rectob
Pbb annos xzv.
£ YiCABiis Qeneralibus
Neo non nobilibs. Domino a ooNCiLiifi,
Pastob, Judex, Civis,
Quo NEMO fideliob, jbquiob,
AUT boni publioi studiosiob,
Edificia pbobsus dilafsa
Obiit 18th Junh, aj>. mdccxzix
.&AT. XUX.
His mother, the writer of the following lines, was unfortunate in
her second marriage, but continued to reside in the Doctor^s house.
The Rev. Hugh Stowell, in his Life of Bishop Wilson, 1819, speaks
highly of Dr. Walker, and says '^ this interesting poem in the Manx
language, in honour of this excellent man, of which a few fragments
are yet found amongst the aged inhabitants of the parish. The com-
position is not altogether in the spirit of Ossian's poems, yet it has ob-
tained its full share of rustic praise, and has been sung and sung again
in unison, not with the harp of former days, but with the less melodious
notes of the spinning-wheeL The following verse, so descriptive of his
character, is often repeated with strong marks of approbation : —
'' Bannaght ny moght, scaa ny mraane tregohe,
Fendeilagh chloan gyn ayr,
Da ny annooinee Dreem nagh goghe,
Veih Treinee dewil aggair.
54 HOHA l<I8CELLA.inr.
Ha to the pcmr a blesdng proved,
Tlieii lefiige and Uieir friend ;
The orphan's and the widow's cause,
Still Teadj to defend."
I am enabled to give an entire vemon of this from an old MS.
copy, witli a tnuulotioii hj Hi, John Quiik, in whicli he has pretty
closely followed the spirit of the original
I am not able to lecoid anything of her son Robert Tear. Several
of that family wiU be found interred in Kirk Biaddan churcbyard, aa
mentioned in the Jfonumenttd Inieriptiimt, Manx Society, vol. xit..
TWO SONS, the Eev. William Walkeb, LL.D., Vicar-
General of tlie Diocese of Sodor and Mann, and Eector of
Ballaugh ; and Mr. Bobebt Teab of Douglas.
By Widow Teak of BaHaugk
BoiSH my row mee rieau my voir,
Lmaynrey vaar mee eisht my hraa *^
My chree gyn loght, my chione gyn feiyr,
My eddin lane dy vlaa.
My aigney seyr yeih laad chiarail,
Sthill aashagh oie as laa ;
Agh nish my gherjagh t^r valleil
My chree ta brisht dy braa.
As tra ren mee my stayd chaghlaa.
Hug Jee dou bannaght clean ;
Hrog mee ad seose dy voddyin ghra,
Nagh row nyn Iheid agh goaun«
Ayns aggie yee lesh yusagh vie
Dy aalin as dy glen ;
As yerk mee roo dy chooney Ihiam,
Tra veign annoon as shenn.
Dy insh jeh'n egin va mee ayn,
Troggal myr shoh my chloan ;
Cha voddym scrieu's te doillee ginsh,
Tn egin shen lesh goaa
Arkys as seme ghow orrym gremt
Haink saggys gys my chree ;
Ny-yeih cha daink my raad yn chrem,
Er-derrey daag ad mee.
Er yn edjag-sereenee Eobbin va^
Ny Yainshtyr aid ayns schlei ;
As Veshyn gaase dy chooilley laa,
Ny smoo ayns coontey sleik
Symbyl jehn yusagh v6r e lane,
Daag eh ayns bane as doo ;
Nee &eayl e chooinaght fud sheeluane,
Er voalley ghial Cheeill-Chroo.
Illiam pessyn Cheeill Voirrey va^
Bochilley chiaralagh Chreest ;
Laue yesh yn Aspick, sooill yesh y theay,
Brin ny Hagglish ne^sht.
Bannaght ny mogbt, scaa ny mraane hreoghe,
Fendeillagh clean gyn ayr ;
Da ny hannoonee dreeym nagh goghe,
Yeih tr^anee ghewill aggair.
As ga dy row e churrym mooar,
Va e chreenaght corrym risb ;
As er goo mie e hoiltyn hooar,
Cooyrt reeoil Hostyn fys.
Yeih hooor eh ooashley's ennyn noa
Ny mast 'ain joarree roie ;
Lheid's nagh dooar Manninagh bio,
, As scoan hooar Iheid ny-yeih.
E hoilshey ren soilshean dy gial,
Trooid magh yn Elian Slane ;
E hampleyr skeaylley dy chooilley voayl,
E choyrle vie gys dagh aym.
Gloyr Yee, as foays e helloo noo,
Ya kinjagh e chiarail ;
BiaUagh gys e vochilley smoo.
As veih shen jerkal failL
Myr va e hoilchyn ooilley mooar,
Mannagh beagh eh dy bragh er ve ny smoo ;
Foast dreill eh yn leigh ayns pooar.
Hug lesh meereiltys gys toyrt-mow.
Oyr vooar ta ec ny Manninee,
Lurg Iheid yn charrey choe ;
Son stiark ny vnd oc ta Iheid y chree
Dy reayll drogh-yannoo fo.
Jeh Saggyrt Walker cooinagh vees,
Choud as ta Mannin ayn ;
As ayraghyn trooid mooarane eash
Yees ginsh jeh da nyn gloan.
Jhys hie eh seoise gys cooyrt y lee,
Noi ny kyndee brishey'n leigh ;
As ghow eh voae ooilley nyn mree.
As hooar ad Ihieggey veih.
Quoi hyrmys eisht ny jeir ta loie,
Veih groinyn yn choiltane ;
Keayney nyn mockill ghraihagh vie,
Nagh vel oc nish er-maym.
Agh mish e voir tra smoo ayns feme.
Hie eh er searrey v6ym,
Troggit dy leah shagh harrish y cheim,
'Sy BoUick hiimshagh hioma
Keayrt va mee maynrey ayns my chloan,
Moir ghennal ren ad jeem ;
Dreill ad erskyn feme my chione,
As vad sthill dou son dreejrm.
Nish ta mee coodit lesh slane oie,
Gyn soilshey dym hiar ny heear ;
My chainle ta ass gyn saase erbee,
Dy gherjagh moir ny ayr.
Fo dorraghys doo, my aigney dooint,
Gyn jerkal jeh soilshey reesht ;
Ayns dinnid nagh vow acyr grunt,
Mastey yn stenym neesht
Dr. Walker and Egbert Tear.
TranalAted firom the Manx by Mr. John Qnirk of Cam-ny-Greie.
Before a mother I became,
How happy were my days ;
Nor head nor heart knew noise or pain,
To chill my blooming face.
A stranger to all anxious care,
I always felt at ease ;
But they are gone, my comforts dear.
My heart forgets its peace.
When I had changed my state of life,
God gave me children dear ;
I brought them up, so I might say,
But few their equals wera
Good scholars trained in virtue's ways,
Obedient, neat, and clean ;
And these I hoped would prove my stay
When life was on the wane.
To tell the straits I had to pass
To rear my children so.
Would prove a hard and heavy taal^
Or more than words could do.
Trouble and want had pierced me through,
And pinch'd my heart full sore ;
But still the worst I never knew,
Until they were no more.
Among the people, Eobert was •
A hero at the pen ;
And day by day he gently rose
Higher in their esteem.
A sample from his skilful hand,
Placed there in black and white,
Commemorates his worthy name.
On Kill-Chroo's walls so bright
Will vicar of St. Mary's was,
A Christian pastor true ;
The bishop's hand, the people's eye.
And vicar-general too.
To widows, fatherless, and poor,
A blessing and a shield ;
The feeble's help, who to the power
Of tyrants would never yield.
His wisdom, equal to his trust,
Still firmly bore him on ;
Till lus good conduct and his worth.
At England's court was known.
That court where he was well received.
And honoured with a name ;
Such as no Manxman living had,
And ne'er may have again.
The brightness of his light was known
Throughout the Isle of Man ;
In word and deed his lustre shone
To bless his native land.
God's glory and his people's good
He made his constant care ;
Obedient to his heavenly Head,
And look'd for wages there.
Among his labours in our cause.
We'll long be proud to show ;
He was the man who kept in force.
The ecclesiastical law.
Well may old Mona's sons lament
And weep 'neath such a blow :
How few are found, with hearts intent.
To keep transgression low !
Dear Doctor Walkei^s name shall live
As long as Mona will ;
And &thers through succeeding years,
Will to their children tell
How, when at England's royal court,
'Gainst those who broke the law.
He took away their vain support,
And brought their courage low.
Who then shall wipe away the tears,
And cheer the gloomy brow,
Of those who mourn their shepherd dear,
The flock's bereavement now ?
But oh ! when I was most in need,
I saw him hurried home ;
Pass'd o'er the stile his last retreat^
The mournful, gloomy tomb.
Once I was happy in my sons,
A joyful mother L
Beyond aU want they cheer'd me on,
And always stood me by.
Now cover'd with nighf s darkest shade,
No glimmering ray appears ;
My candle out, whilst none take heed
To cheer a parent dear.
My mind in total darkness kept,
All hope of light I've loat ;
PluQg'd in th' unfathomable deep,
And midst the tempest toas'd.
Mr. Qairk remarka on the eightb rene : — " The streBin rmming clom by
Kirk Patrick's ohnrch on the eastern aide was called Keeil-Cragh'i dream,
perhaps long before the present church was erected. It a mikt likely that a
small chapel known 1^ that name stood near the spot where the present pttfish
charch stands. What can it mean 1 "
The site of this old chapel is a small enclosnre on part of the estate of
Enockaloe, adjoining the highroad leading towards Ballamoore. It is bid
down in the Ordnance map as " Eeeil-Cragh."
This wild song appears to be a portion of some other which I have not
^ recovered. It is evidently the malediction of some unfortunate female
f on her unfaithful lover, upon whose head she hurls all the evils that
* the whole realm of faiiydom can inflict
Cbed dy jinnagh yn douree as y drolloo,
Troggal seose ayns caggey cheoi,
Maidjey*!! phot, as ny juistyn ooilley,
Ooilley feiyral noie ry-hoie.
Maidjey*!! phot, as yn viiirkin hanney
Cresscul, goggan, juist, as claare,
Oilley caggey, scryss' as sanney
Tra veagh oo cleddit soue er laare.
died dy jinnagh yn tanxx) ushtey spottagh
As yn ghlashtin oo y ghoaill,
As yn phynnoderee, ghlioonagb, sphraigagh
Clioonagh y yannoo jeed noi'n voaL
Phynn M'Cowle as ooilley e heshaght,
Ferrish ny glionney as y vnggane,
Dy jymsagh ad cooidjagh mysh dty Ihiabbee
As clickal lesh oo ayns suggane.
Uat the chimney-hook and the pot-hooka
Against you rise in cruel war ;
The ladle, the dishes, and the pot-stick,
All for the dread attack prepare.
May these, when join'd with the sharp, thin hodkiu,
Crucible, noggin, and all hardware store.
All help to tear, and flay, and skin yon.
When fell'd beneath them npon the floor.
Yea, may the watet-hoU, and the night-steed,
And the lougb satyr, come at the call ;
And when around your bed collected,
All squeeze and crush yon against the wall.
May Phinn M'Cowle, with all his fellows.
Join with the feiry of the dale.
And all such bogles around you gather,
And steal you off in a straw-rope creel
66 MONA lascELLAinr.
One important incident in the history of Manx affairs daring the
middle of last eentiuy was the memorable naval action, off Bishop's
Court, between Captain Elliot and Thurot, and as this has been made
the subject of song, some account of Thurot will not be out of place in
this collection, more particularly as during his early career the Isle of
Man had for a short period been his place of residence.
In a scarce pamphlet, entitled Genuiru and Curious Memoirs of the
Famous Captain Thurot^ London, 1760, written by the Rev. John
Francis Durand, who was long personally acquainted with him, we find
it recorded that Francois Thurut was bom at Boulogne, in France (the
French Biographical Dictionary says he was born at Nuits, in But^
gundy, in 1727), his father and mother being both natives of the same
place. He was of Irish extraction, his grandfather, whose name was
Farrel, and was a captain in the Irish army under King James II.,
going off with that prince from Ireland, and during his residence at
St. Qermains married Mademoiselle Thurot, a lady of some family dis-
tinction, by whom he had one son, whose parents dying during his
infancy, he was taken by his mother's relations, brought up by them, and
went by their name. He was bred to the law, and married a M^^ le
Picard who died in giving birth to the subject of this memoir. Madame
Tallard, a lady of great rank and fortune, was young Thurot's god-
mother, from whom he received many instances of friendship, and was
instrumental in his ultimate promotion in the French navy.
When yoimg Thurot was about fifteen years of age, one Farrel, an
Irish smuggler, came to Boulogne and claimed relationship with the
elder Thurot, and assured him that the house of the OTarrels was still
a flourishing house in Connaught, and offered, if he would let his
young son go over with him, to make his fortune. This proposal was
accepted, and young Thurot was equipped at the expense of his Irish
cousin, set sail for Limerick, but stopped at the Isle of Man upon some
business of the smuggler's. Here young Thurot, taking some disgust,
refused to follow Captain Farrel any farther. Here he entered into the
service of a Welsh smuggler, in whose employment he remained some
time, running goods betwixt the Isle of Man, Anglesey, and Ireland.
It was here Thurot acquired a knowledge of the English language, and
imbibed that spirit of daring, combined with his natural great courage
and love of adventure, as well as that skill in a seafaring life, which
subsequently distinguished his character. He was entrusted with affSEurs
of the greatest conseqaenoe to his employer, and was at one time
stationed at Garlingfoid for near twelve months. From this he pro-
ceeded to Dublin, and afterwards to Scotland, engaged in similar trans-
actions, which gave him that knowledge of the coasts which he made
Qse of in his after career. He proceeded to London, where he spent a
great part of his time from 1748 to 1752, going continually between
Fiance and England.
The hazaidous life he had taken up at length brought him to a
prison in Dunkirk in 1764. Having good friends, who interceded in
his behalf, he was removed to Paris ; and while undergoing some
examinations, he convinced some people in power that should the war
break out with England, which was at that time contriving (1755), he
might be able to render considerable service from his knowledge of the
various English and Irish channels and his perfect command of the lan-
guage. He was accordingly entrusted with the command of one of the
King's sloops.
In 1759, when the French ministry detennined to invade England,
various arrangements were made, and a large body of troops were
assembled, under the command of the Duke d'Aiguillon, and the trans-
port of these was to have been protected by a formidable fleet of ships
of war, commanded by M. de Conflans, who was defeated in a general
action on the 20th November by Admiral Hawke.
Thurot was appointed to the command of a small squadron fitting
out at Dunkirk to make occasional descents on the Irish coast, for the
purpose of distracting the attention of the English Qovemment, and
by dividing the troops facilitate the proposed invasion. This squadron
consisted of —
Coxninanders. Guns.
Le Marechal BeUeiale M. Thurot
La Blond . Gapt. La Eayce
Terpsichore . Capt Dessauandnifi
Begon ... —
Amaianthe . —
Two Cutters as Tenders, one pierced for 10 and the other for 8 guns.
The troops consisted of volunteer drafts from regular regiments,
and were composed of —
French Guards . . . Le Comte De Eersalls, Commandant
M. de Covenac, ColoneL
Swiss Guards .... Cassailas, „
Raiment of Burgundy De Boussilly,
Begiment of Camkise Frechcan,
Hussars Le Compte de Skerdeck, Colonel
Yolontaires Etrangers. —
With his squadron Captain Thnrot sailed out of Dunkirk on the
night of the 15th of October, evading the eye of Commodore Boys, who
was watching that port, and arrived at Gottenburgh on the 26 th ; and
after procuring supplies of provisions and other stores there, put to
sea on the 14th November. A strong gale dispersed Thurot*s squadron
in the night between the 15th and 16th, and four of his vessels only
joined company the next day. The Begon returned to Dunkirk much
damaged. On the 17th, his squadron anchored at Bergen, in Norway,
where they remained until the 6th December, when they weighed
and steered northward. After beating about for a length of time,
their provisions became short, when a general council was called on
the Ist January, at which it was resolved that each man's allowance
should be reduced to ten ounces of biscuit and half a septier of wine
or spirits per day. On the 16th February, off the coast of Islay,
some provisions and cattle were obtained. The Belleisle had been
seriously strained by the stormy weather, and was so leaky that two
pumps were constantly kept going. The Amaranthe, having separated
from Thurot's squadron on the 12 th February, got back to France
by the west of Ireland, and reached St Malo on the 25th of that
month, which port her crew entered, almost dead with fatigue, hunger,
and thirst.
On the morning of Thursday the 21st February, Thurofs squadron,
reduced to three frigates, appeared off the island of Magee, standing in
shore for the Bay of Carrickfergus, when on landing, they attacked the
garrison, who surrendered on the following morning. In this encounter
about 50 of the French were killed. After getting provisions and fresh
water on board, the troops embarked, and put to sea on Tuesday the
Captain Elliot, who commanded three frigates at Kinsale, hearing of
Thurofs exploit in the north, set sail in quest of him, and at four in
the morning of Thursday the 28th, got sight of Thurot*s ship, and gave
chase. The most authentic accoimt of what then took place is best
learnt from the logs of these vessels, as follows : — ^' H.M.S. .£olus.
Wednesday 27th February 1760. Wind W.N.W. and N.W. Strong
gales and squally.
« 28th, wind N. by W., N2^.W., N. by E., N.N JL
"Aire Point, Isle of Man. S.SJS. ^ E., distance 2 miles. First
part, strong gales and squally ; latter, moderate and clear weather.
Wore ship several times, by reason of the narrowness of the channel.
At 8 pjn., Midi of Galloway, E. by N., 7 miles ; at 12, Copland light,
NW. A N., 4 leagues ; at 3 a.m., discovered 3 sails to windward
cleared ship and gave chase ; at 6, dificoveied the chase to be the
enemy'Sy fired two chase-guns, which they returned ; at half-past 6 got
dose alongside the largest of the enemy and engaged, and soon after the
action became general, and continued about an hour and a half, when
our antagonist struck her colours, as did the other two soon follow her
example. Thej proved to be the ^Marshall Bellisle,' Mos. Thurott,
Commander, the ' La Blond,* and ' Terpsichore.' (Being lockt with the
* M. Bellisle *), was obliged to let go our small Br. anchor, to clear us,
slipt the cable, and bore away for Ramsey Bay, in the Isle of Man,
to refit the ships, which were all greatly disabled in the action. We
had 4 men killed, and 1 5 men wounded ; the enemy about 300 killed
and wounded ; amongst the first was Mons. Thurott, Commodore, with
several officers of distinction.
'' Friday 29. Wind N JL Moored in Ramsey Bay. Light breezes,
and cloudy. At 3 pjn. anchored in Ramsey Bay. Bt. Br., and moored
a cable each way. It was with great difficulty we kept the ' M. Bellisle '
from sinking, she having six foot in the hold. A. M. employed repair-
ing our rigging, etc.
'^ Saturday, March I., N.W., moored in Ramsey Bay ; ditto weather ;
sailed the ' Pallas,' with five hundred prisoners for Belfast ; employed
fishing, the masts being all wounded."
The log of the " Brilliant," Captain James Loggie, represents that
vessel to be, on the " 28 th February, distant three miles from the Point
of Air, in the Isle of Man, S.E. ^ S. at 8, when the enemy struck, the
point bearing S.E. by S., distant 7 or 8 miles. A lieutenant and 30
men were put on board ' La Blonde ' prize ; and the ' Pallas ' is re-
corded to have sailed on the 1st for Ireland, with 550 prisoners."
The log of the ** Pallas," Captain Michael Clements, states that
vessel to be, on "the 28th February 1760, with the Point of Air, on
the Lsle of Man, SJK by K, distant two miles.
^ First part, fresh gales and squally ; middle and latter, moderate and
fair. At 3 p.m. unbent the mainsail, and bent another ; at 4 a.m. saw
three strange ships on our weather-bow, bearing down upon us. Cleared
ship, and gave them chase. They hauled their wind for the MuU of
Galloway, then bore away right before it ; at daylight were almost
within gim-shot ; out 3d and 2d reefs of the top-sails, got up top-
gallant yards ; quarter-past 6 the ' iOolus' made the signal for engag-
ing. They proved to be the ' Marshall Bellisle,' ' La Blond,' and
* La Terpsichore,' French frigates. Half-past 6 b^^n to engage, and at
8 they struck. During the engagement had one man killed and two
wounded, our sails and rigging very much damaged, one shot through
our mainmast, and our best bower anchor shot away. When they stmcky
the Point of Air, on the Ide of Man, bore S JL, distant 3 or 4 miles.
At 9, the 'iEolus* made the signal to anchor, and bore away for
Bamsey Bay. Sent our first lieutenant, a mate, and nineteen men, on
board the 'Terpsichore.' At noon, the Point of Air, SJS. by K,
distance 2 miles, the Commodore made our signal to stay by the
* Bellisle,' she having made the signal of distress.**
Captain Elliot, in his letter to the Admiralty, dated Bamsey, 29th
February 1760, detailed these particulars, and stated that all the ships
'' are much disabled in their masts and rigging, the ' Marshal Bellisle*
in particular, who lost her boltsprit, mizen-mast and main-yaid in the
action," and gave the number of killed and wounded, viz.-^
'MohiBf 32' guns, 4 killed, 16 wounded.
'P&Uas,' 36 „ 1 „ 6 „
' Brilliant,* 36 „ „ 11 „
Captain Thurot behaved with the greatest bravery imaginable ; having
lost one of his arms near an hour, he rejected the proposal of some of
his officers to surrender, and when told that the water was fsist rising
through a hole pierced by a ball £com the ''.£olus,'* said, ''Never
mind it, go on,** which was no sooner pronounced than he fell by a
grape-shot through his breast. At this juncture Lieutenant Forbes, of
the ' .£olus,' perceiving the ' Bellisle's * deck pretty clear of men, most
of whom were below in great confusion, jumped into her, with about
twenty-five sailors, struck the colours with his own hand, and found
Thurot*8 men preparing to throw their commander overboard.
Thus fell the brave Thurot, universally lamented by all who knew
him, who, even whilst he commanded a privateer, fought less for
plunder than honour ; whose behaviour was on all occasions full of
humanity and generosity ; and whose undaunted courage raised him to
rank and merited distinction. His death secured the glory he always
sought, he did not live to be brought a prisoner into England.
Mr. Durand, in his Memoirs^ states that Thurot's body was taken
on shore and embalmed, after which he was buried with militaiy
honours. Tlus statement cannot be correct, for we find, on referring to
Bishop Hildesle/s letter to Dr. Mousey, in Butter's Memoirs of Mark
Bildeslei/, p. 389, he states, " They might as well also have given the
bishop the honour of having preached his funeral sermon, as he did
preach at Ramsey the very day on which Thurot might be supposed to
have been buried there.'*
That the body was committed to the deep is farther proved by the
"^'■■^"^(■pi^r^""™"^ ■ " " * ■ "•* ■ ^vn ~ " jaJ^iP*^^ — ■* --.-.... g. «■• .r-ir-a r — — «»s T-
following interesting statement^ published in Tram's Hittory ofiht hie
of Man, 1845, voL ii p. 327. The particulars were communicated bj
the Rev. James Black, minister of the parish of Penningham, in Wigton-
shire, who witnessed the engagement, and who followed Thurot's
funeral to the churchyard of Eirkmaiden, a small cemetery hard by the
margin of the sea.
<< Every consecutive tide, for two or three days after the action, cast
a number of dead bodies ashore on the coast of Qalloway. Among the
last thus thrown up by the influx of the sea, was that of the French
commander, whose remains were easily distinguished from the others
by the silk velvet carpet in which they were sewed up. Some historians
say he was thrown overboard by mistake ; but from the circumstance
of his having been thus sewed up in his cabin carpet, I think that un*
likely. It appeared that he had been attired in his full dress of Com-
modore when the engagement commenced, as his remains were clothed
with all the insignia of his rank as a naval officer. He was identified
most particularly by marks on his linen, and by a sUver tobacco-box,
with his name in full engraved on the lid. The remains of this
gallant young seaman were removed from the beach to the house of a
person in the vicinity, who, acting under the direction of Sir William
Maxwell of Monreith, the lord of the manor, invited every respectable
person in that quarter to the funeraL Sir William himself acted as
chief mourner, and laid the head of that distinguished individual in the
^' The carpet in which the corpse was foimd was for a long time
kept at Monreith House, and my informant supposes it to be there stUl.
The tobacco-box was presented, by Sir William MaxweU, to the
victorious Elliot, in whose fiemiily it is yet, perhaps, an heirloom.
Thurof s watch, which fell into the hands of one of Sir William's
domestics, is now in the possession of a person in Castie-Douglas."
Thurot was about 36 years of age, and Mr. Durand says, ^ he was
rather robust than genteel, and he was rather comely than handsome,
very brown, and extremely florid, and had a very small scar under his
left eye, which was rather an advantage to him than otherwise." He
is also described as of a low stature, well made, and having lively black
eyes ; of a frank humour and aflable disposition.
He lies in a remote churchyard, without a stone to record his name,
or even to point out the exact spot where his remains were interred ;
his actions alone are his monument.
It may be mentioned that Bishop Hildesley and his family witnessed
the action from Bishop's Court, and that the bowsprit of the '' Bellisle,"
two yards in circTimferenoe, which was stnick off during the engage-
ment, and came on shore not far from where he was standing, he set
up on a small eminence, in the glen leading up from his palace, which
he named " Moimt .^olus," in commemoration of the victory ; the
mount still remains, but the £rail memorial of Thurot has long ago
passed away.
The trade of Liverpool was ruinously interfered with by French
privateers, who hovered between the mouth of the Mersey and the Isle
of Man. In a Liverpool paper, under date 8th September 1758, we
find the first notice of Captain Thurot, as follows . — *^ It is reported that
the brig 'Truelove,' of Lancaster, and the brig 'Jane,* of Lancaster,
had been taken off Lough Swilly by the * Marshall Belleisle,' privateer,
of St Maloes, of thirty 12-pounder8 on one deck, eight 6 -pounders on
the quarter-deck, four on the forecastle, and four 18-pounders below.
Captain Thurot, commander.''
From a list, published in July 1760, it appears that in four years,
ending at that date, there had been taken by the French, of vessels
belonging to Liverpool alone, 143, principally engaged in the West
Indian and American trades.
A print, 24 inches by 15, was made from a painting by Wright,
representing the ships in Ramsey Bay, as they appeared immediately
after the battle, dedicated to the merchants of Liverpool, and which may
stiU occasionally be met with in the island.
Having, some years since, met with an aged person who had
witnessed this action in his early days, and was proud of relating the
fact, I was induced to enter more fully into Thurot's eventful life than I
might otherwise have done, when only recording the songs which have
been composed respecting him.
The following is from Popular Songs, illustrative ^f the French
Invasions of Ireland, edited by T. Crofton Croker, and printed for the
Percy Society, 1846, as well as many of the facts recorded in the fore-
going memoir.
It ifl said tliat Colonel Oavenac informed John Wesley that Thnrot, after
sailing from Carrickfergus, had a presentiment of his death in conse-
qnence of a dream^ which Wesley has preserved in his journal, 6th
May 1760 : — '"The next morning as he (Thiirot) was waDdng the deck,
he frequently started without any visible cause, stopped short, and
said, * I shall die to-day.' "
The twenty-first of February, as I've heard the people say,
Three French ships of war came and anchored in our bay ;
They hoisted English colours, and landed at Eilroot,
And marched their men for Carrick without further dispute.
Colonel Jennings being there, at that pretty town,
His heart it was a-brealdng, while the enemy came down.
He could not defend it for the want of powder and ball,
And aloud to his enemies for " quarter" did he call.
As Thurpt in his cabin lay, he dreamed a dream.
That his grandsire's voice came to him and called him by
his name ;
Saying, Thiirot, you're to blame for lying so long here.
For the English will be in this night, the wind it bloweth
Then Thurot started up, and said unto his men,
" Weigh your anchors, my brave lads, and let us begone ;
We'll go off this very night, make all the haste you can.
And we'll south and south-east, straight for the Isle of Man."
Upon the next day the wind it blew north-west,
And Elliot's gallant seamen, they sorely were oppressed ;
They could not get in that night, the wind it blew so high.
And as for Monsieur Thurot, he was forced for to lie by.
Early the next morning, as daylight did appear.
Brave Elliot he espied them, which gave to him gi'eat cheer ;
It gave to him great cheer, and he to his men did say,
** Boys, yonder's Monsieur Thurot, we'll show him warm play."
The first ship that came up was the Brilliant without
She gave to them a broadside, and then she wheeled about ;
The other two then followed her and fired another round,
" Oh, oh, my lads," says Thurot, " this is not Carrick town."
Then out cried Monsieur Thurot, with his visage pale and
" Strike, strike your colours, brave boys, or they'll sink us
every man :
Their weighty shot comes in so hot, on both the weather
and the lee ;
Strike your colours, my brave boys, or they'll sink us in
the sea."
Before they got their colours struck great slaughter was
And many a gallant Frenchman on Thiux)t*s decks lay dead,
They came tumbling down the shrouds, upon his deck they
While all our brave Irish heroes cut their booms aud yards
And as for Monsieur Thurot, as I've heard people say.
He was taken up by Elliot's men and buried in Eamsey Bay.
Now for to conclude, and put an end unto my song,
To drink a health to Elliot, I hope it is not wroi^ ;
And may all French invaders be served the same way.
Let the English beat the French by land, our Irish boys on
Thurot and Elliot.
This song was taken down as sung hj a person in Baldwin in 1869,
who stated that he had often heard his old father sing it, but did not
know the author. How well the record of this battle has been retained
in the memory of Manxmen for more than a century, shows the great
interest that was taken in the career of Thurot, who no doubt at the
time had many friends in the island who were well acquainted with
his exploits.
It wiU be observed this is the same song as that given under the
name of ^ Thurot's Dream," which was copied &om the version given
by Mr. Crofton Croker in the Popular Songs illustrative of the French
Invasions of Ireland, Part II. (Percy Society, 1846), but which appears
to be defective, wanting several verses now supplied in the present
copy, which, from its greater regularity of detail, is most probably the
originaL The various readings are only the result of the oral trans-
mission of the song, a complete printed copy of which I have never
seen. It has been considered advisable to print both versions.
My very heart is broken for Camckfergus town,
Such a fine situation as our enemy pulled down*
On the twenty-first of February, as IVe heard people say,
Three French ships of war came and anchored in our bay.
They hoisted up English colours, and landed at Kilroot,
As for Carrickfergus there was a furthermore dispute ;
But brave Colonel Jennings gave them powder and ball,
'Till one hundred and three of these French dogs did falL
So brave Colonel Jennings, at that very same space,
His heart was so broken for that beautiful place ;
He could not defend it for want of powder and ball,
'Till aloud to his enemies for " quarter " he did calL
On the twenty-seventh of February the wind blew nor^-weet,
These three gallant ships they were sorely oppres't ;
They could not get in that night, the wind it blew so high,
But brave Monsieur Thurot, he was forced to let by.
Thurot lay on his hammock, he dreamed a dream ;
A voice came unto him by night, and called him by name.
Saying, You are to be blamed, Thurot, for lying so long here ;
The English wiU be down to-night, the wind it blows so fair.
Thurot jumps firom his hammock, and unto his men did say.
Weigh up your anchors, brave boys, and let us be away ;
Take up your anchors, brave boys, make all the speed you
And we'll steer south-south-east, straight for the Isle of
Early the next morning, when daylight did appear,
Elliot espied Thurot, and gave him a good cheer ;
EUiot espied Thurot, and unto his men did say.
See, yonder's Monsieur Thurot ; we'll show him English
Thurot takes out his spying-glass, and spied all around.
He spied three British heroes all steering up and down.
He spied three British heroes aU gathering in a swarm ;
Hurrah ! my boys," says Thurot, " this place shall soon be
Then out spoke Monsieur Thurot, without a fear or doubt.
Take in your hooks on board, bojrs, we never shall be took ;"
Then cried out Captain Elliot, and "Be it not too fast.
Give him a gallant broadside, cut down his yards and mast"
Then first cetme up the " Brilliant," without a fear or doubt.
And gave him a gallant broadside, which made him wheel
Then come up the other two, which gave him fire roimd.
Oh, oh, my boys," says Elliot, " this is not Carrick town,"
Then out spoke Monsieur Thurot^ with colour pale and wan,
"Strike down your colours, brave boys, or they'll sink us
every one ;
Their weight of shot comes in so hot, both windward, bow,
and lee ;
Strike down your colours, brave boys, or they'll sink us in
the sea."
Before they had their colours down, what a slaughter there
was made.
And many a gallant Frenchman on Thurot's deck lay dead ;
And as for Monsieur Thurot, as I've heard the people say.
He was carried away by Elliot's men and buried in Eamsey
To which concludes my ditty unto this moumfiil song.
To drink a health to Captain EUiot, I hope it is not wrong ;
And may all French invaders be served the same way —
If the Irish did not beat them on land, the English did at
The Naval Battle of Thurot and Elliot.
This account of the engagement between Admiral Thurot and Captain
Elliot is here printed for the first time. The translation of the Manx
has been made by Mr. John Quirk of Cam-ny-Gre'ie, Kirk Patrick, from
the original MS. copy, which, with the assistance of the Rev. John
Thomas Clarke, late chaplain of St. Mark's, is considerably enlarged,
and the whole rendered into a more correct historical fact.
Eg bailey veg Frangagh er dorrid ny bleeaney,
ilodd veg dy hiyn-chaggee ren geddyn so hiauihll ;
As chond's veagh Thurot kion-reiltagh e gheiney,
Cha bailloo ve orroo dy jinnagh ad coayL
Sheer caggey nofn ree ain, gyn aggie ny nearey,
As roostey as spooilley yn ymmodee siyn ;
Tn gheay ren ee sheidey er ardjyn ny Haarey
As gimman ad stiagh so reeriaght yn reeain.
Eisht hie ad dy ghoaill Camck-Fergus ayns nerin,
As myr vad cheet stiagh gys ny voallaghyn ayn
Ard-chaptan y valley dooyrt rish e hidooryn,
Shane dooin ad y oltagh lesh bulladyn ghum.
Ny.yeih ayns traa ghemt-vdn phoodyr oc baarit,
Nagh voddagh ad shasoo as eddin chur daue ;
Eisht captan y valley dooyrt reesht rish e gheiney,
Nish shane dooin roie orroo lesh clinenyn ayns laue.
Vdn stayd oc danjeyragh dy cronnal ry-akin
Eisht dooyrt eh too, shane dooin cur seose hue ajnois traa.
Son foddee mayd jerkal rish baase fegooish myghin,
Ifeayr's nagh vel shin abyl yn noid y hyndaa.
Myr shen haink ad stiagh ayns y valley laa-ny-vairagh
Dy yannoo myr bailloo rish ooilley ny Vayn ;
Mysh lieh-cheead dy Rangee va currit er feayraght,
Daag ThuTot cheu-chooylloo nyn Ihie ajms y joan.
Tra va Carrick-veg-Fergus oc spooillit dy boUagh,
Nagh chiare ad dy roshtyn yn Elian shoh noain
Agh s'beg erree vLyn Tquoi veagh nyn rohaiaQtagK
Yinnagh yn daanys oc ooilley dys kione.
She Elliot veeit ad rish ren orroo Ihiggey,
As lesh eddin ghebejagh doad orroo aile.
Hug Thurot dy-chione lesh ooilley *n voym echey.
As sheese beign da Ihoobey er-boayrd yn VeUisle.
Tra haink ad dy-cheilley as gunnaghyn Ihiggey,
As cronnagyn getlagh goll shiar as goll sheear.
Fuill frangagh myr ushtey dy palchey va deayrtey.
As Belleisle vooar y Thurot va tholl't myr y chreer.
Ny Frangee myr eeastyn va scarr' ter ny deckyn,
Tra hir ad son Thurot sud shilley cha groun ;
Agh v6shyn ny chadley ayns diunid ny marrey,
Cha Ihiass daue ve moyonagh ass Thurot ny smoo.
Slane sheh-feed ayns coontey dy reih gunnaghyn Bangagli
Noi gunpaghyn Elliot gueig-feed as kiare ;
Three longyn noi three ren ad caggey dy barbagh.
Er derrey hooar Thurot e voynyn 'syn aer.
Va oyx ec ny Frangee dy ghobberan dy sharroo.
Son yn obbyr va jeant ayns three lieh-yn oor ;
Three- cheead reesht jeh'n cheshaght va Ihottit ny marroo,
As dufsan dy cheeadyn goll stiagh 'sy thie-stoyr.
Va gueig jeh ny Sosthynee marroo myrgeddin,
As 'nane-jeig-as-feed gortit 'sy chah ;
Agh shimmey Ver enennaghtyn guin yn laa cheddin
Er-bey dy ren Elliot cosney yn laa.
Nagh dunnal yn dooinney va'n Offisher Forbes
Ghon cullyr Ihong Thurot er-boayrd yn chied er ;
As Thomson myrgeddin hie sheese ayns yn aarkey
Dy yeigh ny thuill-vaaish eck lesh barragh as gierr.
Fir-veaghee shenn Vannin Ver cheu heear yn Elian,
Eer Aspick Vark Hildesley, as ooilley e hie ;
Ben jeeaghyn dy tastagh as fakin as clashtyn,
Veih hoshiaght dy yerrey yn caggey va cloie.
Croan-spreie yn Velleisle tra ve currit er shiaullay
Ye eiyrit as immauit stiagh er y traie
Ve soit ec yn Aspick son cooinaght jeh'n chaggay,
Er ynnyd ard-chronnal er-gerrey da e hie.
Eisht mygeayrt Kione-ny-Haarey goll-rish deiney-sejnrey.
Hug ad Ihieu nyn gappee seose baiy Rumsaa ;
Ec irree-ny-greiney ny Frangee va keayney,
Tra honnick ad Thurot vooar currit dys fea.
Tra hoig shin ayns Mannia cre'n ghaue Ver n'gholl shaghey
As c'raad va ny deiney Ver reayll jin yn ghaue ;
Ard phobble ny cheerey, eer mraane chammah 's deiney,
Haink roue dy veeiteil ad dy oltaghey daue.
Ya geinsyn reih caarjyn ec theah as shiolteyryn
Va mooar jeant jeh'n Cheshaght ren cur lesh y laa ;
As rieau neayr's hiauill Ree Illiam dys Nerin,
Cha ren Iheid ny laaghyn soilshean er Rumsaa.
sleih-cheerey as shiaulteyryn trojee seose arraneyn,
Ny Frangee, ta'd caatit er dy chooilley heu ;
Ta'n chaptan oc cadley ayns diunid ny marrey
Ny Ihig daue ve moymagh ass Thurot ny smoo.
Nish Ihieen mayd yn veilley as iu mayd dy cheilley,
Lesh Shee-dy-vea ghennal gys Geprgee nyn Ree ;
Son she ny siyn — chaggee ta shin orroo shiauUey
Va*n saase dreill nyn noidyn veih ny M anninek
Translated by Mr. John Quirk, Cam ny Greie, Kirlcpatrick.
From the seaport of Dunkirk to cruise during winter,
A gallant French squadron did venture to go ;
And while the proud Thurot remained their commander,
They proudly disdained to submit to the foe.
They fought 'gainst our Sovereign with courage most daring,
And caused 'mongst our shipping much damage and loss ;
And during a gale which blew fresh o'er old Erin,
At length they succeeded in reaching our coast.
Then as they were nearing a spot on the borders,
E'en old Carrick-Fergus whose strength was but small,
The chief of the township reminded his soldiers
To have them saluted with cannon and ball.
And when they had spent the last grain of their powder.
And against the enemy they were unable to stand,
The gaUant commander did issue his order,
To nish in upon them with cutlass in hand.
Then as he observed a strong force put in motion,
He said, 'tis best to submit while we may,
Or death without mercy will soon be our portion,
Since we are unable to drive them away.
Next day into fair Camckfergus they entered,
To do as they pleased with all they could find ;
About fifty men of bold Thurot's adventurers.
Who lay stark and cold, to the dust were consigned.
When they left Camckfergus completely ransacked.
Straight on for lone Mona the Frenchman did steer ;
But who should salute them they little suspected,
To finish for ever their warlike career.
Brave Elliot appeared with broadsides most glaring.
And with a bold front put an end to their toil ;
Proud Thurot was caught at the height of his daring,
Who had to submit, tho' on board the Bellisle.
When warmly engaged in this bloody action,
The French quickly fell 'neath the thundering squalls ;
Their rigging was scattered in eveiy direction,
And Thurot's Bellisle was riddled with balls.
The French of all classes on deck lay in msu3ses,
When there they sought Thurot midst carnage and gore ;
But Thurot was sleeping below in the ocean ;
No Frenchman need boast of his courage any mora
The guns of the French were a score and one hundred,
While Elliot's numbered one hundred and four ;
Three ships against three contended and thundered
Until the Bellisle lost her great commodore.
One hour and a half put an end to their struggle,
When three hundred Frenchmen fell wounded or slain.
One thousand two hundred in sorrow and trouble,
As captives to prison were led o'er the main.
Five men also fell on the side of the English,
Whilst thirty-one more were hurt more or less ;
But keen had we felt the sharp sting of anguish,
Had not the brave Elliot met with success.
The Bellisle was taken by Lieutenant Forbes,
The first man who boarded and brought her flag low ;
And saved by brave Thompson who dived in the ocean,
And stopped her death leakage with tallow and tow.
The people who dwelt on the west side of Mona^
E'en Bishop Mark Rildesley with all of his train,
Gould hear the tough music as cannons were booming,
And much of their doings could plainly be seea
They- saw the Bellisle when deprived of her bowsprit,
A log which soon reached the Bishop's domain.
To stand on an eminence commemorating
The day and its deeds, with all things that cama
Then round Point of Ayre most gallantly leading,
They brought up their captives towards Eamsey Bay ;
At day-light's returning poor Frenchmen were mourning,
To know their great Thurot was lifeless as clay.
When we understood what dangers had threatened.
And where were the men who averted the blow,
The head-men of Mona did hasten to meet them,
To greet and salute them as best they could do.
To the best of our means they were treated and honoured,
While Elliot's kindness still gladdened the place ;
And ne'er since King WiUiam sail'd hence for old Erin
The good folk of Bamsey knew ought of such days.
O landsmen and sailors, do ye all sing in chorus.
The French are defeated behind and before ;
And Commander Thurot laid low in the ocean.
No Frenchman need boast of his courage any more.
And now the full bumper with joy and good feeling,
We^U drink to the health of our King and our Queen,
For the gallant vessels on which we are sailing
Were the means to keep Thurot from mannin-veg-veen.
From the Otntleman*a Magaxine for March 1760.
John Wesley, in his journal, May 1760, relates, on the information
of Mrs. Cobham, while that lady was in attendance upon Gkneral
Flaubert, after he had been wounded at the capture of Carrickfergus,
'^ a little plain-dressed man came in, to whom they all showed a par-
ticular respect It struck into her ndnd, ' Is not this M. Thurot 7* which
was soon confirmed." She said to him, " Sir, you seem much fatigued :
will you step to my house and refresh yourself ?" He readily accepted
the offer. She prepared a little veal, of which he ate moderately, and
drank three glasses of small warm punch ; after which he told her — *^ I
have not taken any food before for eight and forty hours." She asked
him, '' Sir, will you be pleased to take a little rest now ? *' Observing
he started, she added, '' I will answer life for life, that none shall hurt
you under my roo£ " He said, '' Madam, I believe you, I accept the
offer." He desired that two of his men might lie on the floor by the
bedside, slept about six hours, and then, returning her many thanks,
went aboard hiB ship.
Here lies the pirate, brave Thurot^
To merchants' wealth a dreadful foe :
Who, weary of a robber's name
Aspired to gain a hero's fame :
But oft ambition soars too high,
Like Icarus when he strove to fly :
In short, Thurot with ardour fill'd.
His breast with emulation swelled,
Abjuring Sweden's copper shore,
His course to fair Hibemia bore ;
There took some peasants unprepar'd.
So struck his blow, and disappear'd ;
But luckless fate, which oft pursues us,
And when we least expect subdues us.
This scheme, how well soe'er conceited,
Into a dire mischance converted,
And made it prove, as we'll relate.
The sad forerunner of his fate :
For (Eolus brave Elliot led,
"Who early in his school was bred,
Cut short this champion's thread of life,
And with it clos'd the doubtful strife ;
In which Bellisle, a name we own,
Amongst ten thousand heroes known,
Of France, the wonder and the brag,
Again compell'd to drop the flag,*
Was forced such fortune to lament.
As erst her namesake underwent :
But to return to him whose glory
Is now the subject of our story,
He was no wit, nor quite an ass,
But lov'd his bottle and his lass.f
You then good fellows passing by,
Afford the tribute of a sigh
His fate lament — enough we've said,
Thurot once lived — ^Thurot is dead.
* The Chevalier de Bellisle, brother to the Marshal, lost hiB life
as he was endeavouring to fix the standard on the Sardinian entrench-
ments at Ezilles, 1747.
t M. Thurot's mistress, it is said, attended all his fortunes, and was
on board the Bellisle when he was killed.
This ballad is from No. lY. of the MS. Collection of BallacU made by
the Bey. T. E. Brown, who thinks it is either a translation or close
imitation of some English ballad.
Mjnr hie mee magh gys Sostyn,
She redy veet mee ayn
As faill mooar ren ee chabbal dou,
My aillin v^ee son blein.
Eisht lesh ny ^hebbyn mooar eck
Nagh daiU mee r'ee myr shoh
Dy ghoU maree gys (y) Hollaut
My veagh shin ooilley bio ?
Lesh dou feageil Sostyn,
Ve gys my trimshey trome ;
Tra ren my ven-ain shtyr
Tuiltym ayns graih rhym,
" Ta aym thie as thaUoo,
Marish argid as airh waigh ;
Shen ooilley reem's stowal ort
My vee oo phoosey mee."
Gut eh mie en, ven-ainshtyr,
Gha jargym poosey mish,
Ta mee er n'y anroo gialdyn,
Nagh vol feer jesh ve brisht.
Ta shen rish my ghraih Sally,
Yn ard-sharvaant en bene,
O cied shin mee, Yen-ainflhtyr,
My cbree ta lesh ee shen.
Nagh ren my ven-ainshtyr
Groaill lane dy chonee rhym ?
Nagh loo ee seose as vreear ee
Dy ghoaill my vioys voym ?
Tra nagh jinnin poosey ee
Dy ve son ben don vene,
Ghow ee shuityn feer aggairagh
Dy chur mee ayns piyssoon.
Va fainey er yn nair eck,
Myr s'bollagh v'ee djm grayee,
Slif ee eh ayns my phocket^
Hug orrym's surrause baase.
Nagh re lesh constable.
Hie mee er chur resh,
Kiongayrt rish bing dy gheincy,
Dy bee er my vriwnys?
Loiyr mee jeh reddyn jeeragh,
Ny-yeih, cha row couyr ayn ;
Son TOO ee seose dy nel mee ee.
Hie mee er char ayns pryssoon.
Shinish guillyn negey
Ta geaishtagh rhym's nish,
Ny jem-jee jeem's gamman,
Ny craid my geayrtry-miah.
Son ga nagh vel mee foiljagb,
Yn seikll 8h^;in dou faagail ;
O bannaght ayd, ghiaih Sally,
Ayns graih rhyt neem partail
By J. Ivon Mosley.
As I went out to England,
A lady met me there,
And wages good she offered me.
If rd serve her for a year.
Her offer I accepted,
And then with her prepared
To take a trip to Holland,
If we should both be spared.
The day that I left England
Was a woeful day to see,
For my mistress had conceived a love
That was not returned by me.
'* I have both land and houses,
Which rU freely give to thee,
And heaps of gold and silver too,
If thou wilt but wed with me."
I thank you, lady, kindly.
But I cannot marry now,
For I have made a promise.
And dare not break my vow.
It is with my Sally dear,
Your waiting-maid so kind :
madam, do believe me !
My heart's with her entwined.
'Twas then my vengeful mistress
Made a threatening display,
And more, a fearful oath that she
Would take my life away.
Because I did refuse her
To be my wedded wife,
She took a wily measure
To rob me of my life.
On her hand a ring she wore :
I say with latest breath.
In my clothing she inserted it,
To bring about my death.
A constable she sent for,
And I was forced to go,
To be placed before a jury.
That I the truth might show.
Boldly then I spoke the truth.
But this she would not own ;
She falsely swore I robbed her :
I was into prison thrown.
Come all ye youths and listen.
Who are standing here, and be
Not idly thinldt^ of my words.
But a lesson learn of me.
Although I am not guilty,
To leave this world must I :
So blessings on thee, Sally dear ;
Through love for thee I di&
Jeeaoh guillyn agey sooree,
Nagh veil cur monney geill ;
My yiow ad inneenjm aaUn,
Feallagh vees jeu pleadeiL
Yiou main inneenyn errinee — *
She shoh roo bene fad gra —
As giallit keead punt toghyr,
Cha n'aggle dooin dy braa
She giallit keead punt toghyr,
Agh sgerrit vees ad rish ;
Kion ghaa ny three dy vleeaney,
Bee'n scollag as eh brisht.
Bee eh shooyll ayns ny margaghyn,
As mennick sy thie-oast ;
Ass y ven as ass y toghyr,
Bee'n scollag jannoo boast.
Luig coontey beg dy vleeantyn,
Ye ceauit oc cummal hie,
Jeeagh urree gow sampleyr jee,
Jeeagh unee goU feed thie. -
Ta stoyr dy ghownyn cotton eck
As oanraghyn dimity,
Ny Ihie ayns ny comeilyn,
Smoo feme oc er y niee.
My choyrle diuish ghuillyn ogey,
Ta geishtagh rish m'arrane
Nagh poost shiu er graih toghyr
Choud as vees seihll ermayml
My t'ou uss goU dy phoosey,
Jeeagh son sharvaant jeh'n'aill,
As chyiusee pingyn cooidjagh
As kionnee uss jee queeyL
Bneeuys ec dhyt dy kinjagh,
Dagh oor myr vees eck tiaa ;
Mannagh vou lien dy chinnagh,
Yiow barragh er y lieh.
Dy beign er phoosey Nancy,
Cre'n gerjagh Vec my chree I
Veagh ben aym gys my fancy —
As s'mie bynney Ibiam ee.
Agh phoost mee er graih toghyr,
Vy red nagh rou rieau mie —
Hooar mee toot d'inneen vooar irrinec,
Nagh dod rieau cummal hie.
Tee fargagh, moymagh, litcheragh,
As Ihie foddey er y laa,
Geam da'n charvaant eck girree
Dy chiartagh j'ee yn tea.
T'ee goardagh yn charvaant eck,
Ee bene soie ayns comeil,
As er y veggan foaynoo
Y laghyn dy vaarail.
Ta foiljyn inney'n errinagh,
Er skeaylley liauyr as Ihean,
Er vhilley ard as injyl,
Cheusthie jeh mooarane blein.
Cha nee ayns iimey'n' errinaghy
Ny ayns yn togh'r ta'n foill ;
Teedyn nagh beeagh un skilling
Ter phrowal chiart cha moal
Tad coamrit lesh fardailys,
Wasteilaghy gee as giu ;
Ta'n traa oc ceaoit gyn-ymmyd,
Tad coyrt ny deiney mou.
Saad boallagh nyn shenn moiraghyn
Ve ctunmal seose yn thie,
Tad shoh dy phluckey neose eh
Gys t'eh er laare ny Ihie.
Ah I treih son ny mraane mie shen,
Dy vel ad nish cha goaun,
Ta'n veillid fain syn jmnyd oc,
Coyrt naardey n slane ashoon.
Ta clashtyn ain jeh Sodom,
Quoi haink gys jerrey treih ;
Litcheragh, moym, as soailUd,
Va mhilley ec cheu sthie.
Tan chenn phadejrr Isaiah,
Neesht cur dooin coontey plain
Scrieoit ayns yn threeoo chabdil,
Mysh triehys moym ny mraane.
My sailt ve er chen cairys,
As goU jeh'n seihll ayns shee,
Fow ben fegooish molteyrys,
Gyn foalsaght ayns e cree ;
Slane, onneragh, as jeidjah,
Dwoaiagh er saynt as moyrn ;
Son coyrt sampleyryn cairagh,
Soish sheshaghyn as cloan.
Eisht gueeyn ort my charrey,
Tra t'ou er gheddin ee
Er graih dy chooilley veuinaght,
Jean dellal vie char jee.
My shen tra vees shiu symnit,
Roish stoyl mooar brewnys Yee,
Coyrt coontey jeh nyn stiuirtys
Lhig ooilley ve ayns shee.
Son shegin ooilley shassoo,
Coyrt coontey yn laa shen ;
Cre'n aght gheU mraane rish deiney,
As deiney rish ny mraane.
Translated by Mr. John Quirk, Cam-ny-6reie.
Young men commencing courting
Too heedless oft have been ;
They look for showy lasses,
High in the world's esteem.
We'll get a farmer's daughter !
'Tis thus they form their plan ;
A hundred pounds as portion,
And I'm a happy man.
A hundred poimds as portion,
But soon its course is run ;
Two or three years being over,
Leaves him a bankrupt man.
At fairs and at the public-house
He is too often foimd,—
There boasting of the farmer's lass
And her one hundred pound.
When two or three years have pass'd him,
Living with her he loves,
Look at her, and take notice
How slovenly she moves.
Her jSnery and dresses
Are huddled here and there
Neglected in the comers,
Need washing and repair.
Ye gay young men and bachelors
Who listen to my rhyme.
do not wed for portion
Within the bounds of time.
If ever you will marry,
And seek your future weal,
Get an industrious maiden
And buy a spinning wheel
She'll prove a constant spinner, —
The distaff is the staff ;
If flax you cannot purchase,
Get tow for half and half.
Had I but married Nancy,
How happy I had been !
The woman to my fancy —
And I could love her keen.
But for the sake of dowry
I done what now I rue, —
Married the farmer's daughter
Which no house-keeping knew.
She's lazy, proud, and saucy.
Found late in bed each day ;
From whence proceed her mandates,
And orders 'bout the tea.
Or sitting in a comer.
She rules with sullen sway ;
Whilst she herself is idling
Her precious hours away.
The faults which spoil'd these lasses
So many years ago.
They now pervade all classes.
And ruin high and low.
They're not confined to fanner's girls.
Nor to the pence they had ;
For scores not worth a shilling
Will treat you all as bad.
Their vain and foolish dresses,
Extravagance and ease ;
Their time is spent on nonsense.
They mar their husband's peace,
There, where our ancient mothers
Their household's weal did crown.
These who have took their places
As surely pluck them down.
Alas ! for these good women.
That they have got so scarce,
The mis'ries which supplant them
Will lay the nation waste.
Who has not heard of Sodom,
And her untimely end ?
Abundance, pride, and idleness,
Corrupted her within.
Isaiah, the third chapter.
If nowhere else beside,
Speaks volumes about women,
And their distracting pride.
If e'er ye would be happy,
And reach a blest estate.
Get partners without falseboixl,
Pnre hearts without deceit ;
True, diligent^ and honeet,
Strangers to lust and piide,
In all respects made worthy
To be the household guide.
And when at length you've found her,
And seen the happy day
For aU you hold endearing
give bet full tail play.
So when you'll stand together
Before the judgment throne,
Tou need not hlame each other
For aught that you have done.
For we must stand in judgment.
To answer for our lives, —
How wives have dealt with husbands,
And husbands with their wives.
Translated firom the Manx Song in Mona Afisedlanyf Part I., page 57,
by Mr. J. Beale, Grantham.
Mylecharaine, where gott'st thou thy store ?
Alonely didst leave thou me ;
1 got it not deeply beneath Curragh ground,
And alonely didst leave thou me.
Mylecharaine, where gott'st thou thy stock ?
Alonely didst leave thou me ;
1 got it not just betwixt two Curragh blocks,
And alonely didst leave thou ma
Mylecharaine, where gott'st thou what's thine ?
Alonely didst leave thou me ;
1 got it not just between two Curragh sods,
And alonely didst leave thou me.
I gave my web of hemp, and I gave my web of flax,
Alonely didst leave thou me ;
And I gave my cattle-ox for the daughter's dower,
And alonely didst leave thou me.
father, father, I feel quite ashamed,
Alonely didst leave thou me ;
Thou art going to church in thy sandals white.
And alonely didst leave thou me.
O father, O father, look at mj decent shoes,
Alonely didst leave thou me ;
And thou going about in thy sandals of hide,
And lonely didst leave thou me.
Ay, one sandal black, and t'other one white,
Alonely didst leave thou me ;
Fy, Mylecharaine, going to Douglas on Saturday,
And alonely didst leave thou me.
Yea, two pairs of stockings, and one pair of shoes,
Alonely didst leave thou me ;
Thou didst wear, Mylecharaine, full fourteen years,
Alonely didst leave thou me.
damsel, wench, thou needst not feel ashamed,
Alonely didst leave thou me ;
For I have in my chest what will cause thee to laugh.
And alonely didst leave thou me.
My seven curse of curses on thee, O Mylecharaine,
Alonely didst leave thou me ;
For thou*st the first man who to women gave dower.
And alonely didst leave thou me.
Mr. Beale renoarks that Mjlediarune, in reree i^ elily answers that
Le did not get Ub treaanre deep in the centre of a fatbomlem bc^. In
verse it^ tbat he did not get his stock betwixt two masses of Botid mat-
ter in contact in the hog. In vetse m. that he did not get his general
goods between two bite of loose matter in the bog; In verse it. that
he had dowered his daughter. In verses T.-vin. she gently npbnids
him with irreverently and slovenly using sandals, while she takes pride
in being shod decently ; and playfally, but respectfollj, hints at the
droll figure he will cut in Douglas, the lai^est town in the island, on
Saturday, the market day ; concluding with a very telling allusion to
his long-piactised miserly habits. In verse n. he consoles her with the
prospect of the fortune in store for her. In verse z^ for portioning
her, he has a seven-double curse — " a regular fourteen pounder" —
hurled at him by, we may suppose, a disappointed suitor, who had lost
the hand of his daughter, and might be the. questioner in Hie first three
It had been the intention of the editor to have given a
more particular account of the family of Mylecharaine than
what is stated in the first series of M<ma Miscellany , p. 54^
and considerable trouble has been taken to accomplish this,
but without effect. It was desirable to obtain information as
to the time when the person who is said to have found the
treasure lived, and one of Ms descendants has repeatedly pro-
mised to look up some of their old deeds that would have
given the date as to the time they first acquired property in
Jurby, but has failed to do so. One thing, however, was
done ; the editor obtained the loan of an ancient cross, which,
along with some other smaU valuables.had beenhaaded down
from their forefathers. This, after being cleaned from the
soil and peat which filled up some parts of it^ and entirely
concealed the engraved portion, turned out to be silver. It
had evidently lain long unused, from its blackened appear-
ance, and probably formed one portion of treasure that had
been concealed in early times when the Isle of Man was sub-
ject to so many raids from Norsemen and others, and pro-
bably was the foundation of the rise in fortune of the Myle-
charaine family.
An exact drawing of this cross has been carefully made,
which will no doubt be an acceptable contribution to the
Manx antiquary. The small ring at the top, by which it was
suspended, has been unfortunately broken ; it is otherwise
quite perfect It is evidently of great age, if we may judge
from its workmanship and peculiar form. It bears a very
striking resemblance to the St. Cuthbert gold cross, found on
his body at the opening of his tomb in 1827, a drawing of
which is given in Chambers s Book of DaySy vol. ii. p. 312.
1864. St. Cuthbert was bishop of the Northumbrian Island
The Mylechakaine Silver Cross,
of Lindisfame, and died in the year 688. Hia body, after
several removals, found a resting-place in 1104 in Durham
Cathedral If the Mylecharaine cross be assigned to the
same age, it will, indeed, be entitled to be called an antique.
The principal part of the property is in Kirk Christ
Lezayre, part in Andreas, and part in Jurby, and being in-
tack, bears no name, only a number in the Lord's book The
old house is not In existence. There is a field called Gaht ny
thieyn — the Field of the Houses. Mrs. Jane Cashen of the
Curraghs, Jurby, is the lineal descendant or representative of
There is a tradition that Mylecharaine was an Olegitlmate
son of one Christian of Milntown, who, fearing an invasion,
hid some valuable property in the Curragh, which this son
afterwards secretly took up, and from thence waa called
Motley e ckiarciel,
Deceiver of my care.
This old Manx ballad has been arranged conversationally. It was
taken from one written by the Rev. Philip Moore. He was a first-class
scholar, and was one of the translators of the Scriptures into Manx. He
was rector of Kirk Bride, and for forty-eight years chaplain and school-
master of Douglas, where he was bom on the 5th September 1 706,
and died there 2 2d January 1783, and was buried in Braddan Church-
yard. — Vide ButWs Life of Bishop HildesUyy pp. 186-192. London,
Yn Chvyr. — Haink Shujnr ven-y-phosee stiagh,
She mooie er y phling-vag Vee ;
Gra dy beign's er phoosey ayns traa>
Cha beign's nish ayns stayd cba treib.
She poost^ as poost, as poost^
As poost dy liooar vees shin,
Nagh nhare diu foddey ve poost,
Na taggloo smessey ve j'eu.
Agh my-lhie my lomarcan va mee,
STbeg geqagh v'aym dy bragh ;
Agh foddey baare Ihiam nish,
Ve poost rish guilley vie reagh,
" She poost, as poost, as poost," etc.
Tn vraar. — Haink stiagh eisht braar ben-y phoosee,
As loayr eh mychione e huyr
Dy boan diu ee chammah as ta mish,
Cha nieau-agh shin umee son oor.
'* She poost, as poost, as poost," etc.
Tee moymagh, ard, as litcberagh.
As Ihie feer foddey er-laa ;
Chyndaa ee bene 'sy Ihiabbee,
Myr, sboh, te'e ceau e traa
* She poost, as poost, as poost," etc.
Mannagb n'oyms ben share ua ish
Jeer ! cha poosym's ben dy braa
Son hem shaghey dy chooilley ven-aeg,
Fegooish cur orroo traa-laa.
'* As poost, as poost, as poost,'' etc.
Bery-y-phoosee, — ^Eisht loayr roo, Ben-y-phoosee,
S'beg tushtey ten ny Eeeayl ;
Dooys dy phoosey dooinney son graih
Cha vel eh agh ayns fardaiL
" She poost, as poost, as poost," etc.
Dyn thie, ny cooid, ny conryn,
Garmeish, curlead, ny Ihuisag ,
Tta big bogbtjmid stiagh 'sy donys,
Nee graih goU magh er yn uinnag.
^ She poost, as poost, as poost," etc.
Yn Voir. — ^Haink Moir ben-y-phoosee stiagh,
As loayr ee rish e inneen ;
Traa hie mish hoshiaght dy phoosey,
Cha rou jalloo ayvi Ihiam pene.
" She poost, as poost, as poost," etc.
Agh gooyn dy eglieeu olley,
Fegooish eer smoe dy cheau ;
Agh nish ta'ym oUagh as cabbil
As palchey dy liooar ta'ym jeu.
" She poost, as poost, as poost," etc.
Vaym gooyn dy eglieenoUey
Marish apryn dy saloon
Quoig dy henn lieen skeddan
As bussal dy spinagyn huiD.
" She poost, as poost, as poost," etc.
Yn Ayr. — ^Eisht dooyrt Ayr ben-y-phoosee,
Ny treig ufs rish dty ghraih ;
My te son laccal toghar,
Verym's dhyt dty haie.
" She poost, as poost, as poost," etc.
Yiow'n cholbagh vreck er sthrap,
As nagh re oo bene vees sou3rr ?
As yiow'n chenn vock vane, golleig,
Dy haym yn arroo 'syn ouyr.
" She poost, as poost, as poost,
As poost dy liooar vees shin,
Nagh nhare diu foddey ve poost,
Na taggloo smessey ve j'eu,"
By the Rev. John Cannell, Vicar of Onchan.
Shiuish ooiUey Easteyryn neem's coontey chur diu,
Mysh Imbagh yn Skeddan ny sbrooaie cha row rieau ;
Tain palchey dy argid cour arroo as fe'ill,
Foast praaseyn as skeddan she ad nyn ard reil.
Tra harrish fan Imbagh, cha-lhisagh shin plaiynt
Agh booise y chur dasyn ta freayll shin ayns slaynt ;
Slane voylley chur da> son e vannaght hooin wass,
Tan Skeddan ersooyl dys y cheayn vooar by-Yiass.
Ayns shen goaill e aash^ va kiarrit da riean,
Ny ribbaghyn-vaaish s'beg choontey v'eh jeu ;
Ayns shen cean e hraa derrey cheet yn nah vlein,
Er Greeb Bal-ny howe, yion mayd eishteh'sy lieen.
Ayns flinghys dy mennick, as mennick neesht feayr,
Foast prowal as ciurr, shinney Ihian churmyner ;
Tra ta caslys, vie goll, as yn eeast cheet e-ash,
Chelleeragh fan dooan soit son y vock-ghlass.
Te shilley vondeishagh, goaill prowal vie stiagh.
As s'eunyssagh y laa> dy chreck yn eeast magh ;
Dy chreck eh dy gennal rish kionneyder vie,
Goaill jough lesh arrane, as craa-laue ben-y-thie.
Lesh cappan dy yongh, as greme veg dy veer.
Nee mayd beaghey clia Bonyr as eirrmee yn cheer ;
Lhig dooiQ gin dy chreeoil dys y chesliiaghtain bene,
Maatey deiuey, sMn B'gennal fud immanee yn Ueen.
Nish jerrey y choyrt er ny ta mee er ghra,
D'ron palchey dy Skeddan ec manuin dy braa ;
Freill, freill dooin yn vannaght, Glirootagh y theiMl
As ayns booiae lhig da mauniuee fosley nyn meeal
TranBlated from the Manx by Mr. John Quirk, of Cam-ny-Greie,
Ye seamen of Mona, come join heart and hand.
To sing of the season which gladdens our land ;
We've plenty of money to procure bread and beef,
Yet potatoes and herrings must rule as our chief.
The season being over, we should not complain,
For health, and all mercies, we'll thankful remain ;
Still praise our Preserver for blessings bestow'd,
When herrings remove to their southern abode.
Their quarters prepared by our Maker all- wise.
The snares and the dangers they seem to despise ;
They rest for a season, and then come again,
Bal-ny-howe upon Greeba's our spot for 'em then.
Tho' oft wet and cold, both by day and by night,
We follow our business with joy and delight ;
When fish multiplies and foretells a good take,
The line and the hook are prepared for the hake.
'Tis pleasant to witness good hauls coming in.
And so a fine day is, to sell it again ;
To sell to good buyers, with beer at command,
And sing with a shake of the landlady's hand.
With an iLOcest got morsel and a cup of good beer.
As SDug aa our farmere, veil live round the year ;
Well heartily drink to the health of our men,
And DODfl are more cheerful who tug at the traiu.
And now my dear Mona, to finish my rhyme.
May plenty of herrings for ever he thine ;
Preserve the great blessing, thou God of all grace,
And may it redound to thy glory and praise I
2Ut September 178T.
In the first series of Mbna Misedlany, pp. 80-85, was given
an account of this disaster, in which waa mentioned a French
print depicting the aad event. Having received petmission
to copy this print, we are now enabled to present it to the
members of the Manx Society.
This print, representing the scene of the disaster, was
several years ago picked up by the late Rev. G. S. Parsons, of
Castletown, Government Chaplain, at an old print-shop in
Paris. From him it passed into the hands of the late George
Quirk. Esq., Water Bailiff, and was in the possession of
Richard Qairk, Esq., Receiver-General, in IS'ZL
The picture presents a view of the Old Fort, the Old Pier,
the greater part of which was washed away in 1786, and
Douglas Head. The wreck of the boats (all one-masted), the
stru^ling of the men, the fuiy of the sea, and the angry
appearance of the sky, from which flashes of lightning are
emitted, is very spiritedly drawn. The ballads relating
thereto are given in the flrst series of Mona Miscellany.
John Moore of Camlork, in Braddan, author of tlie following ballad,
was one of the crew of a privateer called ^ The Tiger/' which he Bung
80 frequently, that he was himseK called " Moore, the Tiger.*' This
appellation has come down with his descendants to the present day.
Mr. Moore was also the author of several Manx carvals, a specimen of
which will be found in the present collection. This ballad humour-
ously describes the history of an old vessel which the gentry of the
island purchased and manned, for the purpose of assisting England in
her war with France and America. On her first voyage " The Tiger "
fell in -with, a Dutchman, and brought her into Douglas ; but not being
then at war with that country, complaint was made at the Court of St.
James, and those concerned in this outrage were lodged in prison until
satisfaction had been given to the Dutch.
Ren deiney-seyrey Vannin,
Ayns yrgid, stayd as moym,
Nyn bingyn cheau dy cheilley,
As chionnee ad shenn Ihong.
Va ynnyd oc ayns Doolish,
As boaylyn er y cheer,
Eaad cheau ad pingyn cooidjagh,
Dy chionnagh' privateer.
Ny pingyn hie dys Sostyn,
Va ymmyd daue ayns shen,
Dy chionnaghey 'n chenn Tiger,
*Sdy choyrt ee dys y cheayn.
Hie earn magh trooid yn Elian,
Son gmUin jeh ynsagh-cheayin
Ny guillin roie dy ghoolish,
Tra cheayll ad Iheid y sheean.
Ayns sheshaghtyn Vad chymsagh,
Cheet voish dagh aym jeh'n cheer.
Dys thie Nick Voore ayns Doolish,
Cha liauyr as grenadier.
She Qualtragh vees nyn gaptan.
As marish nee mayd goll.
As feiyr vooar hie fud Doolish,
Lesh Iheimmyiaght as kiaull.
Caggee mayd noi ny Frangee
As noi America.
Ta guillin-vie ayns Mannin,
Nagh jean voish noid chyndaa.
liorish nyn jebbyn aalin,
Ny guillm haym ad Ihieu,
Ny errinee va gyllagh,
Kys yion mayd jeant yn traaue.
Ya shoh daue aid oyr aggie
Quoi eiyragh er y cheeagh,
Dy goaun veagh guillin Yannin,
Son collar chur fo chreagh.
Va Illiam vooar y Condray
As dooinney vooar yn Chronk,
Va'd gyUagh son ny guillin
Va wheesh d'inneenjm oc.
shuish, inneenyn Vannin
Ta dobberan ayns doo,
Gra nagh vel guillin faagit,
Agh paitchyn nagh vel feeu.
Dy vel ad ooilley failt oc,
Er boayrd yn Phrivateer
As scoan my ta wheesh faagit
As roshys fer er kiare.
As tra nagh vel wheesh faagit
As roshys fer y wheesh,
Te foddey share ve foUym,
Cha nee fer eddyr jees.
Giu as cloie er ny caartyn
Chum roinyn oie as laa,
Gra blebeeyn ny guillm
Nagh jed noi America.
Myr eginit hie mee maroo.
As hass mee seose dys gunn,
As kinjagh va mee dobberan,
Dy row my ghraih ray rhym.
Ny cbeayrtyn va mee smooinaghtyn
Nagh vaikin ee dy biaa
As ceau my lagbyn seaghnagh
Ny lliie ayns bai'e Bumsaa.
Three laa va shin eT hiatdley
Lesh dooin faagail Bumsaa,
Tra veeit shin rish y stenym,
Hug er yn eill ain craa.
Va deiney tooillit teaymey
As guillin coayl nyn mree,
As Hany Voore va gyllagh,
My ghtdllm cum shui cree.
Tn keayn va gatt as fieaney,
Ve rastagh erskyn towse,
Tn chronnag ain va caiUit
Cha dod shin freayl nyn goorse.
Lurg da ve tammylt sheidey,
Yn sterrym reesht ghow fea,
As Tosh shin shenn oie OUick,
Oys aker ayns Mount Bay.
£c kione three laa reesht aarloo,
Eisht hie shin son y cheayn.
As veeit shin Ihong voish Holland,
As ghow shin ee dooin hene.
Eifiht haink shin thie dy Ghoolish
Lesh gunneraght as kiaull.
As deiney seyrey Yanuin
Dy moymagh haink nyn goaill,
6a blaik Ihieu fakin spooilley,
Va'd moymagh gyn resoon,
Loayrt baggyrtagh nyn oi ain
Dy choyrt shin ayns pryssoon.
Leah hoig shin dys nyn drimshey
Lurg dooin ve'r roshtyn thie
Yn Ihong va shin er hayr tyn
Dy row ee goit noi 'n leigL
Dooyrt ad dy row'n chooish din.
Trieit feanish yn Chionnooyrt,
As cha vel brin ayns Mannin
Ne brinnys diu y choyrt
Nish gow shin rene dys Sostyn
As meeit mayd shin ayns shen
As shooil mayd riu er thalloo,
Ny shiauill mayd riu er keayn.
Agh ta mish nish ayns Mannin,
As vouesyn ta mee seyr
Cha vod ad mee y Ihiettal
Yeih Sheshaght my ghraih gheyr.
Shoh'n erree ghow'n chenn Tiger,
Va'n oyr jeh wheesh dy chiaull,
Vee creckit jeh son toghyr,
Da'n Ihong va sliin er ghoaill.
Ga va shin sheshaght ghennal
As trean ayns corp as ciee,
Drogh cho3n*le as drogh leeideillee
Ver naardey cooish erbea
Ta'n foill ta geiyrt da'n Yanninagh
Oyr treihys tev-nj ghah,
Te'h creeney lurg laa'n Vaigee,
Agh sbeg vondeish te da.
O slimish my ^einey cheerey
Ta geaishtagh rish m'arrane,
My choyrles te diu ve creeney,
Ghoud's ta'n traa ermaym,
Yeh'n chooish ta ooilley Ihie er,
Dy ghoaill kiarail ayns tiaa
Boish bee loa'n yaigee harrish,
Kyn diimshey son dy braa.
Translated from the Manx by Mr. John Quirk, Cam-ny-Greie, Kirk-Patrick.
Once aa the gents of Mona
Eesolv'd our foes to whip,
They threw their pence together,
And bought a crazy ship.
They had a spot at Douglas,
And stations here and there,
Where money was collected
To buy a privateer.
These pence were sent to England,
Where money is of use,
And so the aged " Tiger "
Was fitted for a cruisa
A ciy went o'er the island
For well trained men and boys ;
So boys in troops collected.
On hearing such a noise.
They gathered from all quarters,
And places far and near,
To Nick Moore's house in Douglas,
Tall as a grenadier.
Qualtrongh will be our captain,
The leader of our choice.
And Douglas town seem'd moving
With mirth and joyful cries.
We'll fight both French and Yankeys,
We'll conquer or will die ;
The loyal sons of Mona
Will not their colours fly.
Their terms proVd so enticing,
The young could not withstand ;
Our farmers cried with anguish
" How shall we plough our land ?"
This was a source of sorrow
Which many a man might rue.
How few were left in Mona,
To hold the painful plough.
Pity for big Will Condray
And the great Man of the Hill,
They had so many daughters,
'Twas sad to hear their waiL
Ye maidens of old Mona
Who're mourning for our blades,
Who cry, " No men fiure left us.
But weak and worthless lads."
" For they are all eulisted,
To hear the "Tiger's" roar,
The few who are remaining
Won't reach ns one for four."
" We all look for a lover.
We must have one or none,
Far better without any.
Than two to marry one."
At playing cards and drinking,
We laboured day and night,
And cried that none but cowards
Would hesitate to fight
I was constrained to jom them.
And stationed to a gun ;
And oft I cried, lamenting,
My love and I are done.
I often thought with sorrow
rd never see her more,
And thus I spent my woeful days
So near the Bamsey shore.
Three days away from Bamsey
Upon the briny deep,
A fearful storm overtook us,
Which caused our flesh to creep.
Our men were worn by pumping,
And boys were like to droop.
Big Harry cried, " My Laddies,
Pray keep your spirits up."
The storm which burst upon us
With its tremendous force,
Soon swept away our rigging.
We could not keep our course.
But when the storm abated.
We sped upon our way,
Old Christmas eve we anchored
In safety at Mount Bay.
In three days' time being ready,
We sailed 'neath pleasant skies,
And meeting with a Dutchman,
We took her for our prize.
We then came home to Douglas,
With loud salutes and noise
With pomp the gents of Mona
Soon met us with our prize
They much admir'd the Dutchman,
'Tis sad to tell the tale,
Most haughtily they threatened
To send us aU to jaiL
We soon found to our sorrow,
And great was our surprise.
The vessel we had captuf d
Was not a lawful prize.
They told us that the Governor
Our desperate case had tried.
And not a judge in Mona
Would put it on our side.
Then go your ways to England,
We'll meet you there and then ;
And go by land or water,
The end will be the same.
Now I'm at home in Mona,
And from their yoke I'm free ;
And they can never sever
My loving one fix)m me.
But what came of the " Tiger,"
The source of all our noise ;
They sold her off as dowry,
Or portion with the prize.
Tho' we were men of valour,
And worthy of a chance,
Misconduct and bad leaders
Will ruin Spain or France.
The fault which cleaves to Manxmen
Still ruins many a man.
Wise when the fair day's over,
But what avails it then.
All you my Mends and brethren
Who listen to my rhyme,
I earnestly entreat you.
Henceforth be wise in time.
Yea, let the one thing needful
Se made our constant care.
Lest we be found lamenting
The day after the fair.
Tn chiaghtoo laa jeh'n vee September,
Hie shin er shiaulley ass baie Bumstui ;
Kiarail dy gheddyn dys geayllin Vaughold,
Dy akin caslys lane vie traa.
Tra haink traa-hidee ven y gheay sheidey,
Ben y flodd gankeral ayns y vaie ;
Tra cheu-naatyr ren y traa couraL
As chmr yn fl^d magh jeh'n cMone cW.
Duirree shin maroo cubbyl dy laghyn,
Cha row xnouney ry-gheddyn ayn ;
Kione y trass laa hie shin er shiaulley
Teh geaylin Vaughold as jiass jeh'n chione.
Hrog shin lught vie dy skeddan ayn,
As rom Ihain dy ghoolish fegooish jough ny bee
Kiarail dy gheddyn reesht dys geaylin Vaughold,
Dy akin caslys roish yn oi'e.
Tra ren shin roshtyn dys geaylin Vaughold
She caslys vie va ry-akin ayn ;
Chuir shin nyn lieen marish yn chaslys,
Magh jeh Bione Vaughold as jiass jeh'n chione.
Hie shin dy yeeaghyn loVn eeast er snaue,
She caslys vie dy lughtagh Vayn.
Hirg shin er-boayrd ee, as eisht fo-chiauil ee,
£r son Whitehaven kiarail roshtyn ayn.
Tra Vee fo-chiaml ain, as er nyn arrey,
Dy roie by-hiar jin, as by-lesh y trvoaie ;
Cha smooinnee shin er y tidey-varrey,
Ny cre'n Ihag-haghyrt va cheet nyn-yeih.
Tra va shin er-roshtyn dys thalloo Hostyn,
Va'n thie-lossan dorraghey er kione y cheiy ;
Neu-oaylagh va shin er boayl cha joarree,
Dy roie shin nyn maatey stiagh er traia
Chean shin nyn aker gour y yerree,
As sniem shin y chabyl dys y cheiy my-yiass ;
Yerkal dy sauchey, son y nah hidey,
Tra ]dnnagh eh Ihieeney, dy voghe shin ags.
Lesh y Ihieeney-varrey ren y gheay sheidey,
As ren yn aker sleodey dy siyragh nyn-yeih ;
Va shin eisht eginit dy eaymagh son cooney
Agglagh dy ve ceaut er y cheiy my-hrooaie.
Paayrt jin va gaccan dy beagh shin caillit,
Faayrt elley gra, cha naggle dooin foast ;
Agh va shin eiginit dy earn son cooney
Dy heet nyn guaiyil dy hauail nyn mioys.
Tra haink magh baatey hooin va shin ayns sauchys.
As hug ee thiagh shin er kione y cheiy ;
Baad va shin jeeaghyn er y chenn Dolphin,
Cheet stiagh ayns peeshyn hue er y traie.
Paayrt shin va gra, ta shoh feer dewill dooin,
Paayrt elley gra te dooin feer doogh ;
Steein-y-Chamaish vdes troiddey creoi dooin,
Agh foddqr smessey vees Steein-ny-Oghe.
Nish ta shin reesht er roshtyn Mannin,
Ab ta shin sauchey veih gaue erbee ;
Yn Chonney Logh cha dooyrt eh mouney,
Agh dooinney choar Van chenn PhoaUee.
Translated from the Manx by Mr. John Quirk, Oim-ny-Greie.
On the seventh day of the month September,
We sail'd off from old Eamsey Bay,
Eesolved to steer towards Maughold's Shoulder,
And watch appearances by the way.
"When it was tide-time, the wind was blowing.
And many a boat near their anchor stay'd ;
But towards evening, the weather mending,
The fleet was shot near old Clay-head.
About two days we continued with them,
But very little was there to be had ;
On the third day we continued sailing,
Off Maughold's Shoulder, south of the head.
We got some herrings, and sail'd off for Douglas,
And soon got ready, thence to embark ;
Sesolv'd to reach to old Maughold's Shoulder,
And take up our station before it was dark.
When we arrived near old Maughold's Shoulder,
Good were the signs to be seen indeed ;
We shot our nets there amidst good prosi)ects,
Near Maughold^s Shoulder, south of the head.
When we had proved how the fish was stirring.
Signs of good cargoes did soon appear ;
We soon haul'd in, and set our sails up,
Straight on for Whitehaven resolved to steer.
When we got sails up, we set our compass
To steer due east, and one point north ;
Without regarding how tides were running.
Or what variations they might bring forth.
As we were nearing the coast of England,
No pier-head lights were seen on land ;
Being unacquainted, and among strangers.
We ran in our boat upon the strand.
When out, astern we had cast our anchor,
We got a cable to the Southern Quay ;
Expecting when the tide was ebbing,
We could again get safe away.
As the tide rose, the wind was blowing.
We dragg'd our anchor, its hold gave way ;
We were forced to call out for assistance.
Lest we should strike on the Northern Quay.
ITiere some were shouting, "We all must perish,"
Others expected the storm to brave ;
But we had then to look for assistance.
Some men to help us our lives to save.
When from a boat we were safely landed.
There apou the pier-head we stood once more.
Where we could witness the poor old Dolphin,
In pieces floating towards the shore.
Some kept on sayii^ 'tis very serious.
While others said, 'tis bad of course ;
Steein-y-Chanu^h behaved rather furious,
But Steein-ny-Oghe was by far the worse.
Now we have landed on dear old Moua,
And from these perihi we are safe again ;
Whilst the Conney-logh did not much blame us.
We found the old Foallee a good-natur'd man.
On Saturday the 14th December 1822 His Majesty's brig of war Race-
horsey of 1 8 gxuiB, commanded by Captain W. B. Suckling, was totally
lost on Langness, Isle of Man.
It appeared that a roae had been painted on one of tiw beams ei the
cockpit of the vessel This incident induced a gentleman, then in the
island, Captain Hook, son of Major Hook of the Royal Artillery, who
had resided for many years in Douglas, to write the following song,
which appeared within a few days after the loss of the Racehone,
The rose is now withered and sunk in the grave,
Its leaves are now blighted and wet in the wave ;
No more through the stream the proud Baceharss goes,
Yet life's biightest sunshine was under the rose.
Oh, sigh not, for fancy shall picture full true
All the moments of gladness which there swiftly flew ;
And as memory shall trace her full sail down the stream.
Do you think shell pass heedless " The Bose on the Beam ?"
Ah no ! yet time's sand must run on and decay.
And memory, like evening's last gleam fade away ;
The heart must be blighted, life's current be froze,
E're the days be forgotten — when under the rose.
Then tarry ye moments, too swiftly ye fly.
Our leaves, like the rose, must soon wither and die ;
life quickly shall pass ('tis a feverish dream),
And too soon be forgotten, " The Eose on the Beam."
The loss of the Racehorse caused a considerable sensation in the island, but
more particularly at Castletown. She was on her way from Millford Haren to
Douglas, for the purpose of conToying His Majesty's cutter Vigilant, which
had been considerably damaged upon '* Conister," in Douglas Bay, on the 6th
October preceding. She made the Calf of Man Lights at 5 p.m. on the 14th
December. Some time afterwards another light was distinguished, which the
pilot believed to be that on Douglas pier bead. It turned out, bowever to be
the Castletown pier-bead ligbt. The brig bad at this time got into the en-
trance of Castletown Bay, and before Captain Suckling could get out of the
difficulty he was in, the yessel struck upon a rock at the south point of Lang-
ness. It was then dark and cloudy, with a heavy sea, which caused the brig
to strike violently. With considerable difficulty the cutter was got out, and
every exertion used to get the stream anchor into it, with the intention of
carrying it out, but owing to the heavy breakers this was found impracticable.
It was soon ascertained tiiat the rock was through the brig's bottom, and
the water flowed in until it actually lifted the lower deck. Guns were fired,
rockets thrown up, and blue lights burnt, but without attracting attention on
shore. The cutter, imder the command of Lieutenant Mallack, and the
galley, under Mr. Curtis (Purser), left; the brig with orders to make for shore
to endeavour to procure assistance. Being ignorant of the locality in which
they were, the men must have pulled round the promontory of Langness as
the galley reached "Fort Island" at 11.80, the cutter being fully an hour
later. From this place the officers and men proceeded to Castletown for as-
sistance. Several boats put off for the scene of the wreck, but only one suc-
ceeded in passing through the breakers. This boat made five trips, and
brought all the crew from the brig, but, unfortunately, when nearing the
shore for the last time, with Captain Suckling, the first Lieutenant Falkner,
and a number of men, a sea broke on board and swamped her. Six of the
brig's crew and three Manxmen perished. Captain Suckling and Lieutenant
Falkner were the last rescued, and their preservation was almost miraculous.
The cool and undaunted conduct of the Captain during the whole scene
was the theme of admiration and praise by all his officers and crew. Not an
article of clothing or property was saved by any one, except what was upon
their persons.
On the following days, Sunday and Monday, every exertion was made to
save portions of the wreck, but very little was recovered. The brig went
down in deep water. The Lieutenant-Governor and the gentlemen of Castle-
town showed the utmost attention to both officers and men ; the former were
accommodated at the " George Inn,*' and the latter in the Barracks.
The above is an extract from an account of the loss given in T?te Jiinng
Sun newspaper of the 17th December 1822.
In a statement of ''Vessels wrecked on the Coast of the Isle of Man " from
1822 to 1885, published by Robert Kelly, Esq., Notary-Public, the number
of lives stated to have been lost on board the Racehorse was seven. The value
of the vessel was set down at £15,000.
Captain Suckling was said to have been a nephew of Iiord Nelson's.
Written from the Recitation of Mr. Harry QuiUiam of Peel, 1868.
To the tune of '* Barbara Allan.*'
O VANNIN veg veen,
Tayns mean y cheayn,
Aynjee ta lane eeast&yryn ;
Tra ta'n oam cuirt,
As ny praasyn soit,
GoU roue dy cherragh ny baatyn.
Son y Feailloin,
Bee mayd goll roin,
Dy yeeaghyn son warpyn Skeddan ;
Heear 'sy chione rouajnr,
Leah yumaa liauyr,
Goaill neose nyn shiauill fo'n Charron.
Heear ec y veain,
Shiaulley dy meen,
Yn tidey keayrt va noi ain ;
Stiagh dys Purt-Chiarn,
Dy yeeaghyn ny mraane,
As dy phaagey nyn mymeenyn.
Goll veih thie dy hie,
Yeeaghyn son jough-vie,
Cha ron ny Iheid ly-gheddyn ;
Eisht hrog shin Shiaull,
Erskyn nyn gione,
As hie shin son j gheaylin.
Heear ec y chiork,
Magh ec yn chleait,
Yn cheayn va gatt as fireayney ;
Boish rosh shin tidey
Yn Chiggin vooar,
Daa ghooinney goIUsh teaymey.
Goll seose yn roayrt,
Ta deiney loayrt,
As meimic fluighey nyn Ueckan ;
Yn fload va roin,
As foddey voin,
Adsyn shegin dooin y gheddyn.
Tra ren shin feddyn,
'Sjm fload vy-gheddyn,
Nagh low ad shen lesk phrowal ;
Tra cheayl shin oc,
Ny skeayllyn v'oc,
Nagh chean shin voin yn famman.
Tra Van shibber &Lt,
As yn nshtey roit,
As ooiUey jeant dy baghtal ;
Hie shin dy rousagh,
Kow yn eeast veg sondagh,
Dy heet roue.holn dy aghtaL
Hug shin xn^h <2a.
Cha leah's va shin er phrowal ;
Eisht yn chied saagb^
Haink hooin dy booiagh,
Dansoor shin ee dy lowal.
Ec brifihey-yn-laaj
Ye Mune as rea,
Va'n cheayn gol-rish traaie-gheinnee,
Dy chooilley hiaull,
Vo'o fakin goU,
Gyllagh, jeeagh magh son wherree.
Er y vaie vooar,
Va sterrym dy liooar,
Lesh earish fliugh as fliaghey ;
Skeddan dy glen,
Yiogh shin ayns shen,
'Beyn ghobbag as y vuc-varrey.
Toshiaght yn Ouyr,
Bee'n oie gaase liauyr,
Faag mayd nyn mannaght ec y Chiggin
Hig mayd eisht roin,
Dys Doolish ny Ihong,
As bee giense ain ayns thie Whiggin.
Ayns thie Whiggin vooar,
Ta jough dy liooar,
Marish palchey Ihime as liggar ;
As Ihiabbee-vie,
Dy gholl dy Hue,
Tra vees mayd lesh nyn sliibber.
Bee paayrt cheet thie,
Fegooisli niaght vie,
Ta'n snaie ain eit ec y ghobbag ;
Ny mraane — oast bene,
Goaill chymmey jin,
'Sgra> ta caart ain foast 'sy vullag.
Translated by Mr. John Quirk, Gam-ny-Grofey Kirk-Patrick.
Hail ! Isle of Man,
Sweet ocean land,
I love thy sea-girt border ;
When the barley's sown,
And the potatoes down.
We'll get our boats in order.
Midsununer day.
And we tu^e away
In earnest seeking herring ;
Contrary Head
At length is made.
Take down our sails at Charron.
West at the mine,
One day being fine,
The tide against ns veering ;
We then sought next
Our soothing sex.
Our sweethearts at Port Erin.
Then here and there.
We sought good beer.
But none could we discover ;
Up to the gale
We hoist our sail,
And made toward the Shoulder.
Lo there and then,
Around the Hen,*
The bounding waves were jumping,
Ere we had tried
The Chickens' tide,
We lost some sweat by pumping.
We found the fleet
We sought to meet
Had left us far behind them ;
Tho' spring tides dash.
Our decks to wash,
Tet stiU we strove to find them.
As we came near
To where they were.
They'd proved how things were doing ;
So, when we heard
How they had fared,
Our nets were set agoing.
Then, supper o'er.
The water store.
And all things in rotation ;
We went to test our fish and mesh,
To learn their situation.
Before the dawn
Our horn was blown —
We then knew good and evil ;
The Hen and Chickens are rocks opposite the Calf of Man.
And the first men
Who gladly came,
We spoke them fair and civil.
At early dawn,
TVas fair and calm,
The waves forgot their fdiy ;
And every sail
Within oup hail,
They wish'd to see a wherry.
On the big bay,
Twas a stormy day,
The weather wet and doggish ;
The herrings there.
In plenty were.
The sea-hog and the dog-fish.
When days curtail,
WeTl bid fereweU
To Calf-lands, Hen, and Chickens ;
At Douglas then
Will be our inn^
We'll have a ball at Quiggin's.
At Quiggin's haU
There's plenty ale,
With beer and all things proper ;
A goodly place.
With beds of ease.
When we are done our supper.
Once home again,
Some may complain.
The dog-fish did not spare ua ;
land-ladies wise
Will sympathise.
And fetch a drop to cheer us.
Ths ** Manx Faiiy " steam packet made her first trip from the port of
Liverpool to Ramsey on the 3l8t August 1863, and returned from
Ramsey to Liverpool on the following noioming. On this occasion the
following lines were printed and sung about the streets of Ramsey.
Oh, Mannin veg veen, ta my chree sthill Ihiat bene,
As bwooiflhal dhyt mie son dy braa ;
As tra bed ym, my amiym goit voym,
Bee'm bwooisbal stbiU mie da Bumsaa.
Ta'n " Ferisb" er rosbtyn dy bieau voisb sbenn bostyn,
Ny queelyn eek tappee cbyndaa ;
As laadit dy slicb va sbin fakin dy Vee,
Ooilly bwooisbal cree mie da Bumsaa.
Thus translated —
Ob, Mona, my darling, my beart is still tbine,
My blessing upon tbee, I pray ;
And wben I am dead, and my spirit is fled,
Success unto Bamsay, I say.
Tbe " Faiiy " bas come, and swiftly bas run,
Her paddles go quickly around ;
Well loaded sbe were witb passengers rare,
All wisbing success to tbe town.
Translated into Manx by Rev. J. T. Clarke.
Jeeagh er y chellan veg
Cre'n aght te'e ceau e hraa ;
Te'e getlagh nish, as getlagh leesht,
As chaglym mill gaghlaa.
Ore cha jeidjagh te'e ayns traa,
Ayns jannoo seose yn kere ;
As streeu dy creoi, dy Ihieeney eh,
Lesh stoo ny sbuigh ny airh,
Ayns obbyr eisht ta mie,
Cha bee'ms dy bragh ergooyll ;
Son dy chur mow my annym gheyr,
Tan noid dy kinjagh shooyll.
Gys slaynt ny giootyn t'aym,
Lhig don my aegid cheau ;
Dy voddym's choontey choyrt da yee,
Te'r choyrt my aegid don.
A PRINTED copy of this carval| under the title of ** Yezebel" (7 pages),
is in the editor's possession. It has four extra verses following verse
xvii., which it has been thought better to omit in the present version.
My Chaaqyn gheyr as ghrailiagh,
Ayns shoh jiu er veeitteil ;
My sailliu shaghney peccah,
Fo mraane nagh jin-jee reill,
Ta'n reill oc feer neu-chairagh,
Ta'n Ostyl Phaul dy ghra,
Tra haink yn Noid'sy gharey
She'n ven slea'ie gheill hug da.
She ish va'n voir ain ooilley,
Son Vee da Adam ben,
Ny-yeih she ee ren coayl yn vaynrys
J'ee hene as da e chloan.
She ish chaiU yn vaynrys,
Tra vrish ee sarey Yee,
Tra ghow ee coyrle yn noid vroghe
She shen ren molley ee.
! Ooilley shiuish chloan gheiney,
Ta foast er-maym s'ytheihll
"Sy cur shin saynt da aalid
Yn ven sbwa sbooiee agh ren rieau shooyll
Agh smooinnee shuish er David
As neesht er Solomon
Thys va*dsyn cleaynit lioroo
!Ny deiney creeney v*ayn.
Ta shoh sampleyr diiiisli aegid,
Gow shiuish kiarail ayns traa
Nagh bee-jee miolit lioroo
Nagh myr fan Scriptyi' gra
My ren shin rieau agh Ihaih jeli
Mychione yn dooinney aeg,
Va shooyl dy feer almoragh,
Tra veeit eh ben 'sy traid.
As lesh e chengey veeley
She 'n scoolag violee maree
Hiart myr yn voddey oaldey
Yn vannan shooyll ny-yeih,
Ny myr yn chretoor valloo
Yn butchoor shooyll ny chione,
Bagh jeeragh gys 3m traartys
My veg kys da ere hon.
shimmey dooinney creeney
Ter hurrause liorish mraane,
My Ihaih shin rieau j'eh Joseph,
Quoi hilg et ayns pryssoon
She olkys e ven-ainshtyr
Dreill eh fo bottyn-yiam,
Myr scairagh ve'h dy yannoo
Ayns feanish Yee as Tham.
Dy smooinagh shiuish er Samson,
As, cooinagh reesht er Yob,
Cren olkys v'ayns ny mraane oc
Er-chee dy violagh ad.
Ny geayll shin rieau j'eh Naboth,
Thys hooar eh baase cha dewill,
She kyndagh rish ben Ahab,
She ish va TezabeL
She ish ghow spooilley Naboth
As stroie ee phadeyryn Yee
My cheayll shiu rieau jehn Vaase eck
She moddee ren ee y ee
As myrgeddin Athaliah
Yn olkys eck va dewill,
Tra stroie ee pobble Yudah
As ghow ee bene yn reill.
Quoi 00 bene my leharrey
Veagh cleaynit liorish mraane,
Ta'd soyllit ayns yn Scriptyr
Ny smessey ny'n lion.
Ta'd soyllit dys y lion,
As dys yn dragon neesht,
As jeh'n olkys oc ny-sodjey,
Ta nearey orrym ginsh.
Ny-yeih te ajms y Scriptyr
Thiongoyrt rish dagh unnane.
My ren shin rieau agh Ihaih jeh,
Cre'n olkys ren rieau mraane.
Ta'n olkys oc dou trimshey
Dy smooinagh er Noo Ean,
Dy row Iheid y dooinney vannee
Eieau tilgit ayns pryBsoon.
smooinnee-jee, My Chaarjyn
Er dooiimey-vaimee Yee,
Thys hooar ben-aeg son daunsyn
E yeearree voish yn Ree
Ean-Bashtey va jm dooinney
My cheayll shiu rieau jeh e vaase
She e chione hooar ee son daimsyn
Nagh bollagh Vee dyn grayse.
Cha birrys da Mac Sirach
Ve loayrt nyn oi cha dewill,
Dy re drogh ven my vessey
Te'h dagh cretoor sy theihlL
Ta'n olkys oc reesht soyllit
Ny smessey na dagh nhee,
Ta shen erskyn ny princesyn
Ta kerragh drogh-yantee.
Nagh streih'n stayd. My Chaarjyn,
Dagh creestee er yn oor,
Dy beagh njm yannoo soyllit,
Ny smessey na'n chretoor.
Son t'eshin as ny princesyn
Heese dooint ajiiB ooig dy aile,
As adsyn ver rish peccah,
Heese marish nee ad reUl.
She marish Ben as Tubal
As Meshech as Elam,
As maroo neesht ta Dives,
Ayns sheshaght rish drogh-vraane
As maroo hig oo my charrey,
As 3m tutler vroghe ta shooyll.
My ver 00 raad da peccah,
Soo shoh chendaa dty chooyll.
As jeeagh dy geir 'sy Scriptyr,
Dy chooilley oor jriow traa,
Cre'n kerragh ta cour peccee,
Ayns niuvin heese dy braa,
Ayns niurin heese ayns torchagh,
Ayns aile nee 00 geam dy geir,
Gra s'treih yn laa haink orrym
Tra reih mee yn laue chiane.
Gra shoh va slane my haitnys,
Tra ghow mee eh son reih,
Ayns fidleyryn as caartyn,
Ayns feejm as bwoalley sleih,
Ayns streepee-ys as daunsyn
Va my haitnys oie as laa^
As fark cre'n jerrey haink orrym,
Tra ren y Chiam rhym gra.
Nee shoh'n breearrey ren 00
Tra vow er dty ghaa ghlioon
Vow gee my eill myr arran,
As gin my niU myr feeyn.
Vow gialdyn neesht ve booisal
As bishaghey ayns grayse,
Agh sleai'e ren 00 jarrood mee
As geiyrt er raad Yuaase.
Ny-yeih ayns alane dty hurrause
Te ooilley *n foill ayd bene
Son va me ish dy Mngagh sarsy oo
Veih peccah as drogh vraane,
Myr te baghtal ayns y Scriptyr
Thiongoyrt rish cloan sheelnaue
Dy re drogh-ven by-vessey
Tell dagh cretoor ta snaave.
Cre'n sorch dy vraane. My Chaarjyn,
Ihisagh shiuiflh y ve,
Ta geaishtagh rish ny goan shdh
Mysh oikys mraane ere te.
Ny-yeib ere va nyn olkys
Cha row myr sben agb paart.
Son she jeh Ben v'eh ruggit,
Yn charrey ghow nyn baart.
She ish va'n moirrey vannee
As neesht moirrey malaine
As Deborah ayns kiartys
Een bleeantyn reill yn rheam
As ymmodee miaane elley,
Dy baghtal ta'n scriptyr gra,
Ben leeideil bea cha cairagh
As fer ten rieau chyndaa.
Son te co-laik. My Chaarjyn,
Da dooinney ny da ben,
My nee ad treiggeill peccah,
As gciyiii er Creest nyn yiani.
Aa geiyrt er leah nyn aigney,
Dagh Creestee meen yiow aym
Jeh miljid Ainleyn flaimys,
Trooid fnill gheyr Creest nyn yiam.
She trooid e uill. My Chaarjyn,
She eshyn big nyn vhaail
As marish Bheshaght dy ainleyn,
Ayns bingys aa ayns kiaull,
Gra gloyr hoods er yn Yrjid,
As er y thalloo shee,
As aigney mie gys deiney,
Dy kinjagh myi ahen giiee.
Translated by Mr. John Quirk, Cam-ny-Greie, Kirk-Patrick.
Come all ye sons of mortals^
And to my words give ear.
Would ye avoid transgressing.
Of women's rule beware ; *
Their rule is fraught with danger,
As plainly may appear,
Ken in fair Eden's garden "f*
She was the first to err.
Thus from the days of Adam
Her mischief you may trace.
And how she brought destruction
On all the human race.
There our deluded Mother,
As you may call to mind.
By hearkening to the Serpent
Did ruin all mankind.
This truly sounds alarming
To all the sons of time.
For women still are women
Through every age and clime ;
Even Solomon X and David, §
Those saints of former days,
Were led astray by women,
Though wisest of our race.
* 1 Tim. ii 12. t 2 Cor. xi. 3. tl Kings xi. 1.
§ 2 Samuel xL 3-4.
This to the young speaks volumes.
To flee the temptert smile,
The gross and foul seduction
Of all that would beguile.
Eead in the Book pf Proverbs^*
The woman in the street,
Who happens in her rambles
The thoughtless youth to meet
By her deceitful speeches
The stripling she o'ercame,
And off to swift destruction
The wolf did take the lamb,
Led as the brute creation
To slaughter or the snare,
Unmindful of the danger,
That death is dealing there.
Lo ! men, the most praiseworthy,
Have suffered 'neath their blast.
Have you not read of Joseph ?f
Upright from first to last,
The vengeance of a woman
Caused him with grief to smart ;
The pangs of iron fetters
Did pierce him to the heart
To speak of Job X and Samson, §
Still women in their day
* Troverbs vii. 6 to end. f Gen. xxxix. 7 to end.
t Job ii. 9. § Jiulges xvi. 6-20.
Were urg'd by Satan's power
To draw their feet astray.
With pain we read of Naboth *
How awfully he feU,
Caused by the wife of Ahab,
The infamous JezabeL
'Twas she who spoiled poor Naboth ;
(jod's prophets she had slain,
But vengeance overtook her,
And dogs ate up the queen.f
See also Athaliah,:|:
That base usurping queen,
Who shed the blood of princes
And inoffending men.
Who could be fooFd by women.
Who look at what they've done ;
The Scriptures do compare them
To lions, and so on.
Compared unto the lion §
And dragons || in their cell,
Of their misconduct further
We really blush to teU.
But still 'tis found in Scripture,
Before the sons of men.
If you be pleased to read it.
How cruel they have been,
• 1 Kings xxi. 13, 14, 15. t 2 Kings ix. 36. t 2 Kings xi. 1.
§ Ezek. xix. 2-6. II Rev. xii. 3, 4, 13, 17 ; Ecclcs. xxv. 13 to end.
Their conduct how it grieves me
To think upon St John,
That e'en our Lord's forerunner
Was into prison thrown.
O think of this, my brethren,
This holy man of God,
Though closely barr'd in prison,
They thirsted for his blood ;
The blessed John* the Baptist
They longed to see him dead ;
A graceless wench for dancing,
In pay received his head.
Well might the son-f of Sirach
On tracing women's ways.
Defy the whole creation
To furnish such a race.
Must they the whole creation
In cruelty excel.
Exceed tormentors' fiiries,
And fiends of nether heU.
Astounding news, my brethren,
We scarcely ever knew.
If women the arch-rebel
In mischief can outdo.
But he with all his princes
Are doom'd to endless woe ;
All unconverted sinners
The same must undergo.
♦ Matt. xiv. 3-12. t Ecclcs. xxvi. 6-12, 22-27.
With Meshech, Ben, and Tubal *
And Elam's mighty host,
Where Dives and naughty women
Must rank among the lost.
And we'U go, my brethren,
If we in sin remain,
Where lying tongues and slanderers
Endure eternal paia
think of these poor wretches
For ever doomed to dwell,
Clos'd down below the hatches
Of an eternal heU
Think of eternal weeping
And gnashing, what it is,
And look before you leap in
To such a hell as this.
Were you baptised a Christian,
To own your Saviour's cause,
And without fear or flinching
To flght beneath his cross ?
But yri31 you fight against him.
And flee from Jesus' fold,
And thus bring death eternal
On your immortal soul ?
If you'll despise the danger,
And rush to endless pain.
When conscience will accuse you.
You vdll have none to blame,
* Ezek. xzxyiii. 2, 3 ; zzxix. 1.
But rue through endless ages
That ever you were bom,
And o'er a day of pleasure
Eternally to mourn.
Now (Jod is nigh to save you,
If you'll implore his grace,
From death, from sin, and Satan,
And women's evil ways.
'Tis plainly seen, my brother,
Before each mortal's eye,
That women stand umivall'd
By aught that creep or fly.
And now, my dearest sisters,
Can you despise these lines.
Which point so very piercingly
To women and their crimes ?
But still tho' great their evils,
'Tis some we have to mourn,
For e'en our blest Messiah
Was of a woman bom.
The conduct of the Virgin,*
Deborah, f and Malaine,
Can scarcely be surpassed
Among the sons of men.
With many more besides them.
In Scripture still held forth.
Their conduct most praiseworthy,!
Tlie honoured of the earth.
* Afatt. xxviii. 1-5. t Judges iv. 4. t Gen. xviii. 12. Pro v. xxxi. 10-30.
Still Jesus, our Kedeemer,
For every sinner slain,
AppearB the common Saviour
Of women and of men ;
And all ma; find salvation.
And pardon through his blood.
And walk with Christ to heaven.
And walk on earth with Qod.
And follow their Eedeemer
With all their heart and mind.
Till women, men, and angels
Shall in one chorus join.
To Grod on high be glory.
Peace and good-will to men.
Repeat the pleasing story
Till Christ appears to reign.
" All you who are to mirth inclined."
This rude old carol is from an old MS. copy of about the middle
of last century, and was a fayouiite one in country districts. Various
versions have been printed in works on Christmas Carols, but Uiia op-
pears to extend much farUier than any I haye met with.
All you who are to mirth inclined,
Consider well, and bear in mind
What your great Grod for you hath done,
In sending his beloved Son.
Let all your songs and praises be
Unto his Heavenly Majesty ;
And evermore among your mirth
Bemember Christ and his bles't birth.
The five and twentieth of December,
Great cause have we to remember,
In Bethlehem upon this mom
There was a bles't Messiah bom.
The night before that happy tide
The spotless Virgin, and her guide,
Were long time seeking up and down
To find out lodging in the town.
And mark how all things came to pass ;
They in the lodgings so full was.
That they could find no room at all
But in the ox's sully stall.
Wherein the Virgin Mary mild
Was safe delivered of a Child ;
According to high Heaven's decree
He was man's Saviour to be.
Near Bethlehem did shepherds keep
With watchful care their flocks of sheep ;
So, when an angel did appear.
Which filled all their hearts with fear.
" Prepare to go," the angel said,
" To Bethlehem, be not afraid ;
There shall you see, this blessed mom,
The heavenly babe, sweet Jesus, bom."
With thankful hearts and joyful mind,
The shepherds went this babe to find ;
And as before the angel told,
They did our Saviour Christ behold.
Within a manger he was laid,
And by his side the Virgin stayed.
Attending on the Lord of life.
Being both mother, maid, and wife.
If choirs of angels did rejoice,
Well may mankind with heart and voice
Sing praises to the God of Heaven,
For he to us his Son hath given.
Moreover, let us every one
Call unto mind, and think upon
His righteous life» and how he died.
That sinners might be justified.
Suppose, man, that thou should be
In prison strong, condemn'd to die^
And had no friends upon the earth
Would ransom you from cruel death.
Except you could some person find,
That unto you would be so kind.
As would you free redemption give.
Would die himself, that you might live.
Such was the act of Christ, when we
Were doomed to endless misery.
To save us from the gulph of woe.
Himself much pain did overflow.
While in this world he did remain
He did not spend one hour in vain ;
To fasting, and to prayers divine,
He mostly did devote his time.
He in the Temple daily taught,
And many miracles he wrought ;
He gave the blind their perfect sight,
And caused the lame to walk upright.
He cured the lepers of their evils^
And hy his power he cast out devils ;
He raised Lazarus from the dead,
And to the sick their health restored
But yet, for all these wonders wrought,
The Jew his dire destruction brought ;
And JudaSy who did with him stay,
Did, with a kiss> his Lord betray.
Then he was taken by the Jews,
Who did him wrongfully accuse.
And pass the sentence then, that he
Should sufiTer death upon a tree.
They led him then unto the cross,
And thereupon he nailed was ;
They scornfully did him deride.
And thrust a spear into his side.
Then never let us cease to sing.
With gratefiil hearts unto our King,
Who hath so freely shed his blood,
Only to do us sinners good.
Taken down from the recitation of boys in the south of the island, and
as it differs in some instances from the Carol giyen at page 102 in the
first series of Mona Miscellany, it is thought worthy of preservation in
this series.
We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Tear ;
With your pockets full of money and your cellar fuU of beer.
For it's in the Christmas times we travel far and near,
So we wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
You go to your stable, your mind is on your horse ;
Your mind is not on Jesus Christ, who sufiFered on the cross.
Who suffered on the cross, and his blessed may you be.
For youTl never do for Jesus Christ what he has done for we.
And the Lord send you a happy New Year.
You go to your cow-house, your mind is on your cows ;
Your mind is not on Jesus Christ, who gave the several vows.
Who gave the several vows, and his blessed may you be,
For you'll never do for Jesus Christ what he has done for we.
And the Lord send you a happy New Year.
You go to your haggard, your mind is on your com ;
Your mind is not on Jesus Christ who wore the crown of thorn.
Who wore the crown of thorn, and his blessed may you be.
For you'll never do for Jesus Christ what he has done for we.
And the Lord send you a happy New Year.
You go to the meadow, your mind is on your hay ;
Your mind is not on Jesus Christ, who was bom on Christmas
Who was bom on Christmas day, and his blessed may you be.
For you'll never do for Jesus Christ what he has done for we.
And the Lord send you a happy New Year.
You go into your chamber, your mind is on your sleep ;
Your mind is not on Jesus Christ, who for your soul did weep,
Who for your soul did weep, and his blessed may you be.
For you'll never do for Jesus Christ what he has done for we.
And the Lord send you a happy New Year.
You go into your parlour, your mind is on your dinner ;
Your mind is not on Jesus Christ, who suflTered for a sinner,
Who suffered for a sinner, and his blessed may you be.
For you'll never do for Jesus Christ what he has done for we.
And the Lord send you a happy New Year.
You go to get married, your mind is on your maid ;
Your mind is not on Jesus Christ, who in the manger laid,
Who in the manger laid, and his blessed may you be,
For you'll never do for Jesus Christ what he has done for we.
And the Lord send you a happy New Year.
We are not come to your house to beg nor to borrow ;
For we are come to your house to drive away your sorrow.
To drive away your sorrow, and his blessed may you be.
For you'll never do for Jesus Christ what he has done for we.
And the Lord send you a happy New Year.
For we're not like dirty beggars, who beg from door to door ;
We are your neighbour's children, tfiat have been here before.
That have been here before, and his blessed may you be.
For youll never do for Jesus Christ what he has done for we.
And the Lord send you a happy New Year.
GkKi bless the master of the house, and to the mistress too.
And all the little children, around the table too ;
Around the table too, and his blessed may you be,
For you'll never do for Jesus Christ what he has done for we.
And the Lord send you a happy New Year.
In comes the mistress of the house, a star upon her breast ;
Awake her soul to happiness, God send her soid to lest^
Grod send her soul to rest, and his blessed may you be,
For you'll never do for Jesus Christ what he has done for we.
And the Lord send you a happy New Tear,
We've got a little leathern bag that's worn very thin ;
And if you choose to give us a Christmas box, do line it well
Do line it well within, and his blessed may you be.
For you'll never do for Jesus Christ what he has done for we.
And the Lord send you a happy New Tear.
In Manx.
By the Bey. Thomas Corlett
This Morning and Evening Hymns, written by Bishop Eenn, are here
given as being considered pure specimens of the Manx language. They
are' taken from an old MS., written by the Rev. Thomas Corlett, vicar
of Lezayre, in 1773. Mr. Corlett was one of the translators of the
Holy Bible into the Manx language, first printed in 1772, the portion
of Job being allotted to him. He also transcribed the Liturgy and
Epistles, as well as the Christian Monitor , and superintended a Manx im-
pression of the New Testament in London.
Hymn Son t Voghkey.
O Annym, dooisht, as lesh y Ghrian,
Eoie kiart dty chourse gys y vea veayn,
Criie Jeed meerioose, as irree traa,
Dy eeck da Jee, dty wooise dagh laa.
Dty hraa deyr cailt, dy-leah eie thie,
Lhig da dagh laa ve ceaut dy mie ;
Dty chunym freill gys rere dty phooar,
Jean oo bene cooie son y laa 'ooar.
Bee ynrick ayns dty ghlaare dagh traa,
Dty chree freill glen myr Grian'vTinlaa>
Slane traa dty vea toig kys ta Jee,
Sheer fakin smooinaghf ghowin dty chree.
Annym, dooisht, trogg seose dty chiee.
As marish Ainleyn, moyll uss Jee,
Ta fad ny hole sheer goaill arrane,
Coyrt gloyr as booise da Chiam dagh hiarn.
Gloyr hoods tf er vreayll mee saucht 'syn oie,
As ren lesh cadley gooragh mee ;
Giall, Hiam, tara ghooisht-ym seose veih baase
Dy voym gys Niau m&rts Yee ny ghrayse.
My vreearey, Hiam, neems yannoo Noa,
My pheccaghyn skeayl myr lieh-rio ;
My smooinaght freill uss imlee, meen,
As Ihieen mee lesh dty spyrryd hene.
Cioyrlee, as leeid mee yn laa Jiu,
Ayns dagh nhee yns-ym veih dty ghoo,
Lesh bree my Niart, as mooads my phooar,
Dy vod-yms gloyragh* dt* Ennym 'ooar.
Hymn Son yn Astyr,
Gloyr hoods, my Yee, nish as dagh traa.
Son bannaghtyn dty hoilshey br& ;
Freill uss, freill mee, Eee dagh ree,
Fo scaa dty skeean dy saucht ayns shee.
Leih don dagh peccah, Jiu, Hiam vie,
Er graih dty Vac, eer Mac dty graih ;
Ehym pene, yn Seihel, as rhyts, Tee,
My gadlym noght, dy vod Vaym shea
Leeid mee 'sy raad sheer Ihlsin 'reih,
Nagh Ihiass dou aggie ghoaiU Jeh'n oaie ;
Ejare mee son baase, dy vod Vaym pooar,
Dy heet gys gloyr ec y laa 'ooar.
My varrant slane ta oris, my Yee,
Lesh cadley veen Jean ' ooragh' mee,
Lheid as nee yannoo mee breeoil,
.Dy hirveish oo ayns aght gherjoil.
Tra ta mee dooisht my Ihie 'syn oie.
My Annym Ihieen lesh smooinaght vie ;
Dagh Dreamal oik freUl voish my chree,
Pooar'yn y Noid, nagh boir ad mee.
Dty Ainlyn noo cur hym, Hiam gheyr,
Dy reayll mee saucht veih dagh dangeyr ;
Lesh Graih as booise, O Ihieen my chree,
Dagh smooinaght broghe freiU voym, O Yee.
O cuin yioym rea rish cadley'n theihU,
Ayns niau dy vod-ym m&rts ve reiel.
As marish Ainlyn sheer yoaiU ay'm,
Coyrt Gloyr as booise da Chiam dagh hiam.
Gloru Patri.
Gys Jee, f er-toyrt dagh gioot, ard Ghloyr I
Moyll-Jee eh, dagh cretoor Jeh pooar !
Moyll-Jee yn tyr, shiuish Ainlyn smoo !
Moyll-Jee yn Mac 'syn Spyrryd N"oo !
In Manx
This Psalm was also translated by the Rev. Thomas Gorlett, taken from
the same MS. as the foregoing. Some of the Psalms were translated
by the Beys. Robert Radcliffe and Matthias Onrghey in 1761^ and
were, by order of Bishop Hildesley, dated at Bishop's Court, November
9, 1761, to be snng '* in the several country churches of this isle."
These were printed in the Book of Common Prayer in the Manx
tongue, in 1777. The one here given has not been printed.
rou, Hiam, coyit tastey geyre dagh traa,
Da course my vea sheir oie as laa,
My smooinaghf dowin shione dh}rt8, Yee,
Eoish t'ad er yentyn ayns my chree.
My raaidyn, Hiam, shione dhjrt dy-mie.
My skyrraght mennick voisb dty leigh,
Eer goan my veeal, 'smooinaght my chree
Shione dhyts my vel ad foast ayns bree.
Comba'asit lesh dty phooar veih gaue,
Er dagh cheu scrie-ym niart dty lane ;
shleiy erskyn y roshtyn aym,
Erskyn my vaght, ta'n chreenaght veayn !
Dy goin y daanys keayrt erbee,
Dy yiooldey rish dty leigh, O Yee.
Veih'n eanish oyds c'raad oddyn chea,
Dy gheddyn boayl dy ghoaiU ayn fea ?
Dy roin gys Niau, t'oa loym ayns shen,
Coamrit lesh soilshey sollys, glen ;
Ny foast gys niuiin vroghe ta heese,
Ayns shen f on leill as deyrey neesht.
Dy beagh aym skeean y vogbrey hene,
As getlagh roym ass roshtyn keayn,
Ayns shen Vein cruinnit lesh dty lane,
As roish dty phooar Vein sthill ercreau.
Ny foast dy voddin chea as roie
Veih dt' enish, Hiarn, fo scaa ny hole ;
.Un shilley voids nee leah chjmdaa
Yn duUyr dowin gys soilshey'n laa.
Ta'n dorraghys as soilshey'n laa
Ny-neesht co-laik dhyt ec dagh traa,
Yn oie ghoo hene ta soUys royd,
As-nhee cha vod ve kellit void.
Bonsee, as prow mee, O my Yee,
Vel peccah broghe reill ayns my chree ;
Tra Veem er shagh'ryn Ihiat mee thie,
As leeid mee lesh dty spyrryd vie.
A Song written by Edward Forbes, F.R J3. 1833.
Oh ! lament for the days that are past and gone,
When the sun of glory bright,
On the fairest isle of the ocean shone
With freedom's holy light ;
When the golden ship, on a field of red,
Beamed forth on the flag of the free.
And the king of the green land bowed his head
To the king of the ocean sea.
Would the Saxon dare to draw his brand
Were Orry with us now ?
Would the Albion dare to lift his hand
Were the crown on King Olaf s brow ?
But in the sleep of death they lie ;
Their glory has passed away ;
And the children of their chivalry
A Saxon king obey.
Oh ! where was the blood of the kings of old,
When Atholl sold his throne ?
When our chieftain bartered his rights for gold,
Was this like Orr/s son ?
Our isle is still as bright, as fair.
Its sons are still as free,
But a stranger monarch reigneth there.
On the throne of the kings of the sea.
Mt Chaarjyn gheyr, Slane Ihieu, slane Ihieu
Shooill-jee 'sy chassan vie,
As grayse as shee dy row meiiu,
Oie vie, Oie vie, Oie vie.
Shegin dooia paardail ga qualtee nish,
As gennaghf taitnys vie,
Lhig dooin goU er dys meeit mayd heose,
Oie vie, Oie vie, Oie vie.
Ga ayns y seihll nyn noidyn wheesh,
Ta gaglagh shin chieu-sthie,
Cha bee mayd treiggit liorish Creest,
Oie vie, Oie vie, Oie vie.
As tra nee Yeesey cheet nyn quail,
Dy eamagh orrin thie.
She riflh yn seihU nee mayd paardaU
Gra lish, Oie vie, Oie vie.
Tra meeit mayd ayns boayl eunyssagh,
Eisht hee mayd gloyr e oaie,
As kiauUey jeh e ghraih flaunyssagh
Dyn gra dy bragh Oie vie.
Translated by John Kelly, Ballaqnine, Baldwin. 1840.
Farewell ! dear Mends, adieu ! adieu !
Still in God's ways delight,
And grace and peace shall be with you ;
Good night, good night, good night
We part, though often here we come.
And feel a great delight ;
Still let's pursue, well meet at home ;
Good night, good night, good night
Though in the world our foes are strong
And would our souls affright ;
Yet God will ne'er forsake his own ;
Grood nighty good nighty good night.
And when Christ's banner is unfurl'd,
A signal for our flight,
We then will say to this vain world.
Good night, good night, good night.
And when we'll meet in heaven above.
And see the glorious sight.
We'll sing of his redeeming love,
And never say good night
This Bong was printed in the first series of Mona MiteeUany, but
was unfortunately taken firom so defective a Manx version, that it has
been thought desirable to reprint it in the present series. The correc-
tions have been made at the instigation of the Rev. John Thomas
dark, late chaplain of St Mark's. The translation was given in the
first series of Mona MisceUcmy, p^ 131.
LuRO geurey dy niaghtey as arragh dy no
Va ny shenn chirree marroo's n'eayin beggey vio ;
Oh ! irree shin ghuillyn, as gow shiu da'n cblieau,
Ta ny kirree fo-niaghtey cha dowin as v'ad rieau.
Oh ! irree, eta
Shoh dooyst Qualtrogh Babee as eh ny thie ching*
" Ta ny kirree fo-niaghtey ayns Breid-farrane-fing."
Oh ! irree, etc.
Shoh dooyrt Qualtrogh Eabee goll seose er y lout,
Dy row my hiaght vannaght er my ghaa housane mohlt.
Oh ! irree, etc.
Kirree f aym ayns ny Laggan kirree Qoair *sy chlieau-rey
Kirree cheoie coan-ny Chishtey-f nagh jig dy bragh veih.
Oh ! irree, etc.
* A hollow near Penny Pot.
t A short distance from Raby, called from a stone in the form oi a chest
in that valley.
Biiree mooinjer Skeeihll Lonan as hie ad fo shooyll,
Hooar ad ny kirree marroo ayns li^gaa Yaarool.
Oh 1 irree, etc.
Dirree mooinjer Skeeihll Lonan as SkeeihU-y-Chreesbt
Hooar ad ny kirree ve^ay ayns ]&ggan Agneish.
Oh ! irree, etc.
Ny muihlt ayna y toshii^t, ny reaghyn 'sy vean,
As ny kirree trome-eayin cheet geiyrt oiroo 'shen.
Oh ! irree, eta
Ta mohlt aym son yn Ollic as jees son yn chaisht,
As gbaa ny three elley son yn traa yioym's baase !
Oh ! irree shin ghuillyn as gow shin dan chliean,
Ta ny kinee fo-niaghtey cha dowin as va'd rieau.
By custome and traditions they do live,
And foolish ceremonies of antique date. "
Abm. Cowley.
Twelfth Day.
Shenn Laoll chetlbal ooashley — ^the twelfth day, January 6th,
heing the twelfth in number from the Nativity, is celebrated
as one of the most jovial for Christmas gambols and visiting
of friends, before settling down to the more serious business
of the year. Waldron, who wrote his description of Manx
Customs early in the eighteenth century, says : — " On Twelfth
Day the Fiddler lays Ms head in some one of the wenches'
laps, and a third person asks who such a maid or such a
maid shall marry, naming the girls then present one after
another, to which he answers according to his own whim, or
agreeable to the intimacies he has taken notice of during this
time of merriment. But whatever he says is as absolutely
depended on as an oracle ; and if he happens to couple two
people who have an aversion to each other, tears and vexa-
tion succeed the mirth. This they call cutting off the Fiddler's
head, for after this, he is dead for the whole year." — ^Waldron's
Isle of Man. Manx Society, voL xi 1864, p. 50.
When the gienys or dance takes place, the mainstyry or
master of the ceremonies, appoints every man his tegad or
valentine for the ensuing year.
There used also to be a particular pastime introduced on
this day called the Lockets, where a number of persons were
invited, both male and female, who, after partaking of a sup-
per, commenced dancing, during which the lavare vane was
introduced^ which created great consternation to some, and
laughter in others. It consisted either in the real head of a
horse^ or one formed of wood^ so prepared that the person who
had charge of it, being concealed under a white sheet, was
able to snap the mouth at any one who came in its way.
These and many other pastimes used to amuse the natives
" At such a time
As Christmas, when disguising is on foot,"
but are now rapidly falling into disuse.
Something of a similar custom as the last used to be ob-
served in Cheshire, there called " Old Hob."
Pebiwinele Faib.
There was an old custom, now almost lost in oblivion,
called Periwinkle Fair, connected with which some old verses
were formerly extant, now, I fear, also lost, being an accom-
paniment to a dramatic scene acted by the people on the
aforesaid fair day, being the 6th of February, or St Dorothy's
day, the burthen of which was —
" Kiark y Treen e Marrow*^
" The Hen of the Treen is dead."
Some attribute this Manx custom to St Catherine's day,
November 25. The line evidently refers to some very early
transaction, probably connected with the church.
I have in vain endeavoured to ascertain the entire drama,
and the verses connected with it, but have been so far
unsuccessful, and merely allude to the custom in this place
in the hope it may meet the eye of some person able to
throw more light on the subject, which appears not devoid of
interest. Upon application to the late Receiver-General,
Eichard Quirk, Esq., for information on the subject, he wrote
me as follows : — '' I have made some inquiries on the subject
of your letter, but have obtained no further information than
what I was already acquainted with. Periwinkle Fair was
held near the shore at Fool Yash, close to Balladoole estate.
I recoUect being at it considerably more than half a century
ago. The chief articles of trade brought forward to attract
visitors, so far as I then knew, were periwinkles and gingeiv
bread. The fair has not been held for forty years past.
There were also on show cattle, and, most particularly,
ponies of the ancient breed. I can learn nothing towards
making out the song or verses you mention, but there is
really no traditionary lore extant"
The Manx "Derby."
The hardy race of Manx small horses has been mentioned
by various writers on the Isle of Man from an early date.
This breed is still to be met with in some of the upland
farms, and are renowned for their fleetness, as weU as being
sure footed, and capable of enduring any amount of hard
work. Their mettle was often tried in the race from the
church on a bridal morning, in the contest who should arrive
first at the bridegroom's abode, and have the honour of break-
ing the bridecake over the head of the bride as she entered
the house.
James, the 7th Earl of Derby, " The Great Earl,'' suc-
ceeded to the royalty of Man in 1627, instituted races on the
island on a piece of land extending rather more than a mile
across the peninsula of Langness, and a record in the Soils'
Office states that he gave a cup to be run for at these races,
thus establishing the " Manx Derby," the precursor of that
now celebrated race "The Derby," or the " Blue Eibbon"
of the turf These races were continued by the 8th Earl by
command as follows : —
It is my good will and pleasure y* y* 2 prizes formerly
granted (by me) for hois luning and shouting, shall continue
as they did, to be run, or shot for, and so to continue dureing
my good will and pleasure. — Given under my hand att
Lathom ye 12 of July 1669.
Derby (8*^ Earl).
To my governor's deputy governor,
& ye rest of my officers in my
Isle of Man.
The following is a curious record of this early institution,
with the rules on which that sport was conducted : —
Insula MoTUB. — ^Articles for the plate which is to be run
for in the said island, being of the value of five
pounds sterling (the fashion included), given by
the Right Honourable William, Earl of Derby, Lord
of the said isle, etc. (9th Earl)
Ist, The said plate is to be run for upon the 28th day of July
in every year, whiles his honour is pleased to allow the
same (being the day of the nativity of the Honourable
James, Lord Strange), except it happen upon a Sunday,
and if soe, the said plate is to be nm for upon the day
2d. That noe horse, gelding, or mair shall be admitted to run
for the said plate, but such as was foaled within the
said island, or in Calfe of Mann.
id. That every horse, gelding, or mair, that is designed to
run, shall be entered at or before the viiith day of July,
with his master's name and his owne, if he be generally
knowne by any, or els his coUour, and whether horse,
mair, or gelding, and that to be done at the xcompra
office, by the cleark of the rolls for the time being.
4:th, That every person that puts in either horse^ nmir, or
gelding, shall, at the time of their entering, depositt
the snme of five shilL a piece into the hands of the
said cleark of the rolls, which is to goe towards the
augmenting of the plate for the year following, besides
one shilL a piece to be given by them to the said cleark
of the rolls for entering their names and engrossing
these articles.
5th. That every horse, mair, or gelding, shall carry horse-
man's weight, that is to say, ten stone weight, at four-
teen pounds to each stone, besides sadle and bridle.
6th. That every horse, mair, or gelding, shall have a person
for its tryer, to be named by the owner of the said
horse, mair, or gelding, which tryers are to have the
comand of the scales and weights, and to see that
every rider doe cany fuU weight, according as is men-
cioned in the foregoeing article, and especially that the
wining rider be soe with the usuall allowance of one
pound for
*Ith. That a person be assigned by the tryers to start the
runinge horses, who are to run for the said plate,
betwixt the howers of one and three of the clock in the
8th. That every rider shall leave the two first powles which
are sett upp in Macybreas Close in this maner follow-
ing — that is to say, the first of the said two powles
upon his right hand, and the other upon his left hand ;
and the two powles by the rockes are to be left upon
the left hand likewise ; and the fifth powle, which is
sett up at the lower end of the Conney-warren, to be
left alsoe upon the left hand, and soe the turning
powle next to Wm. Looreyes house to be left in like
maner upon the left hand, and the other two powles»
leading to the ending powle, to be left upon the right
hand ; all which powles are to be left by the riders as
aforesaid, excepting only the distance powle, which
may be rid on either hand, at the discretion of the
rider, etc. etc. etc.
July 14*^ 1687.
The names of the persons who have entered their horses to
run for the within plate for this present year 1687.
Bo. Heywood, Esq., governor of this isle, hath
entered ane bay-gelding, called by the
name of Loggerhead, and hath deposited
towards the augmenting of the plate for
the next year - . . £00 05 00
Captain Tho. Hudlston hath entred one white
gelding, called Snowball, and hath depo-
sitted - - . - 00 05 00
Mr. William Faigier hath entred his grey
gelding, called the Gray-Carraine, and
depositted - - - - 00 05 00
Mr. Nicho. Williams hath entred one grey
stone horse, called The Yorkshire Gray,
and depositted - - - 00 05 00
Mr. Demster Christian hath entred one geld-
ing, called the Dapple-gray, and hath de-
possitted - - - - 00 05 00
28*^ July 1687.
That this day the above plate was nm for by the fore-
mencioned hoise, and the same was fairly won by the right
worshipful governor's horse at the two first heates.
17*^ August 1688.
Eeceived this day the above which I am
to pay to my master to augment y® plate, by me,
John Wood.
The first English " Derby " was run for in 1780, and won
by Diomede, belonging to Sir Charles Bunbury, " whose
ardour for the turf was conspicuous to his last hour." By
this it will be seen that the "Manx Derby" was the senior
of its now more renowned namesake, by about a century and
a half*
The Turf Harvest.
In a country where coal has not been foimd, the inhabit-
ants have to resort to other means for their supply of mate-
rials for firing. The great extent of the Manx mountains
have ever afibrded abundance of good turf for the cutting of
it ; and for the due regulation of this " custome of long time,"
various enactments of the Insular Legislature have from time
to time been made.
In 1577 it was given for law, "that all manner of per-
sone or persons that goeth to my Lord his Forrest for Turff
and Ling ought to pay the Forrester an ob." The ob. is fre-
quently mentioned in the old Manx statutes, and was no
* An attempt has been made to revive horse races in the Isle of Man by
the formation of an excellent new racecourse near Mount-Rule, Kirk Braddan,
which was opened on Thursday and Friday, July 14 and 15, 1870.
doubt the ancient coin called the oJmhis, made of iron or
brass. It was generally paid by a halfpenny, which small
amount was levied merely to uphold the Lord's right. In
1661, it was en£u;ted at a Tynwald Court, held at St John's,
" That no manner of person or persons shall presume to go
to the mountains or commons of this Isle after the hour of
five of the dock in the afternoon, or before day in the morn-
ing, for the carrying of any TurflF or ling ; for complaint
hath been made, that some persons do frequent that course,
and especially upon dayes of haddy or dark mist, and do
purloyne and carry away neighbour's Turff and Ling at such
unreasonable times ; wherein if any do offend for the future,
they shall be severely fined and punished, as by the Court
shall be thought fitt." By the Statute of 15 Victoria, 1852,
it was ordained that, " any person cutting or removing sur-
face sod from the commons where there is no turf, or not
replacing the sod in the public Turbaries within 14 days, to
pay a fine not exceeding £2 for the first, and £3 for every
subsequent, offence. Turf to be removed from the commons
before Ist October under penalty of not exceeding 40s. No
person to cut Turf in the public Turbmes for sale, or for any
other use except for fueL Turf not to be cut before 1st May,
nor after 1st July, in each year, under penalty not exceeding
£3." The Disafforesting Act of 1860 defines the public Tur-
The Manx people look forward to the season of cutting
their stock of Turf for the winter's supply as one ot their
merry junketings, and many a laughing face replies to the
sly jokes that are bandied from one to the other, as they
wend their way up the sides of the mountains for that pur-
pose. It is a sort of general pic-nic day, and great are the
preparations which have been previously made, so that all
should enjoy it. The cutting of " Fingan's Turf " has been
alluded to in the first part of these "Miscellanies." The
following description of the " Turf Harvest" is fipom Kennish's
Moncis Isle, London, 1844, where he no doubt had offcen
formed one of the happy party : —
Now spring is past, and idle lies the plough,
FU turn my thoughts towards the mountain's brow,
Where many a group of peasants at the dawn
Are seen to move along the upland lawn,
Towards the north of Coma-Chesgia's side,
Their winter's stock of fuel to provide,
With laboring hand from Nature's ample store
Of turfy mould beneath the grassy moor.
This yearly pic-nic, mix'd with useful toil,* ^
Calls forth the dame the three-legg'd pot to boil.
Of good hung beef that graced the chimney-cheek,
The winter through amongst the turfy reek ;
And cowry, juice of oatmeal's husky seed.
That in this mountain banquet takes the lead :
The oaten bannock, staff of Mona's food,
She next prepares in segments thick and good :
Of new laid eggs are pack'd full many a score.
And good fresh butter chum'd the day before —
With joyful glee each lusty neighboring swain
Comes flocking round to join the mountain train ;
The females too are summoned to attend
This festive day, their pleasing aid to lend ;
For whilst the men the best of turf select.
The women do their duty not neglect.
But cheerfully each Manx young buxom lass
Displays the crocks and platters on the grass.
When now prepared the homely welcome fare,
They sit them down the well-spread feast to share.
And while esLch rustic plays an eager part.
The sire repeats, " There's plenty in the cart
To satisfy us all I'm sure this day,
So lads eat on, and spare it not I pray."
Each bashful maid, so modest and reserved,
Takes care her own intended best is served ;
While many looks of artless love pass round,
Pure joyful mirth and innocence abound ;
The staid in years no longer can refrain
From joining chorus with the youthful train,
Calling to mind those happy days gone by,
Ere cares of life drew forth the heartfelt sigh.
When dinner o'er, and th' accustom'd grace.
Each at his labour now retakes his place.
Whilst I, the youngest of the hardy band,
Was tasked the turf to spread with aching hand,
Marking each moment, as they slowly pass'd,
Wishing each barrow load to be the last,
nntil the sun sunk far into the west
Behind the summit of vast Snaafield's crest.
Throwing its shadow o'er the lowland plain,
The well-known gnomon of the lab'ring swain.
When past this day of useful toil and mirth.
Where many assignations had their birth,
They homeward wind their course along the moor.
Their wives and children wait them at the door,
And many a neighboring cottage lass was there.
To meet the swain the courting kiss to share ;
As careless they to hide their artless love
As the wood pigeons billing in the grove ;
For there no etiquette or worldly pride
Had taught the heart to stray from virtue's side —
Their harmless love the matron would survey,
And the pure dictates of her mind display
In giving counsel to each youthful pair,
Ending the subject in her evening prayer,
Imploring of the Lord that they might stand
As polish'd pillars from the maker^s hand
Bound Zion's gates, where he delights to dwell,
And of his mercies to their offspring telL
*' Am meny as a marriage bell." — Old Saying.
The rites, ceremonies, and customs adopted by different
people in their various localities are so great, that we may
naturally expect to find some of them peculiar to the Isle of
Man, yet it may be said that many are derived from the
former rulers of the isle, as also adopted from intercourse
with the neighbouring coasts.
Marriages of the better class are conducted much in a
similar manner to what they are in England Seldom, indeed,
do we hear in any case, of banns being proclaimed for three
several Sundays in the parish church ; for the most part the
party interested goes to a surrogate with his friend, and
obtains a licence at a small cost, and in due time proceeds to
the parish church to have the ceremony performed by the
parson. The bishop of the island has the power to grant
special licences to marry at any convenient time or place,
when the parties most interested can fix any hour most con-
venient to themselves. This privilege, I believe, is only pos-
sessed by the Archbishop of Canterbury.
It is at the weddings of the small statesmen, and some of
the better class of labourers in the country districts^ that the
old customs are yet to be observed. When the lover has
made up his mind to ask the consent of his sweetheart's
parents, he is accompanied to the hoxuse by his most trusted
friend, called in Manx his '' Dooinney-Moyllee" his spokesman
or go-between, to talk over the old folks, ana mauce them to
give their consent to the match, and also to make the best
arrangement for a marriage portion for their daughter, as
most of them have some means at their disposal, if not in
ready money, by other ways. If too poor to advance money,
it is often arranged that the young folks shall remain with
the bride's parents for a twelvemonth or so, until they are in
a position to furnish a cottage for themselves. When all
these preliminaries are arranged, preparations are made for
the wedding feast, for which their relations and friends send
ample store of fowls, hams, etc., making up a substantial
entertainment. Occasionally the expenses are paid by the
men individually present.
Formerly wedding processions to the church were pre-
ceded by a fiddler playing the " Black and Grey," the only
tune struck up on such occasions. It was prevalent in the
time of Charles II., as is given in Waldron's Ide of Man,
Manx Society, voL xi p. 314, note.
In proceeding to the church it was the custom for the
men to walk first in a body, and the women after them, the
bridegroom's men carrying ozier wands in their hands as an
emblem of superiority. Before entering the church the
whole party marched three times round it, but these customs
are now falling into disuse, and the particular tune is now
omitted, yet the fiddler still often forms one of the wedding
party and proceeds with them to the church. At the present
day, having grown more poUte, or more probably wishing to
improve the occasion of having a choice companion, they
proceed arm in arm without the ozier rods, amidst showers of
old shoes^ firing of guns, and blowing of horns.
After the ceremony, on coming out of the church, money
is thrown amongst the idlers, who generally congregate
about, for which they scramble. This is also done in passing
any public place on the way home. On returning home.
some of the most active of the yoimg people start off at full
speed for the bride's house, and he who arrives there first is
considered " best man," and i? entitled to some peculiar privi-
leges in consequence. Occasionally, when the wedding party
is attended by their friends on horseback, some severe riding
takes place, and it is well if all ends without an accident.
After the feast, the remainder of the day is spent with the
utmost hilarity in dancing and other amusements.
It has been said by a learned divine that the firing of
guns, sometimes charged with feathers, " was to indicate the
vanity and vexation of spirit incident to the state into which
they have newly entered ;" but the Manx look upon the old
shoes to indicate "good luck," and the firing of guns and
blowing of horns was to drive all fairies and evil spirits
The GrOB nt Scuit Boagane.
One Boagane has, at all events, been quietly laid and ceased
to disquiet the minds of wanderers in the neighbourhood of
North Barrule. The *' 6ob-ny-Scuit," in Kirk Maughold,
had long been a terror to Manx folks by his wailings when
the wind was at a particular point, and was considered as
some disquiet spirit who had long ago come to some untimely
end, no one knew how, and had baffled the art of the great
Ballawhane himself, who was considered to have power over
the birds of the air as well as over beasts of the field.
Mr. William Einnish (author of Monads Ide and other
Poems, 1844), a native of Maughold, was determined, if pos-
sible, to ascertain the cause of these periodical wailings that
had so often disquieted the minds of the neighbouring people
when they had occasion to pass by the place in the night.
He persevered day after day in examining the rock, until at
last he found out the Boagane. It was a natural curiosity,
a cleft in the rock, of considerable depth in the face of the
precipice. It had the music of an Mohan Harp, cansed by
the wind entering into the bottom of the thin fissure, and
coming out at the top a little below the surface. Owing to
its upper orifice being lower than the surface of the ground
above^ no water was admitted, and being thus hidden from
observation, the cause of the sounds could not be discovered.
Tlie cascade had nothing to do with it, as was supposed by
some, but nevertheless it is a very interesting and natural
source of music. Thus has one of Mona's " Boaganes" been
banished to the Bed Sea !
There was a servant girl at Bemahague, and the mistress
wanted her to go to Glen Crutchery Well to get a can of
water before daylight, and afterwards she was to be allowed
to go to the fair. When going to the well she met the old
man of Glen Crutchery, who asked her where she was
going. "Going to your well for water," she said. He
asked her if there was no water in their own well? She
said there was, but her mistress had sent her. He gave
her half-a-crown, and told her to take water out of their
own well. The girl received the money, which confirmed the
charm, and then went to the fair. When she returned home
the mistress asked her where she had procured the water,
for she had been churning all day and had got no butter?
It is said —
" Vervain and dill
Hinders witches from their wilL"
Fairies and Water-Crochs.
The custom of filling the water crochs with clean water for
the use of the fairies, before the family would retire to their
beds, was strictly complied with by the Manx in former days,
which water was never used for any other purpose, but
thrown away each morning.
" They see that all the wat«r-crochs
Were rightly placed, and brimming fuU,
That each might have a quenching pull ;
But woe be to the sleeping maid
Were crochs not fill'd and duly laid !"
A Charm against the Fairies.
Much has been said respecting charms in the first part of
Mima Miscellany, The following is one respecting the banish-
ing of fairies from the Isle of Man —
Shee Yee as shee ghooinney,
She Yee er Columb Ejilley
Er dagh uinnag, er dagh ghorrys,
Er dagh howl joaill stiagh yn Ee-hoUys.
Er kiare comeillyn y thie
Er y voayl ta mee my Ihie
As shee orrym feme.
Thus freely translated —
The peace of Gk)d and peace of man, .
The peace of God on Columb Killey,
On each window and each door.
And on every hole admitting moonlight.
On the four comers of the house.
And on the place of my rest,
And the peace of God on myself.
There has ever been, from all time, persons who presume to
foresee and tell of future events, and what was to happen
before the end of the world, and whether true or false, as they
may turn out, there will always be found people who believe
in them. Such a person is said to have lived in the Isle of
Man, and, like Mother Shipton of old, was held in great
veneration in her day. Some of her sayings have come down
and been cherished amongst the country people to the pre-
sent day ; but who the prophet was, and where she lived,
appears to have been forgotten, unless some record of her
doings is to be found in the ecclesiastical archives, where it
was most likely she would Q,ppear.
Mr. John Quirk of Cam-ny-Greie, who is so well acquainted
with the legends of his country, remarks on this old lady as
foUows : — "A small chapel, called * Cabbal-cheeill-VouV* stood
near the Foxdale river in Kirk-Patrick, between Balla-higg
and Slieauwhallin, concerning which " CaiUagh-ny-Gueshag"
is said to have predicted as follows : —
" Tra vees Cabbal-cheeill-Vout ersooyll lesh y thooilley,
Cha bee clein Quirk Slieau-whaUin veg sodjey."
Which may be rendered thus in English —
When the Chapel Kjil-Vout is washed by the stream.
The Quirks in Slieau-whallin will no longer remain.
This prediction seems to have been very familiar with the
people in the neighbourhood, perhaps for ages, and the last
proprietor was often reminded of it, when he would say^ — " O
there remains so much of it as I can cover with my big coat
yet," but a heavy flood came down upon it and swept it all away.
About sixty years ago the last of the Quirks of Slieauwhallin
died without issue very soon after that event. Thus ended the
race of the Quirks of that place, who, it is said, had occupied
Slieauwhallin during twenty-five generations. These and a
hundred such things are now almost lost, with all the sayings
and doings about them, even in the very neighbourhood
where they happened. Can any one tell who this " CaiUagh-
ny-6ueghag" was, whose name seems in former times to be
on every one's tongue ? "
Other sayings are recorded of her.
Dy beagh chimlee chaardagh ayns dy chooilley hie roish
jerxey yn theihll
There shall be a smithy chimney in every house before the end
of the xoorld,
Dy nee ass claghyn ghlassey yioghe sleih nyn arran.
OtU of grey stones people will get their bread.
She also predicted the time would come when the Manx
would travel dry shod from the point of Ayre to Scotland.
This is about sixteen miles to Burrow Head, the nearest por«
tion from the island to any of the surrounding coasts. The
lighthouse was originally erected on the extreme point ; it
is now a considerable distance from it, so that the old lady's
prediction may yet come to pass ; it is only a question of
Tradition states that Sagnvald I., a King of Man in the
tenth century, attempted to build a bridge over this space«
A saying in allusion to this place will be found in the ^t
series. of Mona Miscellany, p. 36, probably one of those of this
Manx prophetess.
Remarkable Days.
The following remarkable days of the Calendar, as ^qpresaed in
the Manx dialect, are worthy of preservation in a record of the &8t-
fading costoms of the country.
January 1* — La NiiUick beg. The little Chrifltmas. " The
Quaaltagh " is an important personage on this day, for which
see an account in Mona Miscellany^ first series, p. 135.
January 6. — Laa*l Chybbyivushtey. The Epiphany or
twelfth day. The day of offering worship. Cregeen says it
ought to be Lacil cTiebbcU ooaMey.
January 25. — Laa'1-noo PhauL The conversion of St
Paul, which took place at Damascus A.D. 37, observed both
by the English and Catholic church. Vide Proverbs, p. 19.
February 1. — Laa'l Breeshey. The feast of St Bridget
For the customs on this day see Mona Miscellany^ first series,
p. 137 ; also Proverbs, p. 19,
February 2. — Laa'l Moirrey ny gianle. Candlemas-day.
The day of man being tied or secured. See Proverbs, p. 19.
February 25. — Laa'1-noo-Mian. St Matthew's day.
March 17. — Laa'l Parick. St Patrick's day. The apostle
of Ireland, and the first to found a church in the Isle of Man,
on the small island off Peel, formerly called " St Patrick's
Isle." See Proverbs, p. 20.
March 25. — Laa'l Moirrey ny Sansh. The Annunciation.
Commemorative of the Incarnation of Christ
April 25. — Laa-noo Mark-yn Sushtallagh. St Mark the
Evangelist's day. There were many country superstitious
observances anciently attached to the Eve of St. Mark.
May 1.— Laa Baaltinn. The day of Baal's fire.' Oh the
eve of this day fires are kindled in all paxts^ so that the Wind
may drive the smoke over the corn-fields^ cattle, and houses,
in order to purify them. It is also the usage to put out the
culinary fires on that day, and to rekindle them with some of
the sacred fire. For an account of various customs observed
on this day, and on old May Eve, see Mana Miscellany, first
series, p. 138-142.
May 12. — ^La Baljey. The general day for letting of
houses, paying half-yearns rents, taking in grazing cattle, and
women servants taking their places for the year, after hiring
on the 28th March.
May 18. — ^Laa'l Spitlhin source. The Feast of St Spitlhin
of Summer. A saint not now knowiL He is also recorded
on the 18th November.
June 9. — ^Feaill Collum Cilley. St Columba. Apostle
of the Picts. Died A.D 597.
June 11. — Laa-noo Barnabas. St. Barnabas.
June 24-— Trinaig veg. Little Trinity. On this day the
annual Tynwald was formerly held at St John's.
June 29. — Laal Pheddyr. St. Peter's day.
July 5, — LaaH Eoin. St John the Baptist's festival is
kept on this day, and the annual Tynwald at St. John's, at
which the laws made during the year are promulgated on the
Tynwald Hill in English and Manx. It is also called
"Feailoin," on which day a circle or chaplet of the plant
boUan (mugwort) used to be worn. It was called " Baal's
chaplet," in commemoration of Baal, or the Sun, the God of
the Celts, having completed his circle or course. These
customs are from immemorial usage, and are the temains of
the heathen worship paid by the Braids and the Celtic
nations to their God BaaL For an account of this day see
Mowi MiacdUmyj first series, p. 143.
July 12. — Laal Charmane. St. German, first bishop of
Man, A.D. 447.
July 22. — Laa'l Moirrey Malana St Mary Magdalea
July 25. — Laa-noo Yamys. St James the Great
July 31. — Feoill Machold toshea St Haughold's chief
August 1. — Laa' Luanistjm. Lammas Day. It is other-
wise called the GuU or Tvle of August^ signifying a festival
or holyday, and was one of the great festivals of the Druid&
The peasantry resort to the highest mountains and to weUs
on the first Sunday in August This custom is said to be
handed down from the Israelites!^ whose daughters went to
the mountains yearly to lament the daughter of Jephthah,
the Gileadite, as recorded in the 11th chapter of Judges. See
Mona Miscdlanyy first series, p. 145.
August 15. — Laal Moirrey thoshee. St Mary's principal
August 24. — Laa-noo Pharlane. St Bartholomew. See
Proverbs, p. 9.
September 29. — Laa'll Vaayl. St Michael
October 18. — Laa-noo Luke. St Luke's day.
October 28. — Feoill Simon. St Simon's feast
October 29. — Laal Ma'el beg. St Michael the Less.
November 1. — ^Laa Sauin. All Sainta Hallowmas. It
is also called Laa'U Mooar ny Saintsh. It was a great thanks-
giving or day of rest amongst the Druids, on which day they
coiiseciated the holy fires to distribute a light td th6 people.
On the eve of this day it is customary for young people to
pry into futuriiy in various ways. See Mono, Miscella/ny,
first series, p. 147.
November 2. — La feoill ny Marroo. The feast of AU
Souls, or those dead
November 9. — ^Laa'l Kickle or KiaL
November 11. — ^Laa'll noo Vartin. Martinmas day.
November 12. — Laal Souney. The season or month was
called " Tn Tauyn,** because anciently it was the first day of
the year. The general day for letting lands, payment of
rents, men-servants taking their places for the year, and com-
mencement of winter half-year.
November 18. — Laal Spitlhin geuraih. St. Spitlhin of
the winter quarter.
November 25. — Laal Catharina. St. Catharine's day.
November 26. — Laal Machold geuraih. St. Maughold's
winter feast.
November 30. — ^Laa'U Andreays. St. Andrew's day.
December 6. — La Catreeney. St Catharine's day (old
style). On or before this day possession must be taken on
the south side of the Island of lands when intended to change
December 21.— Laal Thomase. St Thomas's day. *' Oid
Fingan,'' when the people went to the mountains and clifis to
catch deer and sheep for Christmas, and kindled large fires
on the tops. See the Proverb in Mana Miscellany, first series,
p. 27.
December 25. — Laa-yn Ollick. Christmas day. The eve
of tills day is called " Oiel Yenee," the Eve of Maiy, when
carols are sung in the parish churche& For an account of
this custom see JIfona MiacMany, first series, p. IST-IGS, and
the various carols in this volume.
December 26. — Laal Steavin* S& Stephen's day. It is
the custom to '' Hunt the Wren" on this day, and parade it
about with flags, eta In Waldron's time (1726) it was
observed on the 24th December. For an account of this
custom, with the song, see Mona Miscdlany^ first series,
p. 151-156, and also p. 184-187.
December 27.— Laa'll Eoin 'syn OUick. St John the
Evangelist's day.
December 28. — Laa'll ny Maccain. Innocent's day.
Laa-yn-giense. — Twelfth-day. For the customs on this
day, see p. 181.
Oiel Ynnyd. — Shrove Tuesday. The eve of the fast For
the customs on this day and proverb, see Motui Miscellany^
first series, p. 27.
Laa I'nnyd. — Ash Wednesday. A fast^ the first day of
Je-heiney Chaisht — Good Friday. The repugnance of
making use of iron in any way on this day, it may be
remarked that in the north of Durham no blacksmith through-
out that district will drive a nail — a remembrance of the
awful purpose for which hammer and nails were used on the
first Good Friday doubtless held them back. For the customs
observed on this day see Mima Miscellany, first series, p. 137.
Laa Chaisht — Easter. The universal Christian festival,
in commemoration of Christ's resurrection.
Doonaght Eingeeish. Whitsunday,
Months of the Ybar.
The Manx had names of their own for the various months, which
were expressed as follows : —
Januaky. Mee s'jerree yn-gheurey. The end of the winter
February. Yn-chied vee jeh'n arragh. The first of spring,
or vernal quarter.
March. Mee-veanagh yn arree ; also called yn-mart The
middle of Spring month.
April. Mee s'jerree yn arree ; also, Yn Avril. The end
of Spring month.
May. Yn Baaltin. ; or, Yn-chied vee jeh'n tonrey. The
Beltein ; or, The first month of Summer.
June. Mee-veanagh yn touree. The middle month of
July. Mee s'jerree yn touree. The end of Summer
August. Yn-chied-vee jeh'n ouyr. The first month of
September. Mee-veanagh yn-ouyr. The middle month of
October. Mee s'jerree yn ouyr. The end of the harvest
November. Yn-chied vee jeh'n gheurey. The first of the
Winter month. Or, Yn Tauin, or Sauin,
Hollantide month.
December. Mee-meanagh yn-gheurey. The middle of the
Winter month.
Days of the Week.
Sunday. Je Doo'nee. Shut up or closed Dies sol;
dedicated to the sun.
Monday. Je Lh'ein. Dies Lunse ; the day of the moon,
or lesser luminary.
Tuesday. Je M'ayrt ; dies Martinud. The day of Mars.
Wednesday. Je Creari ; dies Mercurii The day of Mercury.
Thursday. Je Ard'ein ; dies Joves. Jupiter's day.
Friday. Jy* Heiney ; dies Veneris. The day of Venus.
Saturday. Je Sam ; dies Satumi. Saturn's day.
Peculiarities in Num^ation, Currency, WEianrs, Mea-
sures, Divisions of Land, and QuANnnEa
A country so peculiarly situated as the Isle of Man, in
the centre of Great Britain, and though under the nominal
fealty of such monarchs as might be at the time predominant^
yet retaining its own form of government and law for the last
thousand years, may naturally be expected to have many
customs and peculiarities different to their surrounding
neighbours. To enumerate some of these will be interesting,
and at the same time useful, as many of the terms are com*
paratively unknown to the rising generation, and are gradu-
ally falling into disuse, more particularly since the revestment
of the Island to the British crown, which took place in 1765,
and the gradual assimilation of the laws of the Island to the
spirit of English jurisprudence. Some of these terms, we
fear, have passed into oblivion, yet an explanation of a few
may yet be embalmed in this record of the Manx Society
before they entirely pass away.
The Manx mode of reckoning is by scores, and the enume-
ration in the Manx language is as follows : —
» 1
• <
Three .
» i
Kiare •
Shiaght-jeig ,
. 17
Queig .
Shey .
» t
* 1
Feed .
Hoght .
> •
Nane as feed .
> ■
Jees as feed
Three as feed .
Kiare as feed ,
etc. etc.
Jeih as feed
30 that is 10 and 20.
Nane jeih as feed
31 „ 1, 10, and 20.
Jees jeih as feed
32 „ 2, 10, and 20.
Three jeih as feed .
33 „ 3, 10, and 20.
And so on.
40 „ 2 twenties.
Nane as daeed .
41 „ 1 and forty, or
2 twenties.
Jees as daeed
42 „ 2 and 40.
Three as daeed .
43 ,» 3 and 40.
And so on.
Jeih as daeed •
50 y, 10 and 40.
Nane jeih as daeed •
51 „ 1, 10, and 40.
Jees jeih as daeed
52 „ 2, 10, and 40.
Three jeih as daeed .
53 ^ 3, 10, and 40.
And a
io on.
* Frequently contracted as " nane.
Three feed
60 that i£
1 3 twenties.
Three feed as nane
. 61 „
3 twenties and 1.
Three feed as jees
. 62 „
and 2.
Three feed as three
. 63 „
And so on.
and 3.
Three feed as jeih
. 70 „
and 10.
Nane as three feed as jeih 71 „
and 10 and 1.
Jees as three feed a£
1 jeih 72 „
and 10 and 2.
Ttiree as three feed i
as jeih 73 „
And so on.
and 10 and 3.
Kiare feed
. 80 „
Kiare feed as nane
. 81 „
and 1.
Kiare feed as jees
. 82 „
and 2.
Kiare feed as three
83 „
And so on.
and 3.
Kiare feed as jeih
. 90 „
and 10.
Nstne as kiare feed as jeih 91 „
and 10 and 1.
Jees as kiare feed a£
U'eit 92 „
and 10 and 2.
Three as kiare feed
as jeih 93 ,,
And so on.
and 10 and 3.
■ •
Daa cheead
Three cheead
Kiare cheead
Queig cheead
Shey cheead
Shiaght cheead .
Hoght cheead
Nuy cheead
Jeih cheead thonsane
currency. 207
The Manx appear to have had no coinage of their own,
unless we may take it for granted the leather Ttioney to be
such, which is stated was in circulation about 1577. They
had mainly to depend upon what currency found its way into
the Island by way of barter or otherwise with other nations ;
the consequence was, much of it was of a questionable kind.
The first coin of the Island is that known as " John Murrey's
pence/' 1668, which was nothing more than a tradesman's
token, and by an order in Council, in 1679, was allowed to
pass as current '* until it be otherwise declared to the con-
The 10th Earl of Derby issued a coinage of pence and
halfpence in 1709, which was the first Intimate issue of
Manx coinage known. Dr. Charles Clay, of Manchester, has
gone fully into the history of the " currency of the Isle of
Man," in the 17th volume of the Manx Societ/s publications,
1869, that it is unnecessary here further to allude to the
coinage of the Earls of Derby and Duke of Atholl.
During the reign of George III., from 1786 to 1813, a
coinage of pence and halfpence was issued at the rate of 14d.
Manx for 12d. English, but the inconvenience arising from
this difference in the exchangeable value, and the debased
state of the currency in circulation being found so great, an
order in Council was issued, 10th April 1839, to authorise
the Mint to coin One thousand pounds sterling in pence,
halfpence, and farthings, for circulation in the Isle of Man,
assimilating the value of the same to the copper coinage of
Great Britain. This was accordingly done, and an Act of
Tynwald passed assimilating the value and legalising the
same in the Island, which Act was promulgated at St John's
on the 17th March 1840.*
* Vide GeU's Statutes, p. 38. Douglas, 1848.
This Act created so great an excitement and hostility,
particularly amongst the poorer class and countiy people, who
imagined they were about to be ruined entirely, that very
serious riots took place in consequence in the towns of
Douglas and Peel, which rendered the presence of the military
necessary. This was called " The Copper Eow," and was the
subject of a song given in Mona Miscellany , first series^ p. 118.
MoKET Terms.
Lhieng .
Furling .
a pound*
a shilling,
a penny,
a hal^»enny.
a farthing.
The following may be taken as an example of the mode
of expressing a sum of money in Manx. Say the sum is
£2578 : 16 : 9| :—
Daa 'housane, <iueig keead, three feed as hoght-puint-jeig,
shey-skillingn-jeig, as nuy pingyn, three farlengyn.
The following table fully explains the difference in Manx
and English currency : —
Si,0 0000©OOOC^'*©«'^0©i'*00^
wo ooooooooeoc4C4rHOoeoo4e4i-4
1-1 1^
^rH r-» rH rH rH rH i-H rH i-H rH rH rH
•rH rH rH rH rH rH i-< v^
^04 rHO«Dt0^e0C<lrHi0ca«DC0O^rHW3C4«0
e»*C^ lHOCirHO0004rHpH01010QOOiHrH04C4
rH rH
Si,tO «OOiHC400'«W3COO^OOC4rHOCOl0^eO
C^^rH C4OrHC4e0OpHC^rHOp0G<lrHOCilrHOe0
'rfeO rH 000«kOeOpHeOiO«OOOOOrHCOkO<D
^ tH rH
rH rH r^ r-i r^ r^ r-t rH r-i 1^ r^ r-t r~i
{i.U9 iH'*000<0>OCflrHeieO'*»0<©Oi-lC<lCO^
«><rH rHOOG0««rHrH©lC0OiH«OrH«00O'
^ rH rH »H
^ rH rH rH i-H rH rH r-i rH
Weights and Measures.
Some peculiarities in these are yet to be met with in the
various transactions of trade, but they are gradually assimi-
lating to those in England both in capacity and name.
Various acts of Tynwald have from time to time been passed
to regulate these, as may be seen on reference to the statutes of
the island. In the Act of 24th June 1637, whereby it is enacted
that all weights and measures should agree with " the assize of
the Lords' weights and measures," etc. In the Act passed after
the revestment to the British Crown, it was enacted in 1777
that all weights and measures should be according to the
standard of His Majesty's Exchequer in England.
Bolley — Boll. — This term is in general use for the sale of
grain, etc. Cregeen in his Manx Dictionary, 1835, gives the
following meaning to this measure. " Bolley — a boll, a measure
of 6 bushels, or 24 kishens of barley and oats, 4 bushels or
16 kishens of wheat, rye, pease, beans, and potatoes."
Farlane — Firlot, is half a boll, and is a term frequently
used in measuring com. That this measure was looked upon
in early days as of importance is evident^ as appears from the
following declaration at a Tynwald court holden ** on Tuesday
next after the Feast of St. Mary, 1429." "Also that all
measures of your land of Mann be made all after one, that is
to say, Firlett and quart be justly and truly ordained and
made." — MilPs Statutes, p. 11.
Lioarlhan — ^A measure equal to half a Firlot or a quarter
of a bolL
Windle, — ^A measure of 3 bushels. A Fed Windle is men-
tioned in one of the Earl of Derby's household accounts, 1561, ♦
* The Stanley Papers, part 11, Chetham Society, voL xxxi. pp. 1 and 2,
1853. The editor, the Rev. F. R. Raines, states that the "windle is an old
Lancashire measure containing a mett, or two bushels."
but I have not been able to learn its exact capacity. This
term for a measure of com is still in use in various parts of
Lancashire, but the measure appears to have been variable. A
windle of wheat was 210 to 220 lbs., or 3 bushels. At Preston
oats were sold by the windle of 313 lbs.
Kair^ Chistrauyn — BusheL — A tub of 4 kishens or pecks.
Tubhag — Tub. — Is the term usually applied to a bushel.
It contains 4 kishens or pecks. The term is commonly
applied in the sale of coals.
Stoandey — Barrel, — ^This term is applied both for dry and
liquid use. According to an English Act (13th Elizabeth,
cap. 11), the barrel of herrings ought to contain 32 gallons
wine measure, equal to about 28 gallons old standard, contain-
ing about 1000 herrings ; the half barrel or firkin according
to the same rata Lime at the kiln is sold by the barrel at the
rate of 8 barrels to the ton of 30 cwt., being 3f cwt. to the barrel.
Tyld, — ^The quantity or weight implied by this term
appears to be uncertain. In the regulations for the supply
of the Lords' garrisons in Peel Castle and Castle Eushen, a.d.
1561, we find that each soldier was allowed " the third part
of a tyld of ieefe, and a canne of beere of two quarts, for his
supper." — MilTs StattUes, p. 37.
Kishan or Kisheru — ^A measure containing 8 quarts equal
to one peck. This was commonly used in the sale of corn,
potatoes, coals, etc. In point of weight the contents of a
kishan of potatoes was estimated at 21 lbs. A kishan of coals,
it is said, ought to weigh 21^ lbs.
Kaire Chaartyn — Gallon. — ^A measure containing 4 quarts.
Podjcd daa Chaart — ^Pottle. — A measure containing 2
quarts. This is referred to in the regulations as to Peel Castle
and Castle Eushen in 1561. " A canne of beere of two quarts "
is also mentioned as sufficient drink for a sick soldier's sup-
per. — MUTs Statutes, p. 30.
In an indenture between the Bishop of Man and others,
made in the year 1532, "the cleigy all^ that they had
taken, and ought to have of right and custome of every person
brewing any ale, in recompence of the tith thereof certain
Pottles of AUr—MUVs Statutes, p. 30,
This custom of the Manx clergy has evidently a close
connection with the custom of the ** Parish Brewing-pan," of
which mention was made in Mona Miscellany^ first series,
p. 36.
Caart or Kaart — Quart. — ^This has two significations — 1st
the well-known liquid measure — 2d, a weight equal to 7 lbs.
by which wool was formerly, and occasionally at the present
time, sold. The Metnx term for the latter is Caart^lley, for
which, in the Manx and English Dictionary, 1866, the follow-
ing meaning is given : " A weight containing 7 lbs., and used
only in weighing wool, from caart a quart, and ollan wooL"
Butter was formerly sold by the quart, calculated as equal
to 2^ lbs. In making up salt butter in crocks (crockan, an
earthen vessel), the quantity was calculated at so many quarts.
A crock containing say 2 gallons or 8 quarts, ought to hold
20 lbs. of butter ; that is allowing 2 J lbs. of butter to a quart
of liquid, which was the ordinary allowance.
Fynt Lich Cojart — Pint. — Half a quart.
Nwggin, — A measure equal to half a gill, or the fourth
part of a pint. It is still in general use in the purchase of
spirits and other liquids. The word (which is as common a
one as can be met with), is not given in either Cregeen or the
dictionary published by the Manx Society. Under the term
giU in the latter, naggin is given as the Manx of the word.
ffalf a naggin, — Is equal to a glass.
Cropper. — Was a term formerly used by the common
people in calling for IicUf a glass of spirits at a public house.
It is still occasionally made use of, and in Betsy Lee^ the
finest and most pathetic epic of the day descriptive of Manx
manners, just published by Macmillan, we find it used, as —
^ Here goes the last copper,
And into a house to get a cropper"
Sniper. — This was also a common term for a dram or a
drop of spirits, and almost invariably to a morning drink.
A nip is occasionally used. It does not mean any particular
quantity but usually something under a glass. It is equi-
valent to what is generally understood as " a hair of the old
dog/' or *' a hair of the dog that bit you," terms totally un-
known to the Good Templars of the present day.
These two latter words are not Manx, but provincialisms
or slang terms.
In an old drinking song which is sung on completing the
carrying of the barley harvest in Devon and Cornwall, the
following measures are mentioned : —
" We'll drink it out of the ocean, my boys.
Here's a health to the barley-mow !
The ocean, the river, the well, the pipe,
The hogshead, the half-hogshead, the anker,
The half-anker, the gallon, the pottle, the quart,
The pint, the half-a-pint, the quarter pint.
The nipperkin, and the jolly brown bowl I "
Standayrt — ^Yard. — Cregeen gives the following meaning :
— " A yard. This might be the Manx of standard, and per-
haps right, as this (the yard) was the only standard measure
in use, therefore called Standayrt (standard)." The Manx
yard was 1\ inch longer than the English one, being 37|
In measuring out old intacks for instance, the Manx yard
was used, and, as will be at once seen, the dimensions of the
ground licenced by the lord to be enclosed (being the intack —
intake or intaking), would in modem times appear to be mnch
greater than the actual measurement would warrant. As, for
example, if a licence had been granted, say 150 years ago, to
enclose a parcel of commons 100 yards in length by 80 yards
in breaxith, the proper dimensions of the ground, if measured
at the present day, and according to the English standard,
would be 104 yards and 6 inches long, by 83 yards and 1 foot
For want of this knowledge or inattention to the rule,
much trouble has been caused in surveying intack and other
lands in late years, and in reconciling the apparent discre-
pancies in these measurements.
The use of the Manx yard was not of course confined to
the measurement of land, but was applied to all materials.
The use of the Manx yard was discontinued by weavers upon
the assimilation of the currency. Within the last thirty
years it was customary for country weavers in attending fairs,
or in going from house to house to sell flannel or cloth, as was
a usual practice, to carry with them a Manx yard measure.
In addition to this, the breadth of the thumb was given in to
each yard measured.
Cass — ^A foot. — Inasmuch as a Manx yard consisted of
37j inches, it is not unreasonable to suppose that the foot in
old times was equal to 12J inches, the half-inch to each of
the 3 feet in a yard making up the amount
Carlagh — ^An inch.
Acyr — ^A Manx acre, is 5042 yards, measured at 37J
inches to the yard.
Fdgh — A fathom, — Cregeen says it was so named as being
probably the greatest measure formerly in use.
BeaisJi — ^A span. — Cregeen says this ought to be the Manx
for a cubit — -craue-roihy the length of the arm-bone.
Kesmad — ^A step or pace. — A measure equal to about 20
divisions of the isle of man. 215
Divisions of the Isle of Man.
The Island is divided into various districts under the de-
nomination of sheadings, parishes, treens, quarter-lands, and
ballas or estates, as follows : —
Sheading or Sheadin is the name given to the six districts
into which the Island has been from time immemorial divided.
The term is evidently derived from the words sJiey (six) and
rheynn (division or distribution). Each sheading forms a
coroner's district, and contains, with one exception, three
parishes. They are designated as follows : —
Glanfaba sheading, which takes precedence, as does its
coroner, who has the peculiar right to execute his oflBce in any
part of the Island, and to make summonses upon and enforce
judgments against the other coroners in case of need. It con-
tains the parishes of Patrick, German, and Marown.
Michad sheading, contains the parishes of Michael, Bal-
laugh, and Jurby.
Ayre sheading, the parishes of Lezayre, Andreas, and
G^ar^ sheading, the parishes of Maughold and Lonan.
Middle sheading, the parishes of Onchan, Braddan, and
Biishen sheading, the parishes of Malew, Arbory, and
In Chaloner^s Description of the Isle of Man, Manx Society,
voL X., at pages 30-32, an account is given of the sheadings ;
the distribution of the parishes is not, however, quite correct.
Skeeyll — a parish. Cregeen considers the word is derived
from Scarrey, a separation or division. Dr. Kelly (see his
MaTUc and English Dictionary), on the other hand, says it is
a contraction of the words skerrey (the parish), and heeyU (of
the church). Be this as it may, the word is the prefix to
fifteen out of the seventeen parishes in the island, thus : —
Parish of Patrick.
Skeeyll Andreays
Skeeyll-y-Chreest-ne-Heyrey .
Christ Lezayse.
Skeeyll Lonnan
Skeeyll Marooney
' >»
Skeeyll-y-Ston dan e
Skeeyll Malew
SkeeyU-y-Chreest Eushen
The two parishes to which the word is ]
lot annexed are —
Yourby .....
Ball-ny-Laaghey .
• .
Treen is another familiar term signifying a division or
apportionment of lands into thirds. Each parish contains a
number of treens, which, in their turn, are subdivided into
Tor further particulars respecting treens and treen chapels,
the reader is referred to voL xv. of the Manx Society's publi-
cations, pages 76, d seq.
Quarterlands, — ^For the facility of reference in the Lords'
Books, the Isle of Man has been divided into various quanti-
ties, under the denomination of Quarterlands, Cottages, and
Intacks, with the abbey and other barony lands, with the
mountains or ^' forest landa"
According to a survey made by Mr. Hooper in 1608 in
the Bolls Office, the number of quarterlands of Lord's Land
was as follows : —
39^ and 4th part
Ballaugh .
18} and 4th part
33 and 4th part
Conchan ,
26 and 4th part
Total .
1 1
639} quarterland&
Besides these there are above 2700 cottages and intacks,
all which are Lords' land, with 79 mill rents. Also quarter-
lands formerly belonging to the dissolved monastery of
Eushen, called Abbey Lands, of which there are in —
Sulby in Lezayre
Skinsco in Lonnan
Braddan .... 18
Bushen . . . 1|
Total 99J
Besides 6 mills and 77 abbey cottages.
Barony of Bangor and Sabal, in Kirk-Patrick, consists of
7 quarterlands, but computed to only 6.
Bishop's Barony, belonging to the Lord Bishop, 19f
Barony of St Trinions, in the parishes of German and
Marown, consists of 5 quarterlands.
Portion of land in Elirk-Maughold, said to be a barony
called Ball Ellen, computed to half a quarterland, with a
parcel of heathy land and hough or strand, is rated in the
parish accounts to one quarterland.
A small portion in Kirk Maughold, called Staff Land —
The "Forest," commonly known by the name of the
Commons, were disafforested in 1864, and the Commissioners
made their award on the 13th March 1865 as follows : —
Total acreage of the Forest 25,113 27
Allotment to the Crown . . 8,055 1 29
Do. to the Commoners . 7,908 3 4
The remainder was sold for making new roads, expenses,
etc. etc.
Cagliagh — ^A boundary. — ^When a mere ditch or boundary
hedge had to be made up between the lands of the Lord and
the lands of any Baron, such as the Bishop or Abbot, the
Lord was exempt from giving any portion of the soil in
making up such fence, the whole of which had to be made up
by the adjoining party. But a portion of the land of the
Lord was liable to be taken to make up the boundary fence ;
such portion was described to be as follows : — The Barons*
tenants should have as much earth or soU at the Lord's side
of the fence as a man " can cutt, joining his heele to the said
hedge, and reach with his spade, holding his foot thereon." —
DceToster Parr^s M.S, Abstract.
This would extend to the space of, on an average, about
a yard and a half.
Preban. — ^A waste piece of land is so called ; hence, in
right of superiority in such land or common, comes the term
Preban-y-Chiam, the Lord's waste, as he had also the first
choice in waifs and strays.
Keirroo-balley, — A quarterland; ploughed land, amount-
ing to about 100 acres.
The estate of Gordon, in the parish of Kirk-Patrick, con-
sisting of 222 acres, is said to be the largest quarterland in
the Island.
BcdUy or Baila means a town, estate, place, or farm.
The greater proportion of the estates in the Island is called
Achlish or AgMish — Such a quantity of anything as can
be carried under the arm — an armful ; as much as can be
carried under the oxter.
Boandey Sundeyn — Sumner's Band. — Amongst other per-
quisites payable to the Sumner, or Summoner of each parish
(the oflScer who executes the precepts and orders of the
Spiritual Courts), is what is known in Manx as Boandey Suvr
deyuy the Sumner's Band, or, as it is commonly designated in
English, as " the Sumner's Corn," or " the Sumner's Sheaf."
In some parishes it is called " the Dog Sheaf," Boaridey Vod-
dey being the Sumner's perquisite for whipping the dogs out
of church on a Sunday.
It is thus described in the Booh of the Spiritual Laws : —
'' As concerning the Sumner's duty of come^ he must have a
band of three lengths of three principal comes porcion alike
paid from every husbandman, and he must call within the
church, with the advice of the vicar or curate, all such things
as he is requested of the parish that is gone or lost» and
ought to stand at the chancell door at time of service to whip
and beat all the doggs/'*
In the present day this due is usually commuted for three
sheaves, or into a money payment, but that is of course op-
tional with the Sumner, as he may insist upon having it ren-
dered in kind. Many parties have from time to time tried
to get rid of the payment or rendering of this duty, but the
Ecclesiastical Court has invariably upheld the officer, and
given judgment for the delivery of the com in terms of the
old law.
The mode adopted is for the Sumner to draw three long
or principal stalks of com, tie them together so as to form a
band, and whatever quantity of com can be enclosed in such
band (making allowance for the tying of the ends), forms the
sheaf or corn-duty to which the Sumner is entitled. When
the corn is at aU rank and the stalks long, the size of the
sheaf and quantity enclosed in the '^ Sumner's band" is some-
thing considerable.
Burmey — ^A sheaf of com.
Dash — ^In thrashing com with flails the corn as it was
thrashed was put on one side in a heap as a bulk against the
side wall, or on the floor, if large enough ; this was called
the dash,
DaymovJth or Daymoth — A well-known Manx term denot-
ing a defined quantity of land, but more generally applicable
to the measurement of meadow or hay land.
* MiU's Statute Laws, p. 51.
The origin of the term is supposed to have represented
the quantity of hay that an ordinary man could cut down in
a day. A Daymouth has however been long understood to
be 60 yards each way, or 3600 square yards, being as nearly
as possible equivalent to f of an acre.
In numbers of old deeds of sale and wills, whereby lands
were conveyed and the particulars of extent given, the number
of Daymouths are named instead of acres, thus — a meadow
conttdning 3 acres would be described as ** That meadow con-
taining by computation four Daymouths."
Dooraght or DhooraglU — Although perhaps strictly speak-
ing, this term does not come under the heading given, yet as
it is so intimately associated with the purchase and sale of
all commodities, whether by bulk, weight, or measure, it may
not be out of place to refer to it.
If a man purchases an estate, a quantity of grain, or even
a horse or cow, it was usual for him, upon paying the price
stipulated to give to the seller a dooraght^ that is something
over and above the actual price, out of good will, and to make
up to some extent the amount that had been at first demanded
by the seller, for as a general rule there is much haggling
between* buyer and seller before an actual sale takes place.
If a good bargain had been made by the purchaser, the extent
of the dooraght would be proportionately greater. It bore
some analogy to, but also differed from a luck-penny, which,
as is well known, is a return made by the seller of an article
to the purchaser out of the price by way of good wilL
Cregeen defines the word as " a perquisite, something given
over and above the settled price, undoubtedly ccdled so because
often given in the dark." — {Doo — black — dark).
In the English and Manx Dictionary the following defini-
tion is given to the word, " importunity, boot, good-wfll, a
gratuity, luck-penny ; but none of these do properly explain
the original, nor do I know of any word in the English
language that corresponds to it. When a person buys any
goods and pays his money, he demands a dooragkt, and what
it is the custom to ask it is usual to give.''
DuiU or DeylUlieen — ^A bundle of hemp, etc., twenty-four
of which make a troo — about a handful each.
Edk — A small stack or rick of com, hay, etc.
FoUliu — Mulcture or multure. — This is a toll to which
millers are entitled out of com ground in lieu of a money
payment. In ancient days the Lord, who held all the mills
(except those belonging to the abbey), claimed the whole of
the ** mulcture, toll, and token of all corn and graine ground
within the Island." — {MiWs Statutes, p. 89).
It was usual for the Lord to grant licences to erect mills
upon payment of certain rents (generally tolerably high), and
other special conditions. The tenants of these mills were
enabled to take mulcture, and questions not unfrequently
arose as to the extent of this toll. Deemster Parr (who was
Deemster from 1696 to 1712), in his Abstract of the Customary
Laws of the Island^ referring to the matter, speaks of it as
" being the 24th pt®- thereof," i,e, of the grain ground
In 1723 the tenant of the Abbey Mill in Malew was pre-
sented by the great Enquest for taking the 16th kishen as
mulcture of shelled com, and Deemster Mylrea then gave for
law that the 24th kishen was the due mulcture. The mulc-
ture taken at the present day is the same as of old, but now
usually commuted into a money payment.
According to the law of Scotland,* '* some mills have at-
tached to them an exclusive privilege of grinding the grain
of a particular district, termed the tJdrl or sucken. The re-
muneration or tax to the miller is termed the multures ; it is
divided into irisucken multures, which is the taxed remunera-
* Manual of the Law of Scotland^ by Jolin Hill Burton. 1839.
tion for grinding; outsuckm mulinres, or the remuneration
paid by those who, not being astricted^ send their corn vohin-
tarily to the mill ; and dry multv^es, or a tax paid to the
miller whether the grain be ground or not. Knaveship or
sequds are a customary allowance to the miller^s assistant.
There are dififerent grades of thirlage, as constituted by the
original gift, or by prescription, viz. — Ist Of grana crescentia,
or all corns grown upon the lands, not including purchased
com. 2d, Grindable com, or the com which it is requisite
to grind for the use of the thirL 3d. Invecta et Ulatua, or all
grain growing within the thirl, as well as all that is brought
within its bounds." By statute the proprietors of lands
thirled, or of mUls. may have the tax commuted into a money
payment by adopting certain proceedings.
The Manx law was in many respects similar to the Scotch.
To many of the mills in the Island there were a certain num-
ber of boimd tenants, who, if they neglected to go to the mill
to which their estates were pledged, were liable to a fine.
The Soken mentioned in the orders before alluded to, 1636,
was the toll from those tenants who were bound to a certain
mill, or the inthralled ground. This custom is mentioned by
Sir Walter Scott in describing Hob Happer the miller's visit
to the Tower of Glendearg (in the Monastery) to look after
his dues. Every miller was formerly sworn by the Deem-
ster to deal honestly to the public. It was part of the duty
of the Great Enquest to see to this. Every old mill iu the
Island was furnished with a large box or chest called the
** Mulcture Chest," in which the miller kept the mulctures,
which he sold out to the public*
It appears that Manx millers were no honester than their
* It was usual for the fanner's wife or domestic to assist in dressing the
meal, who threw into this chest a handful or two, as an acknowledgment to
the miller's wife for her trouhle in cooking for them while engaged in the
brethren in other countries^ as they were required to be
sworn to deal with some degree of fairness in this matter of
mulcture ; but for ^ that, they were not exempt from the
ridicule of the song writer, as will be found by the following
humorous specimen, printed by the Percy Society^ London,
A version of this song is given in Harland's Ballads and
Songs of Lancashire, 1865, in which he states it to be a
favourite about Chipping, nine miles from Clitheroe.
There was a crafty miller, and he
Had lusty sons, one, two, and three ;
He called them all, and asked their will.
If that to them he left his milL
He called first to his eldest son.
Saying, My life is almost run ;
If I to you this miU do make.
What toll do you intend to take ?
Father, said he, my name is Jack,
Out of a bushel 111 take a peck,
From every bushel that I grind,
That I may a good living find
Thou art a fool ! the old man said.
Thou hast not well learned thy trade ;
This mill to thee I ne'er will give,
For by such toll no man can live.
He called for his middlemost son.
Saying, My life is almost run ;
If I to you this mill do make.
What toll do you intend to take ?
Father, says he, my name is Balph ;
Out of a bushel I'll take a half,
From every bushel that I grind,
That I may a good living find.
Thou art a fool ! the old man said.
Thou hast not well learned thy treide ;
This mill to thee I ne'er will give,
For by such toll no man can liva
He caUed for his youngest son,
Saying, My life is almost run ;
If I to you this mill do make,
What toll do you intend to take ?
Father, said he, I'm your only boy,
For taking toll is all my joy !
Before I wOl a good living lack,
I'll take it all, and forswear the sack !
Thou art my boy ! the old man said,
For thou hast right well learned thy trade ;
This miU to thee I give, he cried,
And then he closed up his eyes and died.
Glaick — Such a quantity of hemp in stalks as can be held
in the hand or grasped, making a small sheaf, tied up like a
sheaf of com.
Jeebin — ^A quantity of herring net CregeeUy says it is " a
deeping of nets." It also means the thread used in making
nets. In the Herring Act of 1610 it is enacted, that all the
Lord's or Baron's tenants within the Isle shall have in readi-
ness for the fishing, " out of every quarter of ground, eight
fathoms (16 yards), containing three deepings of nine score
meshes upon the rope." — MilPs Statutes^ p. 601. Before the
introduction of the very long trains now in use, a jeebin con-
stituted the onersixteenth part of a piece of net. It was 18
yards long (33 meshes being counted to the yard), and 52
meshes deep ; and 4 in length and 4 in depth, joined together,
formed the piece of 16 jeebins.
KyVbon — ^In the Act of Tynwald, 1610, relative to the her-
ring fishery, amongst other orders connected with the water
bailiff, it is enacted, *' The water baiUflf shall have out of every
boat, as oft as they fish, a certain measure called a hybbori'fuU
of herrings; and whosoever refused to give the same, or twelve
pence in money in lieu thereof, shall be excluded ftom the
fleet." — MUVb Statutes^ p. 503. The capacity of this measure
does not appear to be now known.
Lane-doam — A handful.
Mam. — ^A measure, as much as will lie upon the palm of
the hand, or rather upon both hands.
Meaish — Mease (Maze, as spelt in some of the old stiu-
tutes). — The common term used in counting or referring to a
particular quantity of herrings. A mease is calculated to
consist of 500 herrings, but in reality the number is 620, and
which is made up as follows : — ^A hundred means what is
known as the long hundred (six score), or 120, but to each
hundred is added four fish, warp and tally.
In counting herrings from a boat, two of the fishermen
are almost invariably employed, e6U)h of whom alternately
takes up a warp (namely three fish), and throws them into a
basket, calling out aloud in Manx the number of warps thrown
in. Thus, the first man calls out^ as he throws in his warp,
*' unnane'* (or, as it is generally contracted, " tiane"), the
second calls "/ees," the first ** threel* the second *' hiare^ and
so on, until the number reaches 40, or " d/ieed,'* whereupon
the first man throws in three extra herrings, calling out
•• warp" and the second, throwing in a single fish, cries out,
" as tally,'' that is, " and tally."
The rapidity with which a couple of experienced men will
count out a large quantity of herrings is surprising. The
counting in English is attended with the same forms — 40
warps of 3 fishy and the extra 4 to the hundred.
In 1817 an Act of Tynwald was passed, prohibiting the
sale of herrings by tale, and providing that they should only
be bought or sold by measure called cran or half cran. The
particular dimensions and mode of construction of these
measures were given in the Act, and it was declared that the
cran should contain 42 gallons English wine measure — ^the
half cran being 21 gallons.
The provisions of this Act not having been foimd at all
suitable, it very shortly fell into disuse, and herrings are
now sold by tale as heretofore.
Minjdff — ^A bundle of heather, ling, fern, hay, etc., made
up into two packs ; the exact quantity is not defined.
Paggey-iraagh — A truss of hay.
Pdlick or Pdlag — A bulk or quantity, the exact extent
of which does not^ however, appear to be well defined.
Crege&ny in his " Manx Dictionary," spells the word pdlag^ and
thus defines it, ** A small division of something, generally
applied to the division of a cart-load in small heaps or parts."
Various cases have from time to time engaged the atten-
tion of the courts of law with reference to what is called an
HxecutoT^s crop, that is, whether the heir-at-law of a deceased
landed proprietor or the executor of his will, should be
entitled to the crops of com, the seed of which had either been
sown, or was in preparation for being sown at the time of the
death of the ancestor. With respect to the case where seed
had actually been sown, there could be no doubt as to the
executor^s right to it.
A noted case bearing upon the subject, and which was long
contested both at common law and before the House of Keys,
arose in the year 1807. The style of the cause was, Thomas
Harrison v. William Clark. Many of the most noted Manx
lawyers of the day were employed, and the case was presided
over by Deemster Lace, who was supposed to be a great
authority on the old common law of the country.
During the trial it was asserted that the old common law
was, that^ ** if three pellicks of dung were laid out, and three
furrows ploughed before the testator's death, the executor
would be entitled to the crop." Other parties stated the law
to be, that " if three horse-loads of manure were spread," the
executor should have the crop. The meaning in both cases
was, that if the ancestor had made certain arrangements and
preparations for a crop, and thereby exhausted a certain por-
tion of his means, the executor should reap the benefit The
legal question, however, is not now in issue.
The term pellick was described to mean such a quantity
as a man could carry in a creel on his back. Now creels^
which are a kind of pannier or dossel formed of straw rope,
netwise, are of various sizes — some to carry turf, potatoes, or
other articles, on the shoulders and back of men and women
(as may be often seen in the present day at farm-houses in
the country), and others much larger, which were slung saddle-
bag fashion over the backs of horses or asses.
Pimg-Eearlys — An earnest penny. — It was always custom-
ary, and indeed still is, in bargaining for the sale of any com-
modity (other than actual goods in a shop), for the purchaser
to give to the seller a piece of money as earnest to bind the
bargain. A penny was formerly the amount given, hence the
term. Ko bargain was considered valid without the passing
of earnest.
In the hiring of servants, too, it is still almost invariably
the custom to give earnest
Ping-jaagh — Smoke Penny. — ^This is a very old due annu-
ally payable to the several parish clerks. By the old law
(still in force) he is entitled to a groat (4d.) for each plough
used in his parish, should it only be used to plough three
furrows^ and those parties who do not keep ploughs, but
" keep smoke," that is householders, have to pay one penny.
See MilPs Statutes, p. 57.
Ping- Vnnshee — ^A luck penny. — This is too well known a
term to call for any explanation. It does not mean the
return of a penny merely, but of a portion of the price of an
article sold by way of luck or good will. See also the term
Snood — Snooid or Snoaid. — Is the leugth of several horse
hairs twisted or spun together^ and then knotted at each end.
When a number of snoods are thus prepared, and are joined
together, they form a strong line used in the sea fishing — and
which line, thus made, was called a darrag. The length of a
snood depends, of course, upon the length of the hair used.
They generally run from eighteen inches to two feet. In the
Mdnx and English Dictionary, the term is thus defined, "a
hair-line, or rather, the length of a hair, from snieu ; that is,
as much as is spun at a time."
Sthook or Stook—A. pile of sheaves of com. The old
sthook consisted of twelve sheaves. There were three modes
of making up a sthook. The shedg or pile was made up as
follows : —
1*/. Eight sheaves were set up on end in two rows of four,
a sheaf at each end, and two on the top, tapering
froiri the centre.
2d. Ten sheaves in two rows of five at a side, and two on
the top.
3rf. Three sheaves in three rows each, two on the top as
a covering, and one as the crown of all.
The last was the old Manx mode of forming a stJiook, and
was considered the best mode of protecting the corn from the
weather when it had to remain any length of time before it
was carted home.
Thow — A line to which buoys or corks are attached, and
which holds up or suspends the herring nets when in the
water. It varies in length according to the fishing ground
Tooran or Thurran — ^A stack either of com or hay of any
figure, but more particularly when round or pointed.
A Spade' 8 CvMing of Twrf — In former days it was by no
means unusual for a landowner, possessing a quantity of
curragh or turf-producing land (and which abounds more
particularly in the northern parishes of the Island), in arrang-
ing his affairs, to provide that some particular member of his
family should have a spade's cutting of twrf, either yearly or at
intermediate periods during his life, the object being to secure
fuel (coals being comparatively unknown) for the person to
be benefited. The extent of this turf cutting was not uufre-
quently a question of strife and ill-will in the family.
Even so late as forty years ago the question of the legality
of a grant of "a spade's cutting of turf" was solemnly tried at
common law, and by appeal to the House of Keys, in which
body was then reposed the appellate jurisdiction over the
verdicts of jurors at law. Besides the issue as to the legal
effect of such a grant, the question as to the extent of a
" spade's cutting " was raised, and, as will be seen from the
evidence adduced, there was considerable discrepancy between
the witnesses upon this point.
The action arose in the parish of Ballaugh. Thomas
Nelson sued Ann Mylecharane for trespass, the charge being
that she had wrongfully entered into his meadow, and dug
and carried away soil, etc. The defendant justified her entry
into the plaintiff's lands under the provisions of a deed,
whereby a spade's cutting of turf was granted to her for her
life. The case was tried at a common law court held at
Bamsey on the 14th February 1832, when the jury found a
verdict in favour of the plantiff, giving £1 : 17 : 6 damages
against Ann Mylecharane, whom they found to be a trespasser.
The old lady, however, traversed (that is appealed) from
the verdict to the House of Keys, who, by their judgment
dated 1st March 1833, reversed the jury's verdict, and dis-
missed the action, thereby upholding the right of the defendant
to her " spade's cutting of turf" for her life.
The evidence as to the extent of the spade's cutting was
as follows : —
Thomas Christian proved that it was 42 yards in length,
If yard in breadth, and 3 turves in deptL
John Cry stated the length and breadth to be as described
by the former witness, but gave the depth as from 20 to 23
John Caley defined the extent as 60 yards long, 2 yards
wide, and 3 turves of 9 inches each deep.
John Clark, John Quayle, another John Quayle, and John
Craine, severally proved the dimensions to be 60 yards in
length, 2 yards in width, and 27 inches in depth, corroborating
in other words the evidence of John Caley.
It may therefore be fairly assumed that the extent given
by the five last-named witnesses truly represented what a
spade's cutting really waa
(The proceedings in the case will be found in extenso in
Liber Plitor, 1831, No. 29, parish of Ballaugh, in the Rolls
OflSce, Castletown.)
Size of Ctcstom Turf. — Amongst other charges upon the
lord's tenants (the owners of the land paying rent, etc., to the
lord) was that of supplying the garrisons of Peel Castle and
Castle Rushen with turf, so many cars to the quarterland.
By certain resolutions of the Earl of Derby in 1593, it
was declared ** That the custome turff be allowed according to
law and custome, that is 52 turves of one cubit long and three
inches square in the middest, and those to be allowed for one
able carr within the houses of Castle Peela" — Mills, p. 76.
The proprietors of abbey lands were in like manner bound
to supply the bishop or abbot with turf, and Deemster Parr, in
his Abstract of the Customary Laws, gives the sizes as above.
Peculur Customs with Eefeeence to Food, Drink, etc. —
Several peculiar customs still linger in some of the out-of-
the-way places in the island, but the great influx of summer
visitors, with the gradual intercourse thereby created, is fiast
obliterating them. We may allude to the following : —
Amvlass — ^A diink composed of milk or butter-milk and
Binjean — New milk turned to curd with rennet, and sweet-
ened with sugar ; eaten with preserves ; is a great favourite
during the summer season.
Braghtan — ^A mixture of food by no means unpalatable,
partaken of as a kind of luncheon, or even at dinner. It is a
veritable sandwich. One mode of preparing it is as follows : —
Take a piece of barley cake and spread it over with fresh
butter, add a layer of potatoes bruised, then a coating of salt
herring nicely picked and free from bones ; upon this spread
another layer of potatoes, and cover with barley cake and
butter. It is needless to add that the Braghtan should be
eaten hot. A seasoning of pepper is an improvement
Cregcen thus defines the word — ** Braghtan (no doubt from
hrcch or h'ack), spotted, smeared, or streaked with something
spread on bread, as honey, butter, herring, etc." " Braghtan
eeymey — a butter-cake^ or a cake spread or spotted with butter
or any other eatable."
Broish consists of broken pieces of oat-cakes soaked in
pot-liquor or dripping ; also used for breakfast.
Cawree — A kind of food made of oatmeal steeped in water.
Jough — ^Drink, but usually applied to common ale, !From
this is derived the well-known term " Jough-y-dorrys," the
parting drink or stirrup cup.
No social meeting of Manxmen is supposed to end fairly
or Mendly without having the Joughry-doirya, no matter how
much had previously been drank.
Sollaghan, — This is a kind of food made of oatmeal and
the liquor in which meat has been boiled. It is generally
used for breakfast among the country peopla For an allu-
sion to this, see Mona Miacdlanyy first series, p. 26.
Keear-Lheeah — Two coloui'S of wool spun and wove into
cloth are so called, a dark grey colour, which cloth was
formerly the garb generally worn by the Manx peasantry.
Loaghiyn — ^A mouse brown colour in the wool of Manx
sheep, of a fine staple, was formerly a great favourite for
making cloth, but that breed of sheep is now almost extinct
Kiare-cLS'feed ; or, Tn-chiare-as-feed — House of Keya —
The explanation of this term has been so fully given in the
Manx and English JDictionary of Dr. Kelly (Manx Society,
vol. xiiL), that it is best to repeat it here in his own terms : —
" The Keys, or Parliament of the Island, are so called from
their number, as they consist of twenty-four persons. But as
it is used as a proper name in conversation, it has therefore
the article prefixed ; as, Yn-chiare-a^feed, This is supposed
by the ingenious Eev. Wm. Fitzsimmons to be a corruption
of cor-anrpJiaid, the company of the prophets, wisemen, or
rulers ; for no doubt that co7' is choir or company, and pJuiid
234 MONA lascELLAinr.
phadeyrys, prophecy. The govenmient of the Island consisted
of two ports, the executive and the legislative. The King was
vested with the whole executive power, and had the sole
appointment of his own officers and council The power of
making and repealing laws rested with the Keys^ who were
obliged, in conjunction with the other power, to call annually
a Tynwald, or meeting of the people, where aU new laws
were publicly proclaimed three times, otherwise they were of no
force, and a man could plead in court the ignorantia legis, I
could never find whether the people had any other negative
upon the promulgation of an unpopular law, except force, to
which, according to several traditional accounts, they were
frequently obliged to have recourse, and were always successful
in the application of it. This is not to be wondered at, as the
Keys were self-elected, and when a member died they chose
two men out of the body of the people, and presented them
to the King for his approbation of one of them. And besides,
they, as well as the court, were exempt from most of the
duties and taxes the people laboured under ; and together
exercised an arbitrary power, as an instance of which I shall
only mention, that whenever any of them wanted servants,
they had a right to yard, that is, to compel, by virtue of a
statute or slattys, and force into their service the best servants
in the Island, wherever they were to be found, and without
allowing them common wages. Yet, notwithstanding this
connection between the parliament and the court, it has been
found that when the Court has attempted any innovation, the
Keys have uniformly joined the people. When the Earl of
Derby endeavoured to remove the people from their posses-
sions, and to consider the soil as his property, the people and
Keys united, and at last obtained from the Insular Legislature
the Act of Settlement, a.d. 1704, which confirmed eveiy man
in the possession of his estate, and made his possession his
property. Notwithstanding the Island is annexed at present
to the Crown of England, the laws and manner of government
continue with little variation, except that the Governor, who
is appointed by the Crown of England, acts in most instances
in the place of the former Kings of Man. It appears, both
from history and tradition, that at first the Kiare-as-feed were
chosen by popular election from each of the six sheadings^ but
that afterwards, on the death of one of the body, they pre-
sented two commoners to the King, and he was obliged to
elect one of the two."
For the custom of " yarding," alluded to above, see Mona
Miscellany, first series, p. 26. By the Act of 1763, "the
wages due by law to yarded servants is found to be very
insufficient. It is therefore enacted, that henceforth yarded
servants' wages shall be augmented, and that a man-servant
shall be intituled to have and receive the sum of forty shil-
lings, and a maid-servant shall have twenty shillings for their
yeai's servitude, any former law or custom to the contrary
hereof notwithstanding." This custom has now fallen into
'* Like an old wife's tale, with trifles light as air/'
A Legend.
At a distance of about a mile and a half from Castletown,
the metropolis of the Isle of Man, round the head of Derby
Haven, lies St. Michael's Isle, on which are to be met with
the ruins of the little chapel of St Michael (in Manx, Kedhil
Vaayr)y from which it takes its name, and which has been in its
present roofless state for more than two hundred years. The
length of the chapel is 31 feet, and the breadth 14 ; the
height of the side walls 10 feet ; and the date of the building
may be about the 12th century. There is an ancient grave-
yard attached to it, which is now principally used as a place
of interment by the Boman Catholics.
Many years ago there was a famous priest, who gave up
all that he possessed, and came to teach Christianity in these
parta He was not a Manxman, though he could talk with
the people in their own tongue. He lived in a poor house at
Derby Haven, but for all that there was not a sick or needy
person near but what he helped with medicine and food, as
well as spiritual advice. Along with a kind heart he had a
kind face and voice, so that the little children would run out
to laugh and kiss his hand when they saw him pass. For a
long time he used to gather the people together in the winter
evenings in one of the largest rooms in the hamlet, while in
the summer he would preach to the fishermen and their
families on the sea-shore.
After some years of this intercourse, he proposed to the
men that they should build a small church on the Island.
St Michael, he said, had appeared to him in a vision, and
pointed out a chapel on a flat space upon the grass close to
the rocks ; he had seen it^ he said, quite plain in his dream ;
the light was shining out of the windows ; he had crept up
under the wall, and looked in, and lo ! he saw himself kneel-
ing before a beautiful costly altar, and he recognised the con-
gregation as themselves.
Now, while they were full of admiration at this dream,
the good father bade them rise up and follow him to the place
where he had seemed to see the chapel, and lo ! when they
got there they found the ground marked out where the founda-
tions of the chapel now stand, and a border drawn some
distance around on which that wall was buUt, which you can
now trace in the grass, just as if some one had turned up a
furrow on the bare earth, and then laid a carpet of turf upon
it. And when the men of the place saw the marvel, and how
truly the good father's dream had been from Heaven, he bade
them kneel down there at once, while he prayed to St
Michael and all angels that these people would not leave off
the good work till they had built a chapel to him. Thus
they were led to begin, and promised to give a portion of
their time till the little church should be finished.
There was abundance of stone close by, and the archi-
tecture of the edifice was of the simplest kind. Four plain
thick walls, with a roof, was all they aimed at Now, this
part of the work was comparatively easy ; but Father Kelly
began to be sore perplexed as it approached completion, how
he should furnish it within, and so fulfil the dream in pro-
viding such a costly altar as he was persuaded he ought to
builcL The poor people had neither silver nor gold. They
had already offered such as they had — strong hands, and
hours taken from their rest or work. Night after night
Father Kelly used to repair to the chapel, now roofed in, and
pray to St. Michael to help him in this strait. One dark
evening he was there later than usual ; he had fallen down
with his face upon the ground before the spot in which he
hoped to put the altar. While thus prostrate in prayer, and
longing for a continuation of his former dream, he heard some
footsteps close outside the chapel walls. Having his fiEice
upon the earth, the sound came quite distinctly to his ear.
They stopped, and a voice said, "This is the chapel, let us
lay them here, 'tis just the place for a burial."
" Very well," replied another ; " how does she lie ! Here
goes, mate, by the north-east comer."
Then came the sound of digging and pauses, as if men
were stooping down to lay something in the ground ; after
that Father Kelly heard the mould put back, and some one
stamp it down* Though the church had not been furnished,
two or three funerals had taken place in the graveyard, one
of which he had himseK celebrated only that afternoon.
What could be the object of these strange night visitors ?
They had not disturbed the dead — ^they did not remain long
enough for that ; their work, whatever it was, seemed to be
accomplished in a quarter of an hour, for after that time he
heard a slapping of hands, as if some one were cleaning them
of the dusty earth, and a voice saying, " There ! that is done ;
and as dead men tell no tales, we may trust the present
"Ay, ay," replied the other, " I trust them so much, I
don't think we need wait any longer."
** What ! art afraid, man !"
** Not I : but there is foul weather coming, and the sooner
we clear off these cursed rocks the better."
•* WeH come along ! "
Then Father Kelly heard them walk down towards the
water, and presently distinguished the grating of the boat's
keel as she was pushed off ; then the double sound of the oars
in the rowlocks died away, and all was stilL He got tip
from the floor and walked out of the chapeL It was a mid-
summer nighti The air was warm and motionless ; clouds^
however, had crept up so plentifully as to cover the sky.
While he stood there outside the chapel, the moon, which waa
about a week old, became obscured, and the darkness drew
close to his eyes. He could not see a yard before him ; he
listened, but heard only the slow wash of the swell as the
rising tide carried it into the clefts among the rocks, with now
and then a liquid flap, as a wave ran into a sudden angle and
fell back upon itself. He felt for his lantern, and got out hiB
steel to strike a light Having dropped his flint, in groping
about to find it he forgot the direction in which he had stood ;
and when he got upon his feet again, after an unsuccessful
search, felt himself so utterly at a loss, that after walking a
few steps with his hands stretched out before him, he deter-
mined to wait for the morning, rather than risk a fell over
one of the slippery rocks in his attempt to return home.
When he had sat there for some time, the rain began to fiedl
in large though few drops ; these were, however, but the
splashes from the bucketfuls which were soon poured on his
head. The wind, too, was loosed at the same time, and rushed
on him with such violence, that though he dared not search
for shelter lest he should fall over the rocks, he was glad to
sit down on a large stone which he felt at his feet The first
flash of lightning, however, showed him the chapel itself, not
more than ten yards oK He groped towards it immediately
in the gloom, with his hands stretched out before him, right
glad when he felt its rough stones. The wall once found, he
soon discovered the path with his feet, and when he got home
was glad to go to rest at once.
He had not slept many hours before he was roused to visit
a dying man in one of the neighbouring houses. Hurrying
on his clothes, he hastened to the place, where a crowd was
gathered about the door, many of them dripping from the sea.
The storm which he had seen the evening before had grown
into a terrible tempest, during which a ship had been driven
on the rocks, and utterly wrecked. All the crew were
drowned but one man, whom they had dragged out of the
surf, and carried to Derby Haven. He had apparently, how-
ever, been saved from death in the water to die on the land,
for he was so grievously bruised and cut by the rocks on
which he had been thrown, that life was ready to leave him
altogether. When Father Kelly came in, he found him lying
on the floor, wrapped up in such dry clothes as the people
had at hand. He had begged them to fetch a priest Hia
back, he said, was broken, and he knew he could not live
another hour ; so the people fetched Father Kelly, as we have
seen, and left the two together.
** Father,'* said the dying man, " will you hear the confes-
sion of a pirate and a murderer 1"
The priest, seeing there was no time to lose, sigidfied his
assent, and kneeling down by his side, bent his ear to
Then the man, with strange breaks and ramblings in his
speech, told him of murders out in the wide seas» and horrible
recollections of cruelty and rapine.
We took a Spanish ship some weeks ago, added the man,
and came in here to water, being a safe place ; when I — God
forgive my soul I — I committed my last crime, and stole from
the captain, a box of gold he took out of the Spaniard.
Another man and I were in the secret We brought it with us,
and buried it in the graveyard of your little chapel, intending
to make our escape from the ship on the first opportunity, find
our way over here, recover, and enjoy the booty we had got
'* To whom did it belong ? " said the priest.
" God knows ;" replied the man ; " to me now, I suppose.
Those who owned it can use it no more : the ship from
which the captain took it went down with all on board ; -we
burnt her."
"What was her name ?" asked Father Kelly.
** Name," said the dying man, *' There, take the gold, and
shrive me ; I have confessed !"
Then, without another word, he died. The people buried
him, and gathered up some few pieces of timber from the
wreck of his ship, but nothing came ashore to show whether
she was laden or not They never knew her name, nor, for
a great while, what she was, the priest not conceiving him-
self bound to tell them even so much of what he had heard
in confession. Many years afterwards the whole story was
found in a book which the priest left behind him when he
The words "take the gold" haunted the good Father long
after the man who died in uttering them had been committed
to the ground. The chapel was finished, but not furnished ;
the ftilfilment of the dream was incomplete. Many a night
the priest lay awake, arguing with himself the lawfulness of
a search among the graves for the treasure, which, he had no
doubt, was hidden there. Suppose he could find it, should he
credit the pirate's word about the death of its owner ? Could
he conscientiously appropriate it, not> indeed, for his own use,
but to that of the chapel? He thought of the terrible
sentence which fell on those who put unhallowed fire in their
censers ; he thought of the accursed thing found in the Jew's
tent, which brought trouble upon the whole people to which
he belonged. Then, again, it looked as if the sin attached to
the appropriation of this gold had been punished in the
persons of the pirates who had taken it. It looked as if it
were rescued from the service of the world, to be devoted to
that of the church — snatched from the devil himself, to be
given to St. Michael, his chief enemy.
On the whole, he decided upon using the gold, if he could
find it He must, however, be cautious in the search ; he
would not trust the people to look. It might not be there,
and then he would be ashamed. There might be more than
he thought, and they might be tempted to take some ; or, if
not that, be jealous at his retaining the possession of it him-
self. He would search alone. The conversation he had heard
outside the chapel, while he listened on the eve of the storm,
indicated the spot on which he should look.
Having, therefore, waited for a suitable moonlight night,
he went very late to the churchyard with a spade. There
was no one there. The shadow of the building fell upon the
likely spot ; he could work unperceived, even if the late
returning fishermen were to pass by that way. Half ashamed
of the errand, he had not removed many spadefuls of earth
from the grave he suspected, before he struck upon something
hard. Stooping down, he felt for it with his hands ; it was
a heavy box. He took it up, smoothed down the soil, carried
it straight home, double locked his door, and broke it open.
It contained broad shining pieces of gold. They made such
a heap on his table as he had never seen before. There was,
moreover, in the box, a necklace of large pearls, gold for the
chapel, jewels for the Madonna.
The church was furnished, the altar was decked, the image
was brought, and round its neck he hung the string of fair
large pearls.
Father Kelly saw his dream fulfilled, and as success often
produces conviction, he thanked St. Michael and all angels for
having turned the robber's booty into sacred treasure. So it
was written in his book, but he told no one whence these
riches came. Some of the simple folk thought the virgin
herself had brought these jewels to the father. He, however,
many a time, while he sat on the rocks by the chapel, lookiiig
out to seaward, and watching the white sails go by, wandered
back to the question whence these riches came, and whether,
after all, they might not hide some after-^^urse or other.
One evening as he sat there, a vessel came round the point,
and dropped anchor in the haven. She drew his attention as
being unlike any of the coDDimon coasting ships, or even of
the traders which ventured on more distant voyages. She
carried more canvas in proportion to her hull, and had her saila
furled almost as soon as she had swung round with the tide.
Presently a boat came off from her, and was rowed to the
shore, just beneath the spot where he sat. Two men, appar-
ently officers, got out, and walking up to him, begged him to
accompany them back to the ship, as they said one of their
crew was dying, and needed the offices of a priest He went
with them at once without suspicion ; a man who had been
with him, and heard the summons, retiimed to Derby Haven.
The ghostly summons, however, was a ruse ; this was the
sister ship of the pirate who had been wrecked here in the
storm — now some months ago. The new comers had learned
her fate, and had landed to search for traces of the treasures
she had on board. They had first taken the priest, as they
thought, with much probability, he could tell them whether
the inhabitants of the village had plundered the wreck, and
also whether any of her crew survived.
What they learned from Father Kelly, no one ever knew.
Some of the men, returning to the shore, strolled into the
chapel, and doubtless recognised the necklace as one of the
costliest items of their lost treasure. The next morning the
ship was gone, and the people, searching for their priest, who
had not returned home at nighty found the chapel sacked, and
his corpse set over the altar in the place where the image of
the Madonna had been, with a knotted cord, like a necklace,
tightly twisted round his throat.
The superstition of the natives never permitted them to
use the chapel again. It gradually became a ruin ; the roof
fell in ; the storms lashed the waUs within as well as without ;
nntQ at last it passed into the state in which it is to this day.
Even now, whoever struck the walls and listened, could hear
a moan within, and a noise like the jingling of money. You
can try it yourself, and find whether I have told you the
The Glashtyn is a goblin or sprite who wore no clothes,
and was hairy; said to frequent rivers in their lonely secluded
spots, and is useful or otherwise as the caprice of the moment
led them, assuming various shapes, and occasionally perform-
ing kind offices for the farmer, something in the way of the
Scottish Brownie or the Manx " Phynnodderee," as mentioned
in the first part of Mona Miscellany.
In Campbell's Tales of tlie West HiffJUands, he relates
the following, which was told him by a woman who lived
near the Calf of Man, who said : —
" Did you ever hear tell of the Glashan ?"
" No ; tell me about the Glashan."
" Well, you see, in the ould times they used to be keeping
the sheep in the folds, and one night an ould man forgot to
put them in, and he sent out his son, and he came back and
said the sheep were all folded, but there was a year-old lamb,
oasht playing the mischief with them, and that was the
Glashan. You see they were very strong, and when they
wanted a stack threshed, though it was a whole stack, the
Glashan would have it threshed for them in one night And
they were running after the women. There was one of them
once caught a girl, and ha' a hould of her by the dress, and he
sat down and he fell asleep, and then she cut away all the
dress, you see, round about, this way, and left it in his fist,
and ran away ; and when he awoke, he threw what he had
over his shoulder, this way, and he said something in Manx.
Well, you see, one night the ould fellow sent all the women .
to bed, and he put on a cap and a woman's dress, and he sat
down by the fire, and he began to spin ; and the young
Glashans they came in, and they began saying something in
Manx that means 'Are you turning the wheel? are you
trying the reel ? ' Well, the ould Glashan he was outside, and
he knew hetter than the yoang ones ; he knew it was the
ould fellow himself and he was telling them, bat they did
not mind him, and bo the ould man threw a lot of hot turf,
you see it was turf they humed then, over them, and humed
them ; and the ould one said (something in Manx). You'll
not understand that now ?"
" Yes, I do ; pretty nearly."
" Ah, well. And so the Glashans went away, and never
came hack any more."
" Have you many stories like that, guidwife?"
" Ah ! " said she, " there were plenty of people that could
tell those atones once. When I was a little girl I iised to
hear them telling them in Manx over the fire at night ; but
people is so changed with pride now that they care for no-
Numerous are the allusions that aie made respecting the
notion of a land under the waves. Waldion relates a remark-
able story of an adventurer in search of treasure off the coast
of Man having descended to a great depth in a '' bell made of
glass/' and saw unheard of riches. It is believed by many
that there exists a superb city with many towers, and numer-
ous gilded minarets, near langness, in Castletown Bay, on a
place now covered by the sea^ and which is sometinies seen
to rise up in all its former magnificence. The Manx sailors
relate they often hear the tinkling of the church bell mider
the sea on a Sunday morning.
It is stated that Cardigan Bay was once the site of a sub-
merged city ; that the renowned chief O'Donoghue continues
to reside in a splendid mansion under the Lake of Killamey,
over which he is seen to glide on May day morning, riding on
a milk-white steed. Many other instances might be given of
•a similar belief, "traditions common to many nations which
bear upon that of the mysterious western land hidden in the
mist, which was once the Isle of Man, and is now to the
westward of Man.'' These are all founded upon incidents
which have been woven into popular tales ever since man
began to speak.
The septennial appearance of the submerged island near
Port Soderick is looked forward to with some degree of interest
by many in the Isle of Man. Many a time and oft had
Nora Cain heard her old grandsire relate the tradition of this
enchanted island at Port Soderick while sitting spinning by
the turf fire on a winter's evening. It was in the days of the
great Fin Mac Coul, that mighty magicicm, who, for some
insult he had received from the people who lived on a beauti-
ful island off Port Soderick, cast his spell over it, and sub-
merged it to the bottom of the ocean, transforming the
inhabitants into blocks of granite. It was permitted them,
once in seven years, to rise to the surface for the short space
of thirty minutes, during which time the enchantment might
be broken if any person had the boldness to place a Bible on
any part of the enchanted land when at its original altitude
above the waters of the deep.
On one occasion, it was about the end of September on a
fine moonlight nighty Nora was sauntering along the little bay
in sweet converse with her lover, when she observed some-
thing in the distance which continued to increase in size. It
struck her to be none other than the enchanted isle she so
often had heard o£ It continued gradually rising above the
surface of the water, when, suddenly disentangling herseK
from the arm of her lover, hastened home with aU the speed
she could, and rushed into the cottage^ crying out, breathless
with her haste, " The Bible, the Bible, the Bible !" to the utter
amazement of the inmates, who could not at the moment
imagine what had possessed her. After explaining what she
had seen, she seized hold of the coveted volume and hastened
back to the beach, but, alas ! only just in time to see the last
portion of the enchanted isle subside once more to its destined
fate of another seven years' submersion.
From that night poor Nora gradually pined away, and was
soon after followed to her grave by her disconsolate lover. It
is said, from that time no person has had the hardihood to
make a similar attempt, lest, in case of failure, the enchanter
in revenge might cast his club over- Mona also.
By Alexander Pope, is here given in order to bring before Manx
readers the translation of Mr. Kewley. Long were the critics divided
on the morality of Pope's verses, and bitter were their controvexsies,
and at length they were wisely suffered to expire.
Father of all ! in every age,
In every clime adored.
By saint, by savage, and by sage,
Jehovah, Jove, or Lord !
Thou Great First Cause, least understood,
Who all my sense confined
To know but this, that Thou art good,
And that myself am blind ;
Yet gave me, in this dark estate,
To see the good from ill ;
And binding Nature fast in fate.
Left free the human wilL
What conscience dictates to be done.
Or warns me not to do,
This, teach me more than hell to shun.
That, more than heaven pursue.
Translated into Manx by Mr. Kewley, of Ballafreer. ThiB trans-
lation is from a MS., written about the year 1812, and has not, I
believe, been printed. It is considered a good specimen of Manx Ter-
sification, and is thus given for the facility of easy reference.
Rieau er dyn chroe Ayr jeh dagh nhee,
Sheer dhyts ta ooashley ermaym,
Tn Noo, Ashoonagh, as Chreestee,
Ard Oyr dagh teshiaght mie as sie,
'Sbeg shione dooin mooads dty phooar,
She uss ny lomarcan ta mie,
As shin ayns dellid wooar ;
Son ooilley shen Tou er nyn rheyre,
Lesh toshtey as resoon ;
Ayns kianley dooghys kiart as chair,
Daag reamys-aighey dooiiL
Shen ta cooinsheanse roym dy leedeil,
Ny noi resoon cur raue,
Shoh soilshagh dou nurin hregeU,
Shen geearree geijagh Niau
What blessings thy free bounty gives.
Let me not cast away ;
For God is paid when man receives ;
To enjoy is to obey.
Yet not to earth's contracted span
Thy goodness let me bound.
Or think thee Lord alone of man,
When thousand worlds are round.
Let not this weak unknowing hand
Presume thy bolts to throw.
And deal damnation round the land.
On each I judge thy foe.
If I am right, thy grace impart,
Still in the right to stay ;
If I am wrong, teach my heart
To find that better way !
Save me alike from foolish pride,
Or impious discontent,
At aught thy wisdom has denied,
Or aught thy goodness lent
Teach me to feel another's woe,
To hide the fault I see :
That mercy I to others show.
That mercy show to me.
Mayniys dty vannaghtyn foayroil,
Lhig dou gjn Ihiggey sheese ;
Son JEE nie boggey jou y ghoaill ;
Ghoys soylley 'yioot lesh booise.
Cha nee gys shoh 'lhig dooys y haym
Dty vieys wooar cha cruin,
Chiam chammah dooin as da thousane,
Dy heihll mygrayrt-y-inooin :
Niartee m'annoonid ommijagh
Nagh jeanym briwnys creoie,
Ny seylagh coayl-anmey-dy bragh,
Dauesyn erlhiam ta dt'oi
My ta mee chairagh, our dou grayse,
Dy voddym geiyrt d'an chair ;
My ta mee oik, 0, insh dou saase
Dy voddym gaase ny share !
Saue mee veih moym fardail y theihU,
Veih seayhyn as anvea^
Gymmyrkey Ihiam ayns dagh failleil.
Shier freayll my chassan rea.
Lhig dou gys irimshey bradr chyndaa,
As cheillyn fooil sheelnaue :
My noidyn s'dewil ta d'olk gimraa>
Leih dooys myr leihym's daue.
Mean though I am, Dot wholly so.
Since quicken'd by thy breath :
lead me wheresoe'er I go,
Through this day's life oi death !
This day be bread and peace my lot :
All else beneath the sun.
Thou know'st if best bestoVd or not.
And let thy will be dona
To thee, whose temple is all space ;
Whose altar, earth, sea, skies ;
Oue chorus let all being raise !
AH nature's incense rise !
Ga to mee treili foast ta my vioys,
Paart jeh Aty obbyr vie :
O leeid mee ethill ayes kecayll as foayB,
Derrey nee oo m'eamagh thie I
Jni dy row beaghey cooie my chren ;
Freill mee veii oyx dy phlaynt^
Shione dhtya ere ta mee er my hon,
Afl dty aigney's dyrew jeant
Hoods ta dty Hiamble feayn gyn aione :
Dty altar, ooir, as aei ;
Aidveylley dooghya as ny tayn !
Dy row dy bragh dty chair !
AD. 1 643. The lUglit Hoble. James Earle of Derbie and liis Riglit
Honble. Conntesse invited all the Officeies, temporall and sperltnal],
the Cleigie, the 24 Kejea of the Isle, the CrownerB with all th^re
wives, and likewise the best sort of the rest of the Inhabitance of the
Isle, to a great maske, where the Right Hoble. Charles Lo. Stnmge,
with his traine, the right hoble. Ladies, with their attendance^ were
most gloriously decked with silver and gonld, broidered workes, and
most costly ornaments, bracellets on there hands, chaines on there
necks, jewels on there foreheads, earings in there eares, and crownes on
there heads, and after the maske to a feast which was most royall and
plentifall, wtL shuttings of omans, etc. And this was on the twelflh
day (or last day), in Christmas, in the yeare 1644. All the men. just
with the Earle, and the wives with the Countesse, likewise, there was
such another feast that day was twelve moneth at night beinge 1643.
Per me Tho. Parre, Vicr. of Malew.
The Honble. Charles was at this time about 16 years old, haying
been bom the 19th Jany. 1627.
This Thomas Parr was styled '' Surrogate,** and was vicar of Malew
in 1641 to 1691, and died in 1695.
A list of some of the principal characters present at these festivities
would be curious. We presume this worthy vicar of the parish must
have been present in his capacity of Register, taking note thereof — P. R
Taken from P. B's. MS. Extracts from the Episcopal Register, etc.,
p. in MS., 33.
These masques were very popular about this time, and
were acted both at Court and at the mansions of the nobility.
Mr. Parr, unfortunately, has not recorded the name of the
masque acted at Castle Bushen in these years ; probably it
was Chlorindia, one of the many written by Ben Jonson, and
performed at Court, by the Queen's Majesty, and her ladies,
at Shrovetide, 1630, in which Charlotte de la TremouiUe, Lady
Strange, was one of the fourteen nymphs who sat round the
Queen in the bower of Chloris. Their dresses are thus
described in Jonson's Works, vol viii London, 1816, p. 109:
— ** Their apparel white, embroidered in silver, trimmed at
the shoulders with great leaves of green, embroidered with
gold, falling one under the other. And of the same work were
their bases, their head-tires of flowers, mixed with silver and
gold, with some sprigs of segrets among, and &om the top of
their dressing a thin veil hanging down.'* The Derby family
were constant encouragers of these masques in England, hence
the introduction of them in their territory of Man, to beguile
the tedium of winter.
To any one curious to know the names of the masquers
who personated the nymphs in the masque above named, they
are thus given by the poet : —
1. Countess of Carlisle.
2. Countess of Camarvoa
3. Coimtess of Berkshire.
4 M. Porter.
5. Countess of Newport.
6. M. Dor. Savage.
7. Countess of Oxford.
8. Lady Howard.
9. Lady Anne Cavendish.
10. M. Eliz. Savage.
11. Lady Penelope Egerton.
12. M. Anne Weston,
13. Lady Strange.
14 M. Sophia Cary.
15. The Queen.
Ths mountain mentioned in the following legend ia sitaated on the
south side of St John's Valley, overlooking the Tyuwa ld Hill, and
is mentioned by old writers as the place from whence those sospected
of witchcraft or other dark practices, were hurled do^wn from iti
northern summit, finding a watery grave in the depths of the Ottrrag^
Gla$»j the Gray-Bog, which in those ancient days lay at its foot
The Rev. J. G. Gumming, in his hie of Man^ 1848, speaking of the
severe statutes enacted against witchcraft both in Bngland and
Scotland, says, " in an island like that of Man, where the wind howls
over heatheiy wilds, the lightning plays upon the sununit of dond-
capped motmtains, the thunder-peal rolls along dark and deep valleys,
and is re-echoed against an iron-bound coast, mingling with the roar of
the stormy billow in sea-worn caves and fearfully dismal chasms, we
need feel no surprise that in such an Island persons should be found
seeking gain by practising on the superstitious and awestmck feeUngi
of the ignorant, or that laws should be enacted to suppress, if possible,
such dark practices."
The legend here given is from the pen of Mr. John Quirk, of
Cam-ny-Gratie, Eirkpatrick, of whose poetical talent various spedmens
have been given in Mona Mucellany, who, from his mountain residence,
has no doubt heard those echoes of the wailing winds which have been
so often said to proceed from troubled spirits of former days, calling
forth many a legend, wierd and wild, that Mona's sons delight to hear
recorded while assembled around their winter's hearth. He considers
the name of Slieauwhallin to be derived from Slieau, mountain, and
aalin, fair and beautiful — " The beautiful mountain." Others ascribe
it to Slieau, a hill, and Whallin, a whelp— "the whelp's hill,"
while the Hev. J. T. Clarke says the real origin of the word ^ Slieau-
whallin ^ is Slieau-Whialliam, the hills of Quilliam, the oldest family
name on record as the proprietor of that hilL
Will any person now undertake the task of furnishing a
true, or even a fabulous account of the rise and progress of
the " Slieauwhallin Boagane," so famous in former days ?
IIow an apprentice, or a young journeyman tailor, living
with his master, in the vicinity of Glenaspet, was said to be
suspected of murdering his master^s wife, how he was accused,
tried, and condemned to suffer a horrible death, by being thrust
into a barrel thickly stuck with spikes or nails, with their
sharp ends pointed inwardly, and rolled down the precipiece
from the heights of Gob-ny-beinney, above Mullin-^-Chloia
How, &om first to last he pleaded his innocence of the crime
laid to his charge, and told his accusers that if he was not
guilty, a thom-tree would grow at his head where he was
buried, and that a well or spring of water would be found at
his feet^ which said well and thom-tree are said to be seen to
this day. And, moreover, how he warned his persecutors that
as sure as he suffered wrongfully, he would .continue to
frequent and trouble the locality as long as grass continued
to grow, or water to flow, and being faithful to Ms word, how
he continued to annoy and terrify the neighbourhood in past
His tremendous yells proceeding firom the Monapian
Sinai, frowning upon the TynwaJd Hill, were said to be truly
awful, often reverberating amidst the surrounding hills as
far as the Greeba rocks. Sometimes a solitary scream is
heard ; at other times they are repeated in pretty quick suc-
cession, and uttered with indescribable vehemence and fer-
vency, having some resemblance to the cries of a man shout-
ing at the top of his voice when tortured by the keenest
agonies of terror and pain, somewhat smothered and sup-
pressed by partial strangulation. Whether he hath varied
or enlarged his sphere of action or not since the commence-
ment of his career, would now be difiicult to ascertain, but
the mode of his proceeding during the last generations appears
to be somewhat as follows : — His first alarming note is com-
monly heard near the spot where he suffered ; then he takes
his flight, like a bird of passage, along the Slieauwhallin
ridge of hills, shouting at intervals as he goes, passing over
Arracy or Arrey-dee. Steering in the direction of Cronk-yn-
irree-laa» the echoes of his finishing scream are to be heard
dying away among the solitudes of the Dalby moimtains.
These are some of the fragments handed down to us by
our forefathers, the truth of which were seldom if ever
questioned among them, but the whole seemed to go down
with them as palatable as the history of the Illiam Dhone
tragedy, or any other story equally well attested. Many were
to be found in days gone by, who were ready to bear witness
to the truth of something like that which I have been
endeavouring to describe, and some sensible men are to be
met with at this day who appear to be perfectly satisfied of
the verity of the case, by having at one time or another had
an opportunity of hearing for themselves, though it may be
admitted that these opportunities are now few and far between
when compared with the tales of the last century. I have
never heard with any certainty what was the name of the
poor tailor who suffered, as it may be presumed from the
sequel, innocently; the letters W. Corran, are to be found
cut in a rock near the place of execution^ but whether this
was the young tailof s name or not, it is now impossible to
It is almost astonishing, after so much has been said, that
little or nothing to my knowledge hath ever been written
concerning this, one of the most popular of our insular
boaganes. Is any account to be found among the records of
old Mona concerning the days of spiked barrels, if ever such
days shone upon the island ; or is anything there to be met
with which could throw some light on these stories or how
they originated ?
It may be remarked that Arreyderyn is a Manx word sig^
nifying watchers or watchmen, Cranh-ynrirree-lcui ** The day
Watch HiUL" Both these places seem to have taken their
name from the constant watch kept there by our forefathers
in times of danger.
The Isle of Man was at one time the refuge for debtors
&om Great Britain and Ireland, as no debt contracted ofiT the
island could be sued for in it In consequence of this it
became the resort of a great number of persons who came
over to elude the payment of their debts, particularly after
the breaking out of the French Eevolution, when the Con-
tinent ceased to be their refuge. Many of this class were of
extravagant habits and of doubtful character ; this led to
great excess and frequent quarrels towards the end of last
century and the commencement of the present. A law was
consequently promulgated on the 24th March 1814^ being
** An Act for the more easy recovery of debts contracted out
of the limits of the Isle of Man." This was looked upon by
many as ruinous to the best interests of the island, but the
result proved the contrary.
Mrs. Bullock, who resided in the island at the time, gives
a graphic account of the doings of these gentry in her His-
tory of the Idand. The writer of the following lines, Miss
Gulindo, was no doubt one who availed herself of this
privilege :—
Welcome ! welcome ! brother debtor,
To this poor but happy place,
Where no bailiff, dun, or gaoler,
Dares to show his dreadful Cetce.
The circumstances attending the mutiny of the " Bounty "
have a peculiar interest to the natives of the Isle of Man,
as one of her sons was most painfully and unfortunately con-
nected with it. The history of that event has been so re-
peatedly published, that it is only necessary briefly to notice
it here in order to record how Mr. Heywood became impli-
cated in the transaction.
" The Bounty/' under the command of Lieutenant William
Blighy had been fitted up by Government under the care of
Sir Joseph Bankes for the purpose of conveying the bread-
fruit and other plants from Otaheite to the West Indies, to
which place she sailed from Spithead on the 23d of December
1787. Peter Heywood, the fourth son of Peter John Heywood,
Esq., Deemster of the Isle of Man, was born at the Nunnery,
near Douglas, on the 6th June 1773, entered the naval
service on the 11th October 1786, and made his first voyage
as a midshipman in the " Bounty." The vessel having so far
accomplished the object of her voyage, was on her way home,
when, on the morning of the 28th April 1789, the unhappy
catastrophe took place. From various causes disputes and
dissatisfaction had arisen in the vessel, and Mr. Christian,
the master's mate, who had for some time been doing lieuten-
ant's duty, having received some insulting words a few days
before from his commander, conceived the idea of seizing the
ship, which he accomplished with the aid of a portion of the
disaffected crew, and placed lieutenant Bligh and eighteen
companions in a small boat with only a very scanty supply of
provisions, who, after sufiering most extreme hardships, only
twelve out of their number lived to reach their homa
Young Heywood, having gone below for the purpose of
getting some clothes, was forcibly detained, and was thus
prevented joining Lieutenant Bligh in the boat. Upon the
news of the mutiny becoming known to His Majestjr's govern-
ment, the Pandora frigate, Captain Edwards, was at once dis-
patched to Otaheite in search of the mutineers, and on her
arrival out on the 23d March 1791, Heywood at once went
on board and reported himself to her commander, who in-
stantly placed him in irons. After taking twelve more of the
'* Bounty's " men on board, the Pandora was wrecked, when four
of the prisoners and thirty of the crew were lost. Undergo-
ing a variety of hardships, young Heywood arrived at Spit-
head on the 19th June 1792, and was placed in the Hector,
seventy-four, to await his trial, which took place on the 12th
September, and following days, along with the other prisoners
accused of mutiny. Heywood was condemned, but recom-
mended to the King's mercy, and on the 24th October the
King's warrant was despatched from the Admiralty, granting
a full and free pardon to Heywood and two of his companions.
The particular details connected with Heywood in this
affair are to be found in Tagarts' Memoirs of Captain Peter
Reywoody BJf., 8vo, London, 1832, in which work are also
those admirable letters of his sister, Nessy Heywood, eman-
ating as they do from a pure and heroic soul, are an honour
and a credit to her head and heart, so affectionately devoted
was she to her brother. Mr. Heyvirood afterwards re-entered
the navy, in which service he became honourably distinguished,
and ultimately retired from the service in 1816 on the arrival
of the Montague from the Mediterranean, of. which vessel he
was captain, being, as was the emphatic expression of one of
his shipmates, " perfectly adored."
He married, on the 31st July 1816, Frances, only daughter
of Francis Simpson, Esq., of Plean House, Stirlingshire, by
whom he had no family, and died on the 10th February 1831,
in the 58th y6ar of his age.
The following lines, written by his affectionate sister dur-
ing the time he was awaiting his trial, show how much her
fond mind was fixed on her unfortunate brother.
On the arrival of my dearly-beloved brother, Peter Hey-
wood, in England, written while a prisoner, and waiting the
event of his trial on board His Majesty's Ship Hector.
Come, gentle muse, I woo thee once again.
Nor woo thee now in melancholy sjrain ;
Assist my verse in cheerful mood to flow,
Nor let this tender bosom anguish know ;
Fill all my soul with notes of love and joy,
"So more let grief each anxious thought employ !
Betum'd with every charm, accompUsh'd youth !
Adom'd with virtue, innocence, and truth !
Wrapp'd in thy conacioua merit stiU remain.
Till I behold thy lovely form again.
Protect him, HeaVn, from dangers and alarms,
And oh ! restore him to a sister's arms ;
Support his fortitude in that dread hour
When he must brave suspicion's cruel poVr ;
Grant him to plead with eloquence divine,
In eVry word let truth and honour shine ;
Through each sweet accent let persuasion flow,
With manly firmness let his bosom glow,
TiU strong conviction,' in each face exprest.
Grants a reward by honour's self confest.
Let thy Omnipotence preserve him still.
And all his future days with pleasure fill ;
And oh ! kind HeaVn, though now in chains he be,
Bestore him soon to friendship, love, and me.
Nessy Heywood.
Isle of Man, Aiigitst 5, 1 792.
Thy lovely bay, thy noble pier ;
Thy woodland scenes, thy waters pure and clear ;
Thy breezes soft^ imparting health's sweet balm,
To cheer the mind, the body's pain to calm.
Thy lofty hills, with emerald verdure crowned,
Thy cattle feeding on the sloping groimd ;
Thy peaceful valley, dotted o'er with sheep.
Thy own pure river flowing to the deep ;
These, and a thousand charms, my heart beguile,
how I love thee ! Douglas of the Isle.
Thy rock of refuge, too, with beacon tower.
For hapless seamen, wreck'd in peril's hour ;
What words can tell the thoughts within me raised.
Of bliss bestowed, as on it I have gazed ?
To soothe each being who the storm outlives.
This little tower a welcome refuge gives ;
Where oft the home-bound sldfiF, in times of yore.
Hath struck upon the rock in sight of shore !
Oh» Hillary ! thy philanthropic heart
In love hath raised this magic piece of art ;
The bay's chief ornament, with use combined.
It stands the beacon, too, of thy great mind !
In chaste simplicity it rears its head,
Nor heeds the spray, nor wildest storm doth dread !
Secure within its sea-girt islet rock,
Its modest walls may brave Time's latest shock.
Thy scenes I still retrace, they still beguile
My heart to love thee ! Douglas of the Isle.
The following correspondence between Bishop Ward (who
was an Irishman) and the Duke of Atholl, about a site for a
new church in Douglas, produced the accompanying poetical
address. The author appears to be imknown.
Bishop's Court, July 2Zd, 1829.
My Lord Duke — I flatter myself your Grace wiU excuse my
communicating the accompanying appeal Your Grace knows
the deplorable state of the poor of Douglas with regard to church
room, which I know your Grace had long wished to remedy by
promoting the building of a new church, had not the people
marred the good purpose and hindered their own blessings. I
have a fair prospect of being enabled by the public bounty to
build a new church in that town. But we are greatly at a
loss for an eligible situation. There is not one suitable spot
except a small timber yard by the bridge, which is in your
Grace's possession. Archbishop Cranmer, it is said, was never
so happy as when he had an opportunity of exercising the
Godlike principle of doing good to his enemies. I will not
say the Manx are your Grace's enemies ; but they may have
given your Grace cause of vexation, and used the Bishop
worse. But as that is aU over, and can never recur, and you
are never more to meet, till you meet before the tribunal of
the Great Judge at the last day, I am persuaded your Grace
would like to have a memorial in the island of your forgive-
ness and good-will, and help them to a new church.
What I have to request of your Grace is an exchange of
the timber-yard by the bridge for the enclosed piece by the
Seneschal's office, which the Crown wiU grant me for that
purpose. There is very little difference in the quantity of
land, nor perhaps in the value.
The piece at the bridge is about 100 or 120 feet square.
The cliurch there would be a beautiful object on entering the
harbour, and from the road coming in and out of Douglas to
and from the country. It could never be surrounded by
buildings, being close on the banks of the river, and flanked
by the bridge and the highway. It would stand as a beautiful
and sacred memorial of your Grace's mtmificence long after
you were gone to receive your reward in the church trium-
phant in heaven. And though many of the present generation
might not feel the obligation as they ought, yet as we do not
build churches for the present race alone, generations yet unborn
would bless your posterity, and I would most gratefully pray
Grod to bless you and reward you a thousand fold as long as
I lived. — I have the honour to remain, your Grace's most
faithful and humble servant, W. Sodob & Man.
To his Grace the Duke of Atholl.
Dunkeld, 28th July 1829.
My Lord Bishop — I have the honor to acknowledge the
receipt of your Lordship's letter of the 23d inst., relative to
the spot of ground near Douglas bridge, which you consider a
suitable place for the erection of a church, and proposing to
give in exchange the enclosed piece, adjoining the Seneschal's
office. In reply, I beg leave to inform your Lordship that a
few days since I wrote to Mr. M'Crone, desiring him to
accept an oflTer of £600 from Genl. Goldie for the piece of
land, at the same time to give the refusal of it to your Lord-
ship, which before time I suppose has been done, but in
consequence of your letter I have this day again written Mr.
M'Crone, desiring him, in case he has not closed with General
Goldie's offer, to defer doing so until he receives further in-
structions, and that he should make me a report upon your
Lordship's proposal, which, as soon as I receive, I shall write
you again on the subject. — I have the honour to be, etc. etc.
Dunkeld, 10th August 1829.
My Lord Bishop — ^With reference to the Duke of Atholl's
letter to your Lordship of the 28th July, in reply to yours of
the 23d, relative to the spot of ground adjoining Douglas
bridge, which your Lordship wishes to have for the site of a
new church, I am directed by the Duke to inform you» that
having communicated your Lordship's proposal to Mr.
M'Crone, who had received previous instructions to offer the
ground to GenL Groldie for £600, giving, however, the refusal
of the ground to your Lordship, he finds Mr. M^Crone has
gone too far into negotiation with GenL Goldie to have it in
his power to comply with your wishes. — I have the honour to
be, eta etc. R C. Carbington.
My Lord Bishop to my Lord Duke.
I'm head of the church in Sodor and Man,
You, the great chief of a mighty great clan ;
You wear the kilt, I wear the cassock,
You pray, sans culotte — I on a hassock.
But most of my flock, they pray not at all.
For the sinners are many — ^the churches are small.
And och ! botheration overtake them I say,
From tJieir Lord, and your Bishop, they went far astray ;
Scom'd your rank and your power, his mitre and wig.
Disputed your rights, and refused his tithe pig ;
For which awful sins the/re in danger to go
Where they'll broil, and torment, and roast them below.
I've a scheme in my brain (in my wig if you please),
More churches to build, and chapels of ease ;
If you'U join in this plan, we'll remove all complaints.
And the next generation we'll turn into saints.
We've both got our saints in story wlio shiue,
Saint Andrew ia youis. Sunt Paddy is mine ;
And we've eacli gotten grace — of a different sort^
For mine's of the Church, and youra of the Court ;
Your grace from below, my grace from above,
Tour anger and rage, my mercy and love ;
We'll join in one plan to gain our own ends.
And the Du^e and the Bishop continue good friends.
The children we'll save from all that is evil.
The parents well send just plump to the devil ;
On earth youll ne'er meet them, but this is my text,
If they scape you in this world, you'll meet in the next
DURING HER Last Illness, March 27, 1828.
And must your sister Marcia die,
And leave you all to weep ?
And must she to her Father fly,
And bow at Jesus* feet ?
And shall you never hear her voice
In conversation, as before ?
Ah ! no ; she'll soon be lost in death.
And you shall see her here no more.
Your loss is her eternal gain,
To heaven by angels she'll be brought ;
'Tis there she'll never suffer pain,
Nor have one bad or evil thought.
In heaven her side will never pain,
Her aching head will be at rest,
Her panting heart will cease to beat
And she shall dwell among the blest.
In heaven she'll meet her brothers dear,
And sisters who are gone before ;
And Oh ! what glory shall appear,
When she shall land on Canaan's shore.
Oh ! then her Saviour shall appear,
With glory shining in his face ;
He'll reach his hand to draw her near.
To dwell within that happy place.
My dearest mother thinks it hard
To part with me and let me go ;
! yes, my mother, we must part,
And I must leave you here below.
Jesus, bless my parent dear.
My mother who will sigh and weep.
Teach her to say " Thy will be done,"
And sit like Mary at Thy feet.
mother, mind you'll watch and pray,
And then you shall sweet comfort find ;
Jesus will guard you every day.
And cast your troubles all behind.
My father dear, what shall I say
To urge you to return to Grod,
read your Bible, watch and pray,
And we'll meet in his blest abode.
Lord bless my brothers, sisters dear.
And all my friends that proved so kind ;
may you all to God draw near.
And stop not one dear soul behind.
I soon shall bid yon all farewell.
My blessing I do leave with yon ;
In paradise I soon shall dwell.
And bid the world and all adieu.
By Mrs. Griffith, 1889.
WoNDEB and anger oft I feel.
When wouldrbe^wUs depreciate Peel ;
To hear pert folly simpering say —
" If of the world you're tired, pray
Don't hang or drown — ^but only give
The world up, and to Peel go live ! "
This heartless taunt, this senseless ire,
Levelled at thee, made me inquire
Why, Peel, such mockery and scorn,
So long, unjustly, thou hast borne ?
I find that 'tis in vmUh alone,
The neighbouring towns have thee outshone.
To noMM^s gifts and beauties, see,
With lavish hands bestowed round thee.
Thy daughters modest, wise, and fair,
Ingenuous, artless, kind, sincere —
Patterns of rectitude through life.
As mother, daughter, friend, or wife.
Thy sansy for talents, worth, and sense,
Must surely chum pre-eminence I
WhoVe without wealth or interest risen,
To the first rank to Manxmen given.
Thy schools have taught those first who stand.
In worth and wealth throughout the land,
Though now alas ! th^ ruined lie,
Sad cause for philanthropic sigh !
Thy sesTus aroimd more beauties boast
Than any part on Mona's coast ;
Thy sloping hills, thy valleys green,
Thy shore and bay, where oft are seen
Thy busy fleets with plenty crowned.
Whilst cheerful hum is heard around
Thy fine old ruin bids us sigh,
Musing on greatness long gone by ;
For kingly pomp and mitred care
Lie buried and forgotten there !
Yet shall the kind benevolent mind
This generous exaltation find.
That halls where prince and prelate reigned^
Are not by prisons now profaned.
The felon's chain, the debtor's moan,
Are there alike unheard, unknown ;
We view with pleasing admiration,
It's greatness, even in desolation !
On summer^s eve how calm to stray
When the last sunbeams quivering play.
And tinge with gold the silvery spray,
Along the shore, or climb the height.
Where sun and landscape charm the sight.
Then ask, what world must I forego
To enjoy this fair expanse below ?
Here peace and nature seem to tell
Of fairer worlds where spirits dwelL
Here, then, may I in life's decline,
Ambition, folly, pride, res^ ;
Here strive to learn and tread the way
To heaven ! and oh ! may all who stray
From that blest path, repent^ and give
Their world up — dmie to Pedr-^ani live.
In aid of the Funds' for the House of Industry, August 1848.
By Paul Bridson, Esq.
Prat, stop my good Mend, for a moment attend,
Assist us in helping the poor ;
Ah ! I see by your smile you will tarry a while,
And cheerfully join ns, I'm sure.
Very useful the task which we venture to ask.
And easier than many by far.
Then list to my verse, wide open your purse,
And buy at our Douglas Bazaar.
Bless me ! what a sight ! 'tis quite a delight^
Such a store of nice things to behold ;
Let us visit each stall, and look at them all,
And a few of them turn into gold.
With happy beguiling the ladies are smiling,
Each one like a beautiful star ;
We must jdeld to their sway, and please them to-day,
For they rule at our Douglas Bazaar.
Now what will you buy ? — ^to please you 1*11 try,
Bags and baskets, we have them by dozens ;
All shapes and aU prices — very clever devices —
They'll do for your sisters and cousins.
I'm sure you may find something quite to your mind,
Grave or gay, or whatever you are ;
For the ladies intend to suit every friend.
Who may visit our Douglas Bazaar,
Pincushions abound, flat, oblong, and round.
And in truth there's no lack of good purses ;
Even caps, I declare, for the babies are there.
So carry them home to your nurses.
Backs, screens, cigar cases, and sweet little faces
On dolls that have come fix)m afar ;
'Tis really quite funny to see how the money
May be spent at the Douglas Bazaar.
There ! look at that stall, it is just what I call
A display of real beauty and taste ;
And here you may find some food for the mind.
These volumes are temptingly placed.
The drawings I mention, as worth your attention.
Sure a trifle will never debar —
Or check your desire firom being the buyer
Of these — at our Douglas Bazaar.
We have some things for using, and others amusing.
As you'll easily see by these lines ;
Clever puzzles to wit, and slippers to fit.
And cases and bands for divines.
Gray aprons and shawls may be bought at the stalls,
Turkish cushions and urn rugs there are ;
And worsted work rare, nicely wrought by the fair.
For the good of our Douglas Beizaar.
And should you but wish to partake of a dish
Of choice fruits or other refection,
Just look you around, and a stall may be found
Beplete with the nicest confection.
Of ices a store, and many things more.
Too numerous to mention by far ;
So sit down if you please, and be quite at your ease.
In the midst of our Douglas Bazaar.
And again, after all, view that beautiful stall,
Beplete with the choicest of flowers ;
For here you may buy a charming bouquet^
For the ball when the evening lours,
There's the post-oflSce, too, with letters for you,
From your Mends and admirers afar ;
And if you'll but pay the high postage this day,
You'll assist much our Douglas Bazaar.
Then, ladies, come view, and gentlemoi too.
Our wares of all sorts and aU sizes ;
And when Christmas shall come, you'll find out
that some
Will suit well for presents and prizes.
Now look at them well, I am sure they must sell,
And won't let them stay where they are ;
So open your heart, and refuse not to part
With your cash at our Douglas Bazaar.
That my rhyme is spun out, you cannot now doubt^
And my verse 'gins to falter and jar.
My brain's in a mist, so kind patrons list
To the laureate of Douglas Bazaar.
While Stanley's life-like face you scan.
You recognise the King of Man ;
But learn his death fix)m histoiys pen.
And then you see the King of Men.
It was also written of this renowned nobleman and ruler
of Man —
An Isle in antient times renowned by fame.
Lies full in view, and Mona is the name ;
Once bless'd with wealth, while Derby held the sway.
But now a broken, rough, and dangerous way.
This Earl of Derby was unjustly beheaded at Bolton,
Lancashire, on the 15th October 1651. Upon his cofiSn
being conveyed to a house in the town, there was thrown
into it a piece of paper, on which was written these hues-
Bounty, Witt, Courage, here in one lye dead,
A Stanley's hand, Vere's heart, and Cecil's head.
A Legend of the Calf, by Miss £. Nelson.
There is a tradition that a little rain on the island, called the ^^ Calf
of Man," was fonnerly tenanted by a man who retired to this wild
spot in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, imposing upon himself a solitaiy
residence as a penance for having killed a beautiful woman in a fit of
Fab 'mid the rocks of Man's wild shore,
An aged sinner dwelt —
But earthly tongue might never speak
The pangs that sinner felt
Far in a cavern by the shore,
Of dark Castrooan flood,
A fearful voice wail'd evermore,
- " Old sinner, blood for blood ! "
Yet many a day had that old man mourn'd
Through a weary pilgrimage ;
Rat can hard fare, or penance drear,
Guilt's burning pangs assuage ?
The tears of heartfelt penitence
Are registered in Heaven ;
But that grey man ne'er shed a tear.
That old man was unshriven.
! he bare a deadly sin I ween,
The voice wail'd — " blood for blood ! "
And the islesmen said, misdeeds had been
By dark Castrooan's flood.
And that old man's harp was the white, white bone,
Its strings were soft golden hair,
And the sinner in his sleep would moan,
" Dead ! dead ! although so fair ! "
And the simple iaiemeii, many a day.
Held manrd of the same ;
And many a mother bless'd heisel^
For thoughts she might not name ;
And many a maiden's cheek was pale^
To cross the gloomy strath —
Alas ! there was a weaiy corse
Upon the old man's patL
There is a headland bare and bold
By Mona's lovely isle ;
And there the wanderer may behold
A solitary pile ;
The hoaiy sinner reai^d that pile.
That time-worn *' cruciform,*
And there full many a day moom'd he.
Above the mist and storm.
There is a cave within the rock.
As dark as evil thought ;
When winds howl'd loud, and waves dash*d light.
Its gloom the sinner sought
Where not a ray of heaven's light,
Could that wild temple pierce ;
Oh ! he would mock the mad tempest
With laughter loud and fierce !
Oh, what is elemental wrath
To the deep mental strife ?
Alas ! the sinnei^s bitter laugh,
With agony was rife ;
It mock'd, yea mock'd the elements,
It mock'd his own sad soul ;
Woe, and alas, for evil hearts
And minds that spurn control !
And years went hj, and from his cave
The sinner pass'd away ;
None knew the wherefore^ when or how —
None know it to this day !
Where'er he went, whatever his fjGtte,
All dark Gastrooan's flood
Cotdd never £rom his conscience cleanse
The memory of blood.
Go, view those monuments of old.
They tell a fearful tale
Of deeds that blanch the cheek, and make
The stoutest hearts to quaiL
Alas ! there was doom for the sinner grey.
That passeth not with time,
Oh ! well may the islemen, shuddering pray
''Lord I save us &om aU crima"
By the Eev. J. L. Petit.
MoNA, farewell ! the bark is manned.
To bear me to another strand,
And other scenes, and other skies.
By mom's grey dawn must greet my eyes ;
Yet shall my memory love to dwell
On the lone isle of rock and dell,
Chafed by the ocean's whirling foam.
Within whose deep secluded home
The busy world is all unknown ;
Or marked by distant peaks alone,
To him who haply gazes round,
From giant Sneafell's topmost mound.
What time the morning's ruddy light.
Gleams fresh on Cronk-na-Irey's height.
When the brisk sea-breeze, clear and cool.
Sweeps o'er the crest of bpld Barrule,
And circling round Slieauwhallin's falls,
The tutelary mist dispels.
If nature's charm, and fancy's thrill,
Can chase the spirit's cheerless chill,
If records of the past can bear
Our minds from present scenes of care ;
If the rude cross and sculptured stone
Brings visions of an age unknown.
If Peel's grey towers and ruined walls
A wondrous train of saints recall ;
If yet the fairy loves to dwell
On the green brink of Maughold's well,
let me often roam again
Through thy brown heath and rugged glen.
Or list to Foxdale's fitful roar.
Or wrapt in legendary lore.
Linger at eve and muse awhile
la Trinian'e dark and ruined aisle,
Where the stout tailor undismayed.
Throughout the twilight's deepening shade.
In spite of goblin, fiend, or witch.
Plied boldly the creative stitch.
E'en in the very face of him,
Whose spectral image, swart and grim.
Scares the lone wanderer on his path.
And heedless of his threatened wrath,
A neat habiliment began.
And finished, for the nether man ;
Then fied unscathed, and refuge found.
Beyond the streamlet's mystic bound.
But hark ! I bear the warning bell,
lAud of the rock and glen, farewell.
And if thy bard should tempt again.
The perils of the stormy main,
let lus welcome be as &ee
As that which be hath met bom thee ;
May kindly heart and Mendly smile
Receive him back to Mona'a Isle.
EKEATA IN MoNA Miscellany, First Semes.
The reader is requested to note the foUowing errata in Manx, which
appeared in the first series of Ucfna Miscellany^ corrected by the Rev. J. T.
Ckrke, late chaphun of St. Mark's.
Page zii line 19. —for Ghaelgagh, read Ghailckagh.
Page ziiL lines 21, 22,— For fo-sniaghtey, read fo-niaghtey.
Page xiv. line 1. — For honiney, read honney.
Page 23, line 18. — For Gorree, read Ghorree.
Page 26, line 9. — For Gilley-GIiash, re<id Gnilley-ghliash.
Page 27, line 2. — For mooar moayney, read vooar voaney.
Page 27, line 8. — For olty, read olt
Page 27, line 9. — For traaste, read traisht
Page 27, line 26.— For Ta, read Ta'n.
Page 28, line 15. — For kiark, read chiark.
Page 28, line 20. — For chice-mean, read chin-vean.
Page 29, line 2. — For roo, read ro.
Page 29, line 18. — For chaa-croie, read cheh-creoL
Page 29, line 24. — For oo ns choyrle, retid yiow ass ooyrlee.
Page 80, line 8. — For chaa-croie, recui cheh-creoL
Page 80, line 7.— -For innen-slooid, read inneen-sloo.
Page 81, line 20. — For jeeah shin, read Jee shin.
Page 88, line 6. — For dogh na-dtiiy, read clagh ny-dfy.
Page 88, line 14. — For clag-kielain, read dagg-kiauUane.
Page 88, line 22. — For derry bought, read derrey TQght.
Page 80, line 2. — For Marrey, read Varrey.
Page 88, line ZO.—For nyne kenghey, read dty hengey.
Page 57, line 1. — For Ghaelgagh, read Ghailckagh.
Page 66, line 5. — For nyrgedelin, read myrgeddin.
Page 67, line 12,— For Theah, read Theay.
Page 75, line 2. — For air, read aer.
Page 75, line 8. — For Toangll, read ToayL
Page 76-77. — ^The spelling of the Manx is given as in Bishop
Wilson's Works.
Page 106, line 11. — For gig, read jig.
Page 106, line 17,— For Eaad, read Raad.
Page 106, line 17. — For dyraghyn, read ayraghyn.
Page 115, line 8. — For Ta traa goll ne raad, read Te traa gooill
y raad.
Page 117, line 81. — Same. Same.
Page 186, line 8. — For skaddan read skeddan.
Page 187, line 18. — For thie, read hie. *
Page 147, line 28. — For Oie honiney, read Oie hoimey.
Page 177, bottom. — Aggym, leave out.
Page 182, line 29. — For Creest y Chrosh, read Creest er y Chrosh.
Page 188, line 8. — For dy ghrach, recid dy ghra eh.
Page 188, line 5. — Ghra eh, leave out
Page 188, line 20.— For shoh read dy.
Page 227, line 21,— For Townley read Blundell.
1. That the aflGurs of the Society shall be conducted by a Cooncil,
to meet on the first Tuesday in every month, and to consist of not
more than twenty-four members, of whom three shall form a quorom,
and that the President, Vice-Presidents, the Hon. Secretaries, and
Treasurer shall be considered ex officio members. The Council may
appoint two acting Committees, one for Finance and the other for
2. That a Subscription of One Pound annually, paid in advance, on
or before the day of annual meeting, shall constitute Membership ; and
that every Member not in arrear of his annual subscription be entitled
to a copy of every publication issued by the Society. That no member
incur any pecuniary liability beyond his annual subscription.
3. That the Accounts of Receipts and Expenditure be examined
annually by two Auditors appointed at the annual meeting, on the 1st
of May in each year.
4. That Six Copies of his Work be allowed to the Editor of the
same, in addition to the one he is entitled to as a Member.
5. That no rule shall be made or altered except at a Qeneral Meet-
ing, after due notice of the proposed alteration has been given as the
Council shall direct The Council shall have the power of calling
Extraordinary Meetings.
First Ybab, 1858-59.
YoL I. — An Accomit of the Isle of Man, with a Voyage to I-Columb-kill,
by William Sacheverell, Esq., late Goyemor of Man. 1703. Edited, with
Introdnctoiy Notice and Copious Notes, by the Bey. J. G. Gumming, M.A.,
F.G.S. Pp. xyi-204. Pedigree.
Vol. II. — ^A Practical Grammar of the Ancient Gaelic, or Language of the
Isle of Man usually called Manx. By the Bey. John EeUy, LL.D. Edited,
together with an Introduction^ Life of Dr. Kelly, and Notes, by the Bey.
William Gill, Yicar of Malew. Pp. zlyiii-92.
Second Yeab, 1859-60.
YoL III.— Legislation by Three of the Thirteen Stanleys, Kings of Man,
including the Letter of the Earl of Derby, extracted from Peck's ' * Desiderata. "
Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by the Bey. William Mackenzie. Pp.
xiz.-224. Plate.
Vol. lY. — ^Monumenta de Insula Mannise, or a Collection of National
Documents relating to the Isle of Man. Translated and edited, with Appen-
dix, by J. B. Oliyer, Esq., M.D. YoL L, pp. xy.-244. Plate.
Yol. Y. — ^Yestigia Insula Manni» Antiquiora, or a Dissertation on the
Armorial Bearings of the Isle of Man, the Begalities and Prerogatiyes of its
ancient Kings, and the original Usages, Customs, Priyileges, Laws, and Con-
stitutional Goyemment of the Manx People. By H. R Oswald, Esq., F. AS.,
L.B.C.S.E. Pp. ix.-218. Ten plates.
Thibd Yeab, 1860-61.
YoL YI.— Feltham's Tour through the Isle of Man, in 1797 and 1798,
comprising Sketches of its Ancient and Modem History, Constitution, Laws,
Commerce, Agriculture, Fisheiy, etc., including whateyer is remarkable in
each Parish, its Population, Inscriptions, Begisters, etc. Edited by the
Bey. Bobert Airey. Pp. xyi-272. Map. Four plates. Three woodcuts.
YoL YIL — ^Monmnenta de Insula ICannise, or a Collectioii of Natioital
Documents relating to the Isle of Kan. Translated and edited by J. R
Oliyer, Esq., M.D. Yol. II., pp. zzl-250. Map.
YoL YIII. — Bibliotheca Monensis ; a Bibliographical Acooiint of Works
relating to the Isle of Kan. By William Harrison, Esq., H.E. Pp. ▼iu.-208.
FouBTH Tear, 1861-62.
YoL IX. — Monmnenta de Insula Mannis, or a Collection of National
Documents relating to the Isle of Man. Translated and edited, with Appem-
diz and Indices, by J. R. Oliyer, Esq., MD. YoL III., ppl 272.
Yol. X. — A Short Treatise of the Isle of Man, digested into six chapters.
By James Chaloner, one of the Commissioners nnder Lord Fair&x for settling
the affidrs of the Isle of Man in 1052, and afterwards Goyemor of the Island
from 1058 to 1600. Published originally in 1656 as an Appendix to King's
Yale Royal of England, or the Comity Palatine of Cheshire. Edited, with
copious Notes and an Introductory Notice, by the Rot. J. G. Cumming, M. A.,
F.G.S., Rector of Mellis, Suffolk, late Warden of Queen's College, Birmii^-
ham, and formerly Yice-Principal of King William's College^ Isle of Man.
Pp. YiL-188. Map. Four plates. Five pedigrees.
Fifth Tear, 1862-63.
YoL XL— A Description of the Isle of Man : with some Usefnl and
Entertaining Reflections on the Laws, Customs, and Manners of the Inhabit-
ants. By George Waldron, Gent, late of Queen's College, Ozon. Printed for
the Widow and Orphans, 1781. Edited, with an Introductory Notice and
Notes, by William Harrison, Esq., Member of the House of Keys, Author t>f
•* Bibliotheca Monensis. " Pp. xxv. -155. Plate.
Yol. XII. — An Abstract of the Laws, Customs, and Ordinances of the Isle
of Man, by Deemster Parr. From an unpublished MS., supposed to be
written about 1690. Edited by James Gell« Esq., H.M.'s Attomey-Genera],
Castletown. YoL L, pp. zyL-241.
Sixth Year, 1863-64
YoL XIIL—Fockleyr Manninagh as Baarlagh Liorish Juan y Kelly.
Edited by the Rey. W. Gill, Yicax of Malew. Part I.
An English and Manx Dictionary prepared from Dr. Kelly's Triglott Dic-
tionary, with alterations and additions from the Dictionaries of Archibald
Crogeen and John Ivon Mosley, by the Rev. William Gill, Yicar of Malew,
and the Rev. J. T. Clarke, Chaplain of St. Mark's. Part II. Pp. 482.
SEViaaTH Ye^ 1864^66.
YoL XIY. — Memorials of God's Acre ; being Honmnent&l Inscriptions in
the Isle of Man, taken in the sommer of 1797, by John Feltham and Edward
Wright. Edited, with an Introdnctoiy Notice, by William Hairison, Esq.,
Author of '< Bibliotheca Monensis." With six plates of the old churches.
Pp. xr.-182.
YoL XY. — ^Antiqoitates Mannise, or, a Collection of Memoirs on the Anti-
qtdties of the Isle of Man. Edited by the Bev. J. G. Gumming, M.A., P.G.S.
Pp. yiii.440. Twenty-four plates and eleyen woodcuts.
Eighth Tbab, 1865-66.
YoL XYI. — Mona Miscellany. A Selection of Proverbs, Sayings, Ballads,
Customs, Superstitions, and Legends, peculiar to the Isle of Man. Collected
and edited by William Harrison, Esq., Author of Bitlwtheoct Monensia.
Pp. xy.-241. With the music to three songs.
YoL XYIL — Currency of the Isle of Man, from its earliest appearance to
its assimOation to the British Coinage in 1840 ; with the Laws and other
circumstances connected with its History. Edited by Charles Clay, Esq.,
M.D., President of the Manchester Numismatic Society, etc., assisted in the
Paper and Card Currency by John Frizzel Crellin, Esq., M.H.K., Orrysdale,
Isle of Man. Illustrated eztensiyely with photographs, lithographs, and
woodcuts. Pp. zi-215.
Ninth Tbab, 1866-67.
YoL XYIII.— The Old Historians of the Isle of Man— Camden, Speed,
Dugdale, Coz, Wilson, Willis, and Grose. Edited by William Harrison, Esq.
With three maps and thirteen plates. Pp. ziy.-199.
Tenth Tbab, 1867-68.
YoL XIX.— Becords of the Tynwald and St. John's Chapels in the Isle of
Man. By William Harrison. With an Appendix, containing an Account of
the Duke of Atholl taking possession of the Isle of Man in 1786. Also^ a
Lay of Ancient Mona. Pp. ziY.-148. Fourteen plates.
Eleventh Teae, 1868-69.
YoL XX. — Manx Miscellanies. YoL I.
(Nearly ready to be issued. )
TwrnPTH Tkab, 1869-1870.
(No Workfl issued for this Tear.)
Thirteenth Teab, 1870-71.
Vol. XXI. — Mona Miscellany. A Selection of Proyerbs, Sayings, Ballads,
Customs, Superstitions, and Legends, peculiar to the Isle of Man. Second
Series. Collected and edited by WHliam Harrison, Esq., Author of Btblio-
theca MoTiensis. Pp. zyi-285. Two plates. With the music to one song.
fa II